
Archive for the ‘SOF’ Category

SOC-F Raises Over $2M to Support Special Operations Personnel and Their Families

Friday, April 28th, 2023

Atlanta, GA – April 27,2023- Special Operations Care Fund (SOC-F), a non-profit grant making organization that is focused on the needs of current and former Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel and their families, is proud to announce that they have secured $2.1 million dollars (a new record) for their partner treatment programs, following their annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser held at Barnsley Gardens Resort, north of Atlanta, GA.

Hosting friends, family and supporters of the Special Operations community, SOC-F’s annual event was a fundraiser like no other. From a sporting clays tournament, to a women’s only pistol class, hosted by World Champion, Jessie Harrison, there was truly something for everyone to enjoy.

“What this incredible community has given to our heroes and families in the Special Operations Community, is time to do the ‘normal’ things that others take for granted,” stated SOC-F Executive Director, Jeremy Morton. “We are so proud of how the SOC-F family came together to raise this staggering and humbling amount for our SOF heroes.”

The money was raised from a combination of live and silent auctions, as well as generous donations over the course of the two-day event. Auction items ranging from custom firearms, to knives, hunting experiences and one-of-a-kind art pieces by world renown performer, Joe Everson, that brought in an unprecedented sum for the organization.

SOC-F’s grants generally fall in two major categories including family resiliency and medical care that is not currently covered by insurance or government programs. The funds raised will be immediately invested into the SOC-F caregiver programs, supporting treatments in TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), PTS (Post Traumatic Stress), Endocrine System Therapies, Marriage and family Counseling, Gold Star Kids Camp, K9 therapy and more.

“The objective in hosting this annual event, is to create a platform for positive change; raising not only money but awareness of the incredible work being done in the community of treatment and care for the SOF Warriors,” stated SOC-F co-founder, David Kramer. “The impact this funding will have on the lives of the SOF members, their families and children we and our caregiver programs serve will be immeasurable.”

AFSOC Hosts Semi-Annual SAF/FM Executive Session

Sunday, April 23rd, 2023


Carlos Rodgers, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller, recently met with senior leaders here to discuss the strategic issues and priorities impacting the financial management career field.

The meeting was hosted by Air Force Special Operations Command at the Joint Operations Planning Center for members of the Executive Session.

“The AFSOC team provided exceptional planning support and created an environment that drove the success of this session,” said Rodgers.

During the three-day executive session, FM leaders engaged in detailed discussions on the future design of financial management functions. The participants covered topics such as resource management optimization, budgeting in the garrison and deployed environments, and enhancing customer service.

“We need to achieve these goals while balancing audit requirements, automating processes, improving data analytics capabilities, and maintaining a highly trained, diverse, and inclusive workforce.” said Rodgers.

Events like these can help improve the future of the Air Force by ensuring commanders have the resources they need to properly handle the mission in today’s shifting operational and constrained financial environment.

Additionally, timely and accurate delivery of financial services allows Airmen and Guardians to focus on the mission instead of the cost of how to accomplish the mission.

Furthermore, these types of events can also improve business systems and processes that will lead to accurate financial statements, thereby driving increased confidence with Congress and the American taxpayer.

“The overarching intent of the session is to improve the delivery of financial management services and decision support across the DAF,” said Rodgers. “With a focus on driving progress toward the vision set out in the DAF FM Strategic Plan, the attendees reviewed the progress, re-vectored as necessary, and established a clear way ahead for each line of effort.”

Insights gained from this executive session are integrated into AFSOC and the Air Force’s overall strategy and operations.

Jeff Decocker, AFSOC director of Financial Management and Comptroller, pointed out that AFSOC stands at a strategic inflection point.

He also stated that the challenges that AFSOC face include great power competition, tightening fiscal constraints, and the accelerating pace of technological change. This ensures that AFSOC will overcome those obstacles, it starts with Airmen because they form the core of Air Force competitive advantage.

AFSOC efforts are focused on providing forces ready to generate advantage in competition, enable the joint force in conflict, and respond to crises while remaining engaged in countering violent extremist organizations.

“The Department of the Air Force must invest in operational capabilities that protect our ability to deter conflict and project power against pacing challenges,” said Rodgers. “Financial management is at the core of our ability to accelerate these investments.”

Innovation is an integral part of the Air Commando culture and that extends to the Comptroller community.

Hurlburt Field is leading an initiative to improve financial customer service across the Air Force. The 1st Special Operations Comptroller Squadron created an appointment-based system enabling a virtual face-to-face meeting between the customer and the member using Microsoft Teams. This innovative approach gives time back to the customer enhancing mission accomplishment.

AFSOC FM is also partnering with our U.S. Army and United States Special Operations Command counterparts to implement financial approaches to impose cost, reduce purchasing power, and decrease our adversaries’ operational efficiency. Understanding how our adversaries move, store, and use resources can be a powerful deterrent for our commanders to apply down range.

Many innovations are being brought to fruition by Airmen, Guardians, and senior leaders throughout the Air and Space Force.

“The DAF FM Executive Session is a critical element in maintaining the momentum toward building the future FM organizations and capabilities needed by the Department of the Air Force,” said Rodgers. “This executive session was an essential step in improving financial management across the Air and Space Force.”

By U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Alysa Knott

1st Special Operations Wing

SOFWERX Announces Science and Technology Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 23.2 and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) 23.B Pre-Release

Saturday, April 22nd, 2023

The USSOCOM Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs will soon be accepting submissions for the technology areas of interest below.

