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Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

SureFire Field Notes Ep 38 – Combatives Based Retention Shooting with Bill Rapier

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Bill Rapier of Amtac Shooting discusses retention shooting in relation to combative techniques.

Bill Rapier spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL teams with the last 14 as a member of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU). His assignments included assaulter, breacher, sniper, team leader, troop chief, and military working dog department senior enlisted adviser.

Bill is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Gustavo Machado (Virginia Beach), has been training in Sayoc Kali since 2006, and has trained in western and Thai boxing as well. He is now the owner/operator of American Tactical Shooting Instruction & Amtac Blades.

Corps Strength – When Tires were just Tires and why Consistency beats Intensity

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Many years ago, before I was born again as a Marine, I worked. I didn’t go to college, or join the military right after high school like most of my friends. I just worked and not inside flipping burgers, or on a factory assembly line. Hard labor is the only way to describe most of my life between the ages of 17 and 21 and it was all outside in every type of weather the northeast has to offer. I first worked setting concrete foundations for my Uncle, until he got tired of my smart mouth and shit-canned me. After that I worked at a gravel plant (for a whopping $2.90 an hour), where they turned raw cut bank into aggregate for concrete. Week nights I pursued a hazy dream of a boxing career and on weekends (which most of the time meant just Sunday off), drank a lot of beer, chased girls and routinely put my boxing skills to test in local gin mill parking lots, all of which yielded mixed results. Looking back on it now after almost 40 years, it was all at once a very physical, simple and fun life. The kind of life that many people lived back then and the kind of life that made you old quick. But, no doubt it was a great prep school for my future life as a Marine.

My boss at the gravel pit was a huge old Italian guy who ran our collection of misfits, drunks, convicts and other wanna-be tough guys with a huge iron fist. He rarely spoke to me other than to point out my mistakes, “If I was to open your head, I would find nothing but two people F**king!” Was one of his infamous lines for my daily screw ups. However, he was a great man, that I deeply admired. A WW2 Army Sgt and natural leader who I learned a lot from, mostly about how to lead rough, hard-headed men “down in dirt”, like is often the case in the Marine Corps. In any case, early every morning, when it was normally still dark (as we always started work there at the: “Crack of Christ”). He would pull out his already well chewed cigar just long enough to bark that day’s work orders to me. I was not only by far the youngest person there, but lowest of the low on the pecking order. When I first started working there, I was somewhat at a loss as to what I was supposed to be doing? So like the young dumb ass I was, I asked my boss for guidance. I’ll never forget what he said. “Kid, have you ever been to a chicken farm?” “Yes”, I said, I had. “Did you ever see a pile of chicken shit there?” “Yes”, I had seen those piles. “Did you ever notice that at the top of every pile of chicken shit there is always a little white dot?” “No, I never noticed that”. “Well, there is and do you know what that dot is? “No”, I said, now curious. “It’s Chicken Shit like the rest of the pile, but that little white dot is you and your job is to stay on top of all the chicken shit jobs that need to be done around here.” That was my first and only in-brief as to my new job. My official title was “yard man”. Which meant my daily duties could be anything from greasing trucks, testing sand gradation, to shoveling out spilled sand from the rock crusher, to helping the mechanics. In the two years I worked there, I don’t think I ever had two days of work that were exactly alike. It was all hard work in any case, most of it I enjoyed, however;

One freezing cold winter morning my boss says; ‘Today you go help Frank”. “Ok”, I said, But shit, that wasn’t good news. Frank was our tire guy. He worked in the basement of our main garage. It was a dark, cold and dirty place. If you’ve every spent any time working on truck tires and I don’t mean the nice clean tires you see people flipping around for PT nowadays. But, the dirty, greasy tires that constantly go on and off trucks and bucket loaders. It’s a hard and very dirty job. Frank was an older man in his 50’s. A small, wiry, tough little guy who almost always worked alone. By himself, he would just toll away, repairing flats and changing tires in the “Dungeon”. Frank was friendly enough, (a former Korean war Marine), a little weird though, kind of a “Ben Gun” type if you ever read the book “Treasure Island”. A few times before I’d been assigned to help Frank and while he was a decent guy, it was a shit job I despised. It was cold as hell in that dark, damp place and I knew I would filthy five minutes in. Plus, if you didn’t know it, setting split rims on those big tires is a very dangerous job. Many people have been killed by exploding split rims over the years. Needless to say I wasn’t happy.

