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Archive for the ‘MDM’ Category

MDM – OTTO – Dual Comms H-250

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014


OTTO has solved an issue that has plagued radio operators since the concept of dual comms in a single radio came out. Their new Dual Comms H-250 handset has two buttons, one for each channel. How sweet is that?

MDM – Blue Force Gear – Helium Whisper M4 Triple

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Blue Force Gear has introduced a M4 Triple Mag Pouch.


It incorporates their Helium Whisper technology as well as the ball detail which makes the flap easier to grasp.

MDM – Polaris Defense – DAGOR

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014


This is the first public glimpse we’ve had of the Polaris Defense DAGOR.


MDM – WL Gore & Associates – MultiSpectral Concealment Systems

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014


WL Gore is offering a new application of the MultiSpectral concealment technology used in the Turkey Suit we showed you last year. Now, they are offering hide systems that can be used to conceal a variety of emplacements and systems such as fighting positions and vehicles.


As you can see, the technology does a great job of concealing the user under thermal sensors (LWIR above) but it also offers visual, niR, SWIR and MWIR.

The hide systems are reversible and can be used for a variety of environments such as desert, woodland or transitional. Additionally, they can be daisy chained together to create a variety of configurations.

MDM, Gentex/Ops-Core – TBH II MC

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

The Tactical Ballistic Helmet II – Mission Configurable from Gentex integrates an ACH shell in High, Mid or Regular cut with Ops-Core’s Skeletal VAS Shroud, ARC Rails and X or H-style chin strap. The helmet also comes with issue Team Wendy ZAP pads or Gentex Adjustable Thickness Pads. You’re looking at about $450 for this helmet fully configured.


Click to view .pdf
Data sheet TBH-II MC family of helmets 9-2014-1

MDM – Battle Systems LLC

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Battle Systems is introducing the Multipurpose Marker Panel (MP2B).


Developed by EAGLEelement and Battle Systems this multifunction signal panel vp an be attached to a day pack but can also be used as a bag for a variety of uses such as SSE.

MDM – Wilcox Industries – Exothermic Mini Cutting Torch

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014


The exothermic mini cutting torch features three key components:

-Hellboy torch handle will fit multiple size torch heads without altering the handle.

-Brand new 410 cu in bottle manufactured from spun carbon fiber.

-FirstSpear carrier will fit either 410 or 285 cu in bottles.

MDM – Gentex / Ops-Core

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

The New Lightweight Marine Corps Type II helmet is now being issued to Marines.


It integrates an ACH shell coated in Coyote CARC paint with walnut shell with Team Wendy ZAP pads and a new revised chinstrap that eliminates the padding at the cheeks.