Special Area of Interest

SOCOM23B-001: AI/ML Aided Aviation Sensors for Cognitive and Decision Optimization (STTR)
SOCOM232-002: Hokkien Low Density Language System (SBIR)
SOCOM232-003: Higher Density Handheld Radio Batteries (SBIR)

SOCOM232-D004: Digital Augmentation for Analog Systems (SBIR)

On 26 April and 04 May, SOFWERX will host virtual Q&A sessions for the areas of interest.

Submissions Open 17 May 2023

For more information, visit


Monday, April 17th, 2023

MACV SOG Legend John Stryker Meyer has a new website that links directly to SOGCast, his interviews with Jocko, as well as the books he’s written over the years.

SOFWERX – Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS) Replication Collaboration Event

Monday, April 10th, 2023

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM, U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), will host a series of events beginning 8 June 2023 to replicate IADS for USSOCOM training purposes.

Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) is the training focus of the Army. The Combat Training Centers (CTC) offer large scale complex training on real world problems in a controlled environment. Enemy IADS pose a large threat in LSCO by denying friendly air superiority and friendly Freedom of Maneuver (FOM). IADS can be targeted in multiple ways to achieve desired effects. The current problem is the CTC visually modified (VISMOD) IADS, used for training, offer only visual targeting exploits. In order to replicate a realistic challenge in LSCO, a complex IADS VISMOD with digital sigatures needs to be created to increase training value.

The objective of this effort is to create an electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) capability that can be exploited in various ways to increase training value.

Interested parties should RSVP NLT 17 May 2023 11:59 PM ET.

To learn more, visit

5th SFG(A) Runs Two MRZR in MINT 400 Race

Saturday, April 8th, 2023

5th Group entered two Polaris MRZR Alphas in the recent MINT 400 Offroad race in Primm, Nevada.

Special Forces Operational Detachments negotiated the long distance, off-road course to hone their skills and vehicle maneuver capabilities.

Warrior West 23 – DWE-SPO Assault Respirator

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

The Assault Respirator from the Special Projects Operations division of DWE Plastics was designed beaded upon a SOF requirement to provide ocular and respiratory protection against Riot Control (CS/CN/OC) and biological agents, radiological particulate matter, and select toxic industrial chemicals and materials.

It can quickly be donned, even while wearing a helmet and provides eight hours of protection. Additionally, it will connect with comms and hydrations systems through ports at the front.

Currently, it is a one-time use mask. However, further development includes the integration of swappable filters. They are also working to offer a black version of the mask along with small, medium, large and x-large sizing.

Units and agencies can procure products seen at Warrior West by contacting ADS, Inc.

1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) Tests New Prototype Glider

Friday, March 31st, 2023

YUMA PROVING GROUND, Ariz. – In February 2023, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) successfully tested a new unmanned aerial delivery platform, the GD-2000 glider (glider disposable 2000 lbs.). This glider is an alternative to the current means of supply delivery into diverse environments. Implementation of the glider will result in enhanced capabilities of the Special Forces detachments deployed through varied, and often restrictive, terrain.

Timely and accurate resupply is imperative to the success of combat operations.

This success does not only lie with the operators on the ground but also with utilizing emerging technology. The GD-2000 is a glider platform that Special Operation Forces innovators hope will revolutionize aerial delivery to Green Berets in the field.

“It’s an autonomous aircraft that carries 1,500 pounds of payload,” said Chip Yates, CEO of Yates Electrospace, and the creator of the glider.
“It flies for 15 minutes, flares and lands where you want it,” he continued.

Traditional supply delivery systems can be more cumbersome and more detectable by the enemy when compared with the glider. It was birthed out of a request from the U.S. Marine Corps as an alternative to the Joint Precision Air Drop System (JPADS). JPADS tend to be both larger in size and have limited ability to maneuver through the air, making them less accurate, especially over long distances or in high-wind conditions.

“What this glider does is give us a much greater [travel distance] and a much greater glide ratio into a target,” said a Special Forces detachment commander, whose team tested the glider.

The GD-2000 is a small aircraft designed to land at a precise location while being released from a greater distance than traditional supply drops. The glider can travel up to 40 miles once released and is completely disposable once on the ground, allowing it to be left in denied or contested territory without compromising the security of the Soldiers receiving the supplies or the technologies or techniques employed by the U.S. military.

“If we are able to get [the glider] up to 40,000 feet we’re looking at [travel distances] in excess of 25 to 30 miles. That’s a pretty unique capability and not matched by anything we currently have,” the commander said.

This would also allow for aerial delivery to remote islands that require a greater level of precision to reliably reach their destination. With some modifications, the designer of the glider claims it can also land and be recovered in a maritime environment, further enhancing resupply capabilities to the sort of small islands often found in the Indo-Pacific.

During the testing, the GD-2000 carried a 1,000-pound payload and was airdropped from a C-27J plane. During several drops, the glider landed within 30 meters of its intended target at Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona. The hull of the aircraft was still intact and protected the cargo inside.

“[The glider] gives us the ability to drop this from a plane outside of controlled airspace into international air space and fly resupply in from an unmanned autonomous craft. It’s a huge enhancement to the mission” the commander said.

1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) is committed to innovating beyond the status quo. Today’s tests and experiments are done to ensure that tomorrow’s problems do not catch us off-guard. Enhancing our capabilities fosters an environment of competency within the unit and allows for our Soldiers to continue the mission of maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific.

Story by SGT Thoman Johnson, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne)