Pod combines wide-area hyperspectral capability with wide-area motion imagery (WAMI) and high-resolution imagery

The Multi-Modal Sensor Pod combines wide-area, hyperspectral, and high-resolution sensors into a single podded system, with real-time onboard processing and storage. (Graphic: Business Wire)

FAIRFAX, Va.–Logos Technologies announced today that it will be exhibiting for the very first time its airborne, platform-flexible Multi-Modal Sensor Pod (MMSP) at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Meeting and Exposition, on October 14-16.
Mounted on planes, helicopters and Group 3-5 unmanned aircraft systems, the MMSP houses:
• A wide-area motion imagery (WAMI) system,
• a wide-area hyperspectral imager,
• a high-resolution spotter, and an
• onboard embedded processor for real-time processing and storage.
The three MMSP sensors work in partnership, with autonomous cross tasking, to deliver comprehensive, multi-layered information in real-time.
“This is invaluable and a great force multiplier to the warfighter,” said Doug Rombough, VP of Business Development for Logos Technologies, “because it greatly reduces the number of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance sorties needed over a target area, saving time, saving platforms and saving equipment.”
As part of the MMSP, the WAMI system can image a city-sized area in medium resolution, enough to detect and track every mover within the vast scene, while the narrow-field high-resolution spotter can be cued to monitor 10-plus locations automatically, providing identification-quality imagery.
The hyperspectral imager provides additional information by scanning the scene for unique spectral signatures of camouflaging netting, explosive stores, tank hulls or any other relevant targets. The MMSP hyperspectral imager covers an area 15 times larger than that of traditional hyperspectral sensors.
“The MMSP covers an area in real-time as well as records, tags and stores up to eight hours of imagery for review by analysts while the pod is still in the air. It does all of this while fitting in a package that weighs less than 100 pounds (45kg),” Rombough said.
In addition to the MMSP, Logos Technologies will also be exhibiting the following lightweight WAMI systems:
• the Redkite platform-flexible pod,
• the Redkite-I for the Insitu Integrator,
• the Kestrel Block II for aerostats, as well as
• the Multi-Modal Edge Processor.
For more information on Logos Technologies and its innovative sensor products, please visit Booth 1467, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, in Washington, D.C., or the company website: www.logos-technologies.com