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Archive for the ‘LE’ Category

Newtown CT – A Tragedy

Monday, December 17th, 2012

On Friday a young man brutally murdered his mother in her Connecticut home and then inexplicably took firearms from the home he shared with her and proceeded to Sandy Hook Elementary School where she worked, systematically killing another 26 innocents. Among the fallen are 20 children. Very young children. My heart goes out to the survivors and the families of those taken. I cannot imagine the pain they are feeling.

I have kids, including a child almost as young as the victims. The significance of this event isn’t lost on me by any means. However, I am also a responsible gun owner. Seeing as how I am a reasonable guy and a responsible person, I’m not so foolish as to want to blame an inanimate object for this tragedy. Instead, I’ll blame the shooter. I know for some it’s a bold move, holding someone accountable for murder. But many people can’t grasp the horror of what happened so they want to blame something, anything for this tragedy. So, they blame guns. That same day in China, another madman used a knife to cut 22 school children. Sure, they weren’t killed and some hold this up as a testament to the success of total gun bans. But I’m appalled at this line of thinking. People act as if its ok that those children were disfigured. How about this? It’s not ok.

So far, we don’t know much about the Newtown shooter or his motives. There are reports that he suffered from mental illness. And, that’s an easy case to make considering that no sane person would murder 26 of his fellow man in cold blood. But we still don’t know much about his state of mind or what set him to this bloody task. But I’d say that the China slasher was a nutjob as well.

Newtown is a tragedy, but is this a national tragedy? In my eyes, no. But it does highlight some serious issues. First, you can’t legislate away evil or crazy. Second, we have got to have a serious debate about mental illness in this country. Third, “gun free zones” are unsafe ( see issue number one).

Bad people are going to do bad things no matter what the laws are. They are criminals and the law doesn’t mean much to them unless they know that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. If the perpetrator is criminally insane then the ability to reason and consider the consequences of his actions is impaired. How can you legislate that?

One of the things I learned as a force protection officer in the Air Force was that hard targets deter threats. Schools in particular, and others where large groups of people congregate should be hard targets. Responsible, properly accredited citizens should be allowed to carry weapons and armed guards should be provided in areas that feel the need. Bad people, even crazy, bad people should look at a school and say to themselves, “too hard, I’ll fail.”

On Friday, the threat was mentally unstable but even in the recent past the threat has been terrorists who will use any form of violence at their means including items we consider mundane. As a Nation we have enjoyed a relatively safe society and have become complacent. We should all be vigilant to threats, no matter the source and should work together to harden our community’s critical infrastructure against threats. I would say that schools are critical infrastructure as they house our most precious resource; our children.

Unfortunately, the timing of this horrific event couldn’t be worse. Our Nation faces an impending fiscal crisis. This might sound harsh to some of you, but by focusing on the event in Newtown, we take the pressure off of the President and Congress to work out a deal and this is a mistake. They deserve every bit of our attention. Their inaction got us into this mess and further in action will affect us all, in many negative ways. The grieving process for the Newtown tragedy will go on for some time. On the other hand, as a Nation, we are on a train with no engineer or conductors and we are heading at breakneck speed for a cliff. No one is paying attention.

Finally, I’d like to leave everyone with a thought. This has already been politicized before anyone knows what the facts are. Draconian gun laws were enacted in the United Kingdom as well as in Australia after mass casualty shootings. Politicians took advantage of heated public emotionalism fanned by a media bent on “ratings” to pass laws that result in such silliness as the British government incarcerating an SAS hero who had an illegal handgun. Do not let that happen here. Engage your elected representatives. Join and support the NRA.

Firearms aren’t at fault here. In fact, just the opposite holds true. Firearms are one of our only true deterrents and responses to criminal insanity, no matter what form it takes. I ask my fellow countrymen to grieve for the victims but to not act rashly. Don’t treat the symptoms and think that you have cured the disease.

SOMA – Day 2

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office

Defensor Fortis Bracelet from Survival Fashion

Sunday, December 9th, 2012


Here’s something cool that I ran across for my USAF Security Forces buddies. It says ‘Security Police’ which reminds me. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years since the change but do any of you guys remember why they changed it from SP to SF?

Get yours through Survival Fasions.

Forces Focus – SOBR (Police Special Squad of Russia)

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

Combat Shop RU produced this video featuring the SOBR (Police Special Squad of Russia).


Daniel Defense and National Firearm Finance – Offering Financing for LE Officers

Friday, December 7th, 2012

This is pretty good news for LEO trying to get a rifle on a limited income. Daniel Defense is working with National Firearm Finance to offer financing for rifle purchase.

National Firearm Finance is dedicated to providing manufacturer direct prices and low-cost consumer loan financing to US Law Enforcement Officers including local, municipal, county, state and federal law enforcement officers for the purchase of firearms, firearm accessories and law enforcement specialty products.

Jay Duncan, Vice President, Sales and Marketing for Daniel Defense said, “Daniel Defense has been working diligently to find a qualified lending partner to offer their consumer lending services to LE agents, allowing them to purchase our LE packages under fair and reasonable lending terms. We have found that partner in National Firearms Finance and we are excited to launch the program.”

Dean Waters, Founder, National Firearms Finance said, “Our mission at National Firearm Finance is to be the preferred firearm financing source to Law Enforcement Officers. We aim to be the best at what we do and likewise, we want to partner with the best firearms manufacturers. We are extremely excited to announce our partnership with Daniel Defense in offering low cost financing for the purchase of select Daniel Defense Law Enforcement Rifles.”

While the terms and the conditions of the loan are based on the LE agent’s credit history, rates are as low as 6.78%. Learn more at their website.

The Daniel Defense LE packages offered under this financing plan are the Special Services Package, Lightweight Package and the Patrol Rifle Package. All the packages come equipped with an Aimpoint PRO, Blue Force Gear VCAS Sling, and 3 Magpul PMAGs.


Mercedes Ener-G-Force Patrol Car Concept for 2025

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

Created as part of the Los Angeles Auto Show’s Design Challenge 2012, the Ener-G-Force from Mercedes was envisioned as a highway patrol car for the year 2025.

It features a hydrogen powerplant and abandons the G-wagen’s boxy exterior for some swoopy goodness.

New Police Symbology Patches from SOTech

Thursday, October 18th, 2012


Narcotics, Patrol Rifle, Riot Control and HAZMAT patches have been added to SOTech’s line of Police Symbology. The patches are hook and loop backed and also have a low-profile fabric loop for hang cord attachment for use as a gear bag identifier. The first symbology patches SOTech designed were military oriented and are provided on official SOCOM issue Mission Go Bags and SOF medical bags identifying the contents of the bags for quick recognition in the field. From these symbols, SOTech developed the TMPST magnet tile planning and training tool that is currently in use throughout the Army. Over the last year personnel from LAPD, LASD and other local departments have been working with SOTech to adapt both TMPST and the symbology patches for law enforcement use. Stay tuned, SOTech is already designing another set with input from SSD reader suggestions.


NRA Life of Duty Patriot Profiles “DEVER”

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012


NRA Life of Duty presented by Brownells and Smith & Wesson are paying tribute this month to the last of the great cowboy sheriffs Larry Dever – a man who always stood up for his beliefs regardless of the cost. View the Patriot Profile Trailer below and visit the NRA Life of Duty Patriot Profiles channel sponsored by Smith & Wesson.