The reason I had to help Frank on this particular day was that we had gotten a few dozen new tires delivered and he had to get them rimmed up and ready for use ASAP. When I got down there Frank pointed to the big pile of huge tires that had been dumped by the garage door. He told me that he needed me to spread them out around the floor so he had room to mount the rims. Feeling pissed at my assignment and already freezing my ass off in that damp place, I just got to work, flipping and moving the heavy tires around as fast as I could. One big tire was too much and as I was standing there catching my breath, thinking about how to move that big bastard. Frank came over and said: “Hey kid, you need to slow down, you can’t rush this stuff.” “Why, I want to get this crap over with.” I replied. “I get that son, however. Your going to hurt yourself doing like you’re doing, you need to use your legs more.” With that he deeply squatted next to the same big tire (and with a Lucky Strike hanging from his mouth), in one quick motion flipped the several hundred pound tire over. Now like I said Frank was a little guy, white haired and about 130lbs in his heavy winter work clothes. I doubt if he had every lifted a weight in his life and probably hadn’t done a lick of PT since he left the Marine Corps many years ago. Taking a drag on his smoke he said: “I’ve been doing this for over 20 years, but you may not make it through the day if you don’t take it easy.” As hard headed as I am, it was impossible not to see he was right and from then on worked at a more deliberate pace moving the rest of the tires.

Now what is the point of this long boring story of a blue-collar kid’s life? The point is as how this relates to the fitness world of today, both in and out of the military. One of the biggest things I have seen over my time as a Marine and PT instructor is injuries, especially in “older people”. Which for the sake of today’s argument, anyone over 40, though over 30 may be more accurate when speaking of military folks. I feel that much of this has been caused by misplaced effort during their PT. Specifically, I’m talking about the long-term effects of too much intensity as opposed to long term consistency. We all know that it’s a common attitude that you have to push yourself during PT. To improve you must do more, do it harder and longer. This is commonly referred to as the “Overload” principle of physical training. This is a must do to improve, but my own experience and observation is that it’s pushed too much and far too often.

Just for one example, look at the Cross Fit World. Their workouts are based on almost always pushing to their limits. Their goal is high intensity, always trying to meet or exceed the WOD times, numbers, etc. The unintended result is to always be working to failure. IMO this is a sure recipe for injury and/or burnout. Most of the people I know (and I have know a lot) that have gone into the Cross Fit world, despite their initial motivation and buy-in to the program, have come out the other end injured and/or burnt out. Now, having said that I’m sure to get some strong push back from the “cult”. LOL. That’s fine, I get it, fire away. I don’t have anything against them, I’m just making a point here. That being that after many years of training myself and others, I have come to the conclusion that consistent training at around a moderate intensity (66-75% effort) everyday will yield better long-term results than going all out (95% plus), 2-3 times a week. Now having said that, if you are training at around 75% most days and one day you come in and fill especially good, should you hold back? No, on those days you should push as hard as you feel you can safely do. This method of only pushing hard when you feel especially energetic and maintaining a moderate intensity on most days, will yield the best long-term results. Your body and your attitude will stay motivated, fresh and result in a high level of fitness, that lasts. You will also feel better, less sore and of course have less down time due to injuries.

Think about it this way. We’ve all heard and probably have seen: “Old Farmer Strength”. Farmers (or other people) who do hard physical work that are cock strong, but they never lift weights, PT, etc. Well, when farmers go out to stack hay bales, they don’t try to break records on how many bales they can stack in an hour, or a day. They work hard, but steady as they can’t afford to stack bales for just an hour. They have to be able to work all day, every day, for years in fact. That’s how they develop that long-term lasting strength they have in their back, their grip, their connective tissue and in their legs. If they followed the WOD method of work, they wouldn’t last very long and IMO it’s the same with PT programs.

