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Archive for the ‘SERE’ Category

Navy and Marine Corps SERE School

Monday, December 15th, 2014

A very quick look at the Navy and Marine Corps Survival Evasion Resistance Escape school in Maine.

New Survival Video Series From Panteao – Make Ready To Survive

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

I am super stoked about this new series of videos. They have lined up some serious talent and each title will give you a variety of expert points of view on the subject at hand.

Survival Series Full Page Ad

Columbia, SC, October 22, 2014 – Panteao Productions is proud to announce the upcoming launch of the Make Ready to Survive instructional video series. This line of instructional videos is a departure for Panteao from the firearms training videos the company is known for producing.

“This was a pretty large undertaking for us. In order to get the shots we needed, our crew filmed on location in the everglades of FL, the back country of Ohio, the mountains of Colorado, and eastern Texas. Five instructors were selected to teach the series based on their background and life experiences. Each brought something different to the table and combined makes for one heck of a learning experience,” said John Tormey, Director of the Make Ready to Survive Series.

Fernando Coelho, president of Panteao Productions, added, “We received a tremendous amount of support from manufacturers and suppliers when we told them about the survival series. It was with their help that we were able to make this series possible. We originally thought we would have content for three videos. When we were finished filming we ended up with thirteen different titles in the series.”

Instead of reality show entertainment like the current television shows on prepping and doomsday survival, the Make Ready to Survive videos are a true tutorial to help you and your family. Whether you live in the heart of the city, on the outskirts in a quiet neighborhood, or out on a farm, the Make Ready to Survive videos show you techniques that are critical for survival, review gear and supplies to have on hand, and all aspects of proper planning. Most importantly, the videos will bring you piece of mind.

The instructors in the series include former US Army Delta Operator Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder Self Reliance School, US Army Special Forces Green Beret Kyle Harth, disaster preparedness consultant and author Jim Cobb, and NE MacDougald, who started his career in Vietnam with the 519th Military Intelligence Bn (MACV), and today is an author and consultant.

The video series will debut both on DVD and HD streaming video in December with three titles from the series. Then additional titles will be released each month from January through April of 2015. More info on the survival series can be found on the Panteao website at: panteao.com/survive

Forces Focus – Pararescue Rodeo

Sunday, October 12th, 2014


Thirty-four pararescuemen from active duty, guard, and Reserve recently participated in a competition hosted by the pararescue schoolhouse, Detachment 1, 342nd Training Squadron at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, on September 22nd through 27th.

The pararescuemen were split into 8 teams, and were tested on land navigation skills, high-angle rope rescues, survival techniques, medical skills, weapons operations and overall physical endurance.

To see the rest of the photos, visit www.flickr.com/photos/usairforce/sets/72157648485594032

ITS Tactical – Mini Survival Kit (MSK)

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014


ITS Tactical’s Mini Survival Kit or MSK is a small pocket-sized survival kit that strikes a balance between being minimal and cost efficient while being functional in virtually any survival scenario. The majority of items in the MSK are individually poly-bagged for added water resistance.

The contents are as follows:

1x Ferrocerium (Ferro) Rod
5x Tinder-Quik Fire Tabs
6x Lifeboat Matches w/ Striker
1x Fresnel Lens
1x Mini Signal Mirror
1x Glow-in-the-Dark Button Compass – Grade AA
6x Feet of Brass Snare Wire
6x Feet of 188 lb. Test Kevlar Cordage
10x Water Purification Tabs
1x Emergency Water Bag (5” wide x 14” tall)
1x FRS (Folding Razor Saw)
1x Steri-Strip R1541 (1/4? x 3? – 3 strips)
1x Triple Antibiotic Packet
1x ITS Laser Engraved Logo on Silver Hinged Tin (3 3/4″ x 2 3/8″ x 7/8″)
1x Dri-Card Desiccant
6x Inch Strip of Duct Tape
2x Rigger’s Rubber Bands


Ceramic Escape Knife from Gearward

Thursday, August 28th, 2014


Seen here with other items, the Ceramic Escape Knife from Gearward makes a great emergency backup knife. The uses are limited but by your imagination.


As you can see, it can be also stored in a wide variety of locations on your clothing, footwear and kit for retrieval and use in the most dire of circumstances. Being ceramic, it’s also not going to set off magnetometers.


A simple storage compartment can easily be created with the aid of the CEK.


-Ceramic blade stays sharp 10x longer than steel
-Will not rust
-1.75″ x 0.4″ closed; 1.25″ cutting edge
-Weighs 2.5 grams – as much as a penny
-Made in Canada


EJ Snyder Featured In American Survival Guide

Monday, August 25th, 2014

Who remembers American Survival Guide from the 1980s? It enjoyed a long run thanks to the survivalist movement that had sprung up. When the economy improved in the 90s, it was gone but it has found a new lease on life due to the rise of the prepper community.


You may have heard of EJ Snyder from his two appearances on the Discovery Channel show “Naked and Afraid” as well as other TV appearances. Some of you may know him from his 25 years of military service as he retired as a Sergeant Major from the US Army.


In the latest issue of American Survival Guide, EJ shares his top 10 tips for staying alive. He isn’t all Hollywood. EJ is an instructor at the US Army’s SERE school at Ft Bragg. While it might be old hat for some, it’s worth a read.

VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools

Monday, August 18th, 2014


With the adoption of LEDs, the traditional battery-and-bulb flashlight became largely obsolete, as LEDs are capable of producing light with reduced power requirements. VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools were created to utilize the form factor of these traditional flashlights by using a small form LED light and converting the extra handle space into storage for outdoor and survival gear.

Made from MilSpec 6061 seamless extruded aluminum, the VSSL is a waterproof 8″ x 2″ tube which comes standard with a dual mode LED flashlight and an oil filled compass. VSSLs are currently being offered in three configurations: Supplies, First Aid, and Shelter, which feature pre-packaged components. The Supplies configuration, for example, includes the following items, stored in tins specifically designed to fit in the VSSL:

• 4 hour pure Canadian beeswax candle

• Razor blade

• 6 Aquatabs® water purification tablets

• Wire saw (high tensile, 60lb working strength with handle straps)

• Aluminum beadless emergency whistle

• Waterproof matches

• Tinder Quik® fire starters

• Fishing Gear

• Signalling Mirror

• Kevlar® rope (150lb breaking strength)

• Reflective trail markers

• P38 military GI Type can opener

• First aid supplies

Made and assembled in Canada, using components from Ireland, India, USA, China, Mexico and Canada. Currently available for pre-order, with an expected ship date sometime in Fall 2014. If you’re interested in picking up one for yourself, they currently have promo code PREORDER20, which will save you 20% off your order.


OR Summer Market – Zubin Axe

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

The Zubin Axe caught my eye as I walked through the maze of booths in the three outdoor pavilions. It consists of a hiking staff and a series of optional heads that change the function of the device.


Heads include Axe, Saw, Slingshot, Spear and Fishing Spear.
