NEMO Equipment has announced the launch of its Advanced Linking Combat Shelters (ALCS) at Warrior East and Outdoor Retailer. This is their press release on the new shelter. What’s really cool is that they have incorporated the WL Gore Shelter Fabric. Additionally, they’ve introduced the Interchangeable Camouflage Cover that allows you to use one shelter, yet blend into multiple environments.

The ALCS 1P SE and ALCS 2P SE are positioned to lead the industry in materials, technology and innovation, while addressing the current and future needs of our military and government users. NEMO has partnered with the leading domestic small shelter factory, Diamond Brand, and the leading technical fabric manufacturer, W.L. Gore & Associates, to provide the most advanced Berry Compliant all-weather combat tents on the market. Coupled with the NEMO Losi Combat 2P SE tent, these shelter systems provide significant improvement over incumbent designs currently in use by the US Army and USMC.

“The Advanced Linking Combat Shelters (ALCS) 1P and 2P SE represent a significant step in providing the Warfighter with the best shelter technology for the adverse climates he/she faces today and in the future. The truly innovative linking capability of the shelter means that each Warfighter can be self-sufficient but still possess the ability to link into a “buddy” for the night. The single wall GORE-TEX Shelter Fabric offers reduced signature properties in a waterproof/breathable fabric meeting flame retardant requirements. We expect this shelter to have a substantial impact within our combat forces,” said Mike Sullivan, President and Chief Product Developer, NEMO Shield™.
“We’re delighted to team up with NEMO to equip our Warfighters with better performing, lightweight and packable gear. Our new GORE-TEX Shelter Fabric enables innovative single-wall shelter designs with enhanced concealment, breathable comfort and protection in the harshest operational conditions,” said Eric Gaver, Product Specialist, W.L. Gore & Associates Inc.
The ALCS series offers a lightweight, four-season, single-wall design that allows for significant weight reduction. The innovative linking capability provides a ‘buddy-team’ benefit while still allowing for self-sufficiency in combat environments. Minimal componentry and an integrated pole design allow for fast erect and strike times regardless of conditions. An optional Interchangeable Camouflage Cover (ICC) offers a lightweight, compact, and highly cost effective solution for adapting the tent to different areas of operation. One ALCS tent with 3 different ICC covers provides a higher performing and lower cost solution than 3 tents in 3 different colors or patterns. NEMO is currently developing ICC in MARPAT Desert, MARPAT Woodland and MultiCam and expects to have other patterns available for the new U.S. Army Camouflage.
ALCS1P and 2P SE will be available for order in the Fall.
For much of the last decade, NEMO has been engaged in research and development with the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Center and the U.S. Special Operations community. From this effort came NEMO Shield™, forward thinking shelter designs that reduce weight and cube, improve concealment, increase comfort and livability, and maximize operational flexibility and efficiency for the Warfighter. Many of our elite forces have depended on NEMO tents, shelters, sleeping gear, weapons bags, and other products to take full advantage of what limited comfort and protection can be found on the battlefield. NEMO is intensely proud to serve these service men and women, and aims to design, engineer, and manufacture the best equipment solutions possible.
Warrior Expo EAST
July 12 1030 – 1600 EDT
July 13 1030 – 1500 EDT
Virginia Beach Convention Ctr
Virginia Beach, VA