People who have known me for years, know that I PT just about every day, but I rarely try to really push myself to my upper limits. I seem to have a really good feeling day about once a week, and on that day I push much harder. However, on most days I get to a good working pace and just do my work. On days that I feel tired and not at my best, I still PT, but I go at an even slower pace. When I say pace, I’m not just talking about running, but lifting weights, throwing sandbags, etc. I just go slower, lighter and easier. The point is I vary my intensity and more importantly I don’t beat myself up about it. Does it work? Well, at 58 I have no chronic injuries, physical limitations, or body weight issues. As a simple measurement of fitness, I can still easily score a 1st class on the Marine Corps PFT on any given day. This isn’t because I’m some type of physical phenom, I’m not and never have been. I may have some good working man’s genes, but I was always a very average athlete and was never the strongest, fastest, best built, or toughest among my Marine buddies. But, I have managed to stay pretty close to what I’ve always been able to do, and I think at least a little of that is from what I learned in that cold, dark garage so many years ago. Old Frank was throwing tires around a long time before it was a cool thing to do for PT. For him it was just work and he was right about how to do it back then and I think it’s still good advice today.

Hope everyone is enjoying the start of holidays with friends and family and keeping their PT going to lessen the effects of all the great food and drink. In any case have fun and remember to lift a glass and say a prayer to our brothers and sisters deployed. As most of you know, this is the hardest time on them and their families. Till next month:

“Be Safe Always, Be Good When You Can.”

Semper Fi


Field Notes Ep 37 – Gracie Jiu-Jitsu for Law Enforcement Featuring Royce Gracie

Thursday, November 22nd, 2018

In this episode, Royce Gracie discusses Gracie Jiu-Jitsu  techniques for Law Enforcement Officers.

Royce Gracie was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and is one of nine children, seven of whom are boys. His training in Jiu-Jitsu began at a very early age as a game with his father Helio. He never pushed any of the children to take formal classes until they wanted to do so. However, they often went to the Academy in Rio after school and on weekends.

Royce began competing in tournaments at age eight. He received his blue belt at age 16 and was promoted to black belt in less than two years. Royce moved to the United States at age 18 to live with his brother, Rorion. They began teaching private classes out of their garage, sometimes for more than ten hours a day.  Together they opened the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy 30 years ago in Torrance, California. Although Royce no longer teaches there because of his rigorous travel schedule, it remains one of the largest martial arts schools in the country.

Royce’s reputable career as a fighter began in 1993 after defeating three opponents in the first Ultimate Fighting Championship in Denver, Colorado. His brother Rorion came up with this innovative challenge as a way to show Gracie Jiu-Jitsu to the world. Discipline after discipline was defeated by the slight 6’1”, 180 pound Royce Gracie.  The viewers were in awe.

His opponents consistently outweighed him by more than 50 pounds. He went on to win 3 UFC titles and today is the only man in the history of no holds barred matches to successfully defeat four opponents in one night.  After leaving the UFC Royce went on to compete in MMA events in Japan and is a huge icon in this country.

Royce holds the record for the longest MMA match in history: 90 minutes against Japanese superstar Kazushi Sakuraba in PRIDE Grand PRIX 2000. He also showed total domination of the Olympic Judo Gold Medalist Hidehiko Yoshida.  His largest opponent was Sumo Grand Champion Akebono, 6? 8? 486lbs. Royce vs. Akebono was the main event of K-1 Premium Dynamite New Years Eve show on New Year’s Eve in 2004. Royce defeated the giant in just 2min and 13sec with a shoulder lock.  Royce’s continued success has opened the eyes of many disbelievers to the importance of leverage and technique in grappling.

