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Archive for the ‘TacCraft’ Category

ITS Introduces the Lishi Trio Pouch

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

[ARLINGTON, TX, 08/12/2024] Imminent Threat Solutions is proud to introduce the all-new Lishi Trio Pouch! It’s the ultimate rapid-access storage method for carrying the three most commonly used Lishi 2-in-1 Lock Pick Tools. Sleek and thinner than a card sleeve wallet, the Lishi Trio is made from durable ballistic nylon, velvety smooth interior-fabric and flexible elastic. It keeps your Lishi Picks protected, organized and ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

The soft interior of the Lishi Trio Pouch offers three channels for storage of Lishi Picks and was designed to store (1) each of the SC1, KW1 and M1 Lishi Picks. Additionally, there are two smaller interior channels to store things like our 2-Piece Ti Concealment Toolset and/or a hex wrench for adjusting/changing the orientation of the Lishi Tension Bar.

On the exterior of the case, the Lishi Trio Pouch utilizes a small elastic strap to keep the pouch closed until access is needed. By pulling down on the strap, the pouch can be opened and a Lishi Pick can be easily retrieved.

For more information on ITS products, please visit

We Need These Skills Now More Than Ever

Thursday, August 8th, 2024

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

— Robert Heinlein
“Time Enough for Love”

US Army Military Mountaineer Course Knot Guide

Sunday, April 21st, 2024

The Military Mountaineer Course Knot Guide comes straight out of the Army Mountain Warfare School at the Ethan Allen Firing Range in Jericho, Vermont.

Get your copy here.

TRC Outdoors – Jungle Loop Line

Thursday, April 11th, 2024

My friend Tom Blakey, aka @prepared_pathfinder has shared some photos of the new Loop Line he received from TRC Outdoors. TRC Outdoors refers to theirs as a Jungle Loop Line but we just called it a Loop Line. I hadn’t seen one of these in years, it’s great that someone is still making them. When I was in the Army in the late 80s and early 90s a Loop Line was an essential bit of kit.

For some time, guys ran around with a 12′ hank of GI climbing rope to do some of the things you could do with a Loop Line. Before that the British Toggle Ropes were all the rage.

It’s a piece of 1” tubular nylon with a loop sewn at either end. Many were remanufactured from lowering lines. Although often, guys would just throw a length of tubular nylon in their butt pack and tie off loops at the end if needed. Oddly enough, Natick made a run of them in-house and I somehow got ahold of it and carried it on my kit until I went into the Air Force.

It could be used anytime you needed a line, either alone or in conjunction with other Loop Lines. You combined them by tying a girth hitch in the loops and could make a line as long as needed for something like a river crossing. This way, each member of a patrol could contribute to a longer line without burning one guy with a whole coil. It could also be used to make an individual rappelling Swiss seat and is more comfortable than using US GI rope. Other uses include lashing down tarps, securing poncho shelters, etc. A Loop Line is one of those multi-purpose items you get a lot of use of on a long patrol.

Here’s an older video by Prepared Pathfinder.

The TRC Outdoor model comes with a DMM Carabiner and a laser cut laminate, PALS compatible carrier, Tom’s is in Tigerstripe and I am jealous. The ones on offer come in either Multicamo or Ranger Green.

Spiritus Systems Presents: Banned State EDC

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

How do you protect yourself while traveling? Being on the road all of the time, this is an issue I struggle with and it’s only exacerbated while traveling overseas. Even some
of the most innocuous stuff like a first-aid kit and a pen knife can get you hemmed up.

Adam Holroyd of Spiritus Systems breaks down some options.

ITS Lock Pinning Mat

Thursday, October 27th, 2022

Imminent Threat Solutions is proud to introduce the ITS Lock Pinning Mat. This ultimate workspace tool is purpose built for the locksport enthusiast and offers a dedicated space for disassembling and rebuilding your locks. Made from a durable rubber, each features an anti-slip bottom to ensure your mat and contents stay put.

The four sections of the ITS Lock Pinning Mat provide the opportunity to sort lock contents, as well as change and manipulate components. The Upright Cylinder Channel holds the ITS Modular Lock (available separately as an add-on item) perfectly in an upright configuration and offers enough room to store the ITS Reverse-Grip Pinning Tweezers (available separately as an add-on item.) The Shear Line Check Box features a slight ramp that assists in guiding pins down to the built-in shear line. The opening to the right of the ramp allows keys to lay flat, so pins can be properly lined up with each cut in the key.

The Parts Garage is an open section that’s available to store items you’re actively working on, like security pins you may be swapping in, or small tools you may be using. Lastly, the Pin Stack Columns feature 28 individual Storage Cubbies to house the internal components of a lock separately (Cap, Spring, Driver Pin and Key Pin) so they don’t get mixed up. The columns can accommodate up to 7 full pin-stacks.

Imminent Threat Solutions provides indispensable skill-sets and products to explore your world and prevail against all threats.

For more information on ITS Security products, please visit

ORSM 22 – Brunton

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

A fundamental FieldCraft skill is using a map and compass.

Brunton manufactures a wide variety of professional and recreational compasses. They also offer this set of Backcountry Use Quick Reference Cards as an aide memoire.

The eight waterproof cards include:

1 Map Slope Indicator Scale (works with both metric and standard map scales)
2 How to Orient a map to true north
3 Taking a map bearing
4 Sighting a field bearing
5 Travel a compass bearing
6 Triangulating a location
7 How to use Romer Scales
8 Suggestions when you are lost
9 Water tips
10 Common knots
11 Calculating hike times
12 Metric and Standard Topo Buddy scale cards

Jerome Fire Department Rope Rescue Competition – November 4-5, 2022

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022

The Jerome fire department is seeking teams to compete in their Rope Rescue Competition, November 4-5 2022 in Jerome, Arizona. ?

Contact Dan via email at