In November of 2003, Royce Gracie was the first fighter to be inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame along with fellow UFC veteran Ken Shamrock.  Since then Royce’s face has has been seen on countless martial arts magazines such as Black Belt, Inside MMA and Tapout.  He has also been featured in Men’s Health and Fitness and GQ and continues to give magazine and radio interviews.  His recognition spans the globe to include fans on most every continent.  In 2014 Royce was named one of the 50 Greatest Athletes in the World by Sports Illustrated.

Today Royce is privileged to spread the techniques perfected by his father all over the world. Throughout his busy fighting career Royce has maintained a rigorous travel schedule of seminars and classes.  He currently oversees  more than 55 US and international Royce Gracie Jiu-jitsu Networks.  The techniques of Gracie Jiiu-jitsu have become mainstream in most martial arts dojos.  Fighters everywhere are racing to learn and implement this jiu-jitsu in their training regimen.

His list of students is enormous. Royce has taught many of the big screen greats like Chuck Norris, Ed O’Neal, Guy Ritchie, Jim Carrey, Josh Duhamel and Nicholas Cage. He has also been very active with the CIA, FBI, DEA, Secret Service, Army Rangers, Army Special Forces, Navy Seals and many sheriff and police departments.  His G.R.A.C.I.E. course for law enforcement has gained international recognition. Aside from teaching at his Networks across the United States, he regularly visits Canada, England, Scotland, Portugal, Spain, Israel, Australia, UAE and South America.

Royce makes his home in Southern California with his wife, Marianne, three sons, Khonry, Khor and Kheydon and daughter, Kharianna.  He maintains an impressive training regimen, which includes running, weight training, cross training, meditation and countless hours of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. He is a full time professional athlete who eagerly awaits his next challenge. Recently he completed a 40 mile run with his long time trainer, James Strom.  In Royce’s own words, “Go ahead, tell me what I can’t do!”

Mammut Updates Realization Shorts for 2019

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Mammut displayed this updated version of their Realization Shorts at the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market.

The Realization integrates a sit harness directly into the shorts for climbing gym workouts and competitions. This new version will be available late Summer 2019, although the current model is still available as well as a pant version.

SIG SAUER Academy Adds Pistol Mounted Optics Instructor to 2019 Course Line-Up

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

Newington, N.H. (November 7, 2018) – SIG SAUER Academy, the leading provider of the highest quality firearms instruction and tactical training in the world, is pleased to announce a new course offering for 2019 with the addition of Pistol Mounted Optics Instructor to the SIG SAUER Academy course line-up. The first offering of this class is January 31, 2019 at the SIG SAUER Academy in Epping, New Hampshire.

Students enrolled in the Pistol Mounted Optics Instructor course will learn the techniques to properly teach the use of pistol mounted optics (PMO) for self-defense and duty use. This two-day course is an in-depth, comprehensive training program focusing on the fundamentals and capabilities of PMO’s to learn the proper techniques for PMO sight-in and red-dot acquisition under various conditions and circumstances. Upon completion of this course, instructor-level students will have the skill set and techniques necessary to provide PMO training.

To register and review the course outline for the Pistol Mounted Optics Instructor course, or learn more about the SIG SAUER Academy and its comprehensive course offering visit

U.S. Coast Guard to Acquire SIG AIR Pro Force P229 Airsoft Pistol for Training

Thursday, November 8th, 2018

Newington, N.H. (November 2, 2018) – SIG SAUER, Inc. is pleased to announce the United States Coast Guard will acquire the SIG AIR Pro Force P229 airsoft pistol to be used for training with their Cadets and Guardsmen. The SIG AIR Pro Force line of products from SIG SAUER includes high-end airsoft pistols designed to be an exact replica in look, weight, balance, and handling characteristics to their traditional firearm counterpart.

“The SIG AIR Pro Force P229 airsoft pistol is engineered and manufactured to meet the SIG standards for precision, quality, accuracy, and reliability,” began Joe Huston, Vice President and General Manager, SIG AIR. “The SIG AIR Pro Force P229 airsoft pistol gives the U.S. Coast Guard’s Cadets and Guardsmen the ability to practice gun handling, conduct target practice in various environments, and train in realistic force on force scenarios with a pistol that has the same look and feel of their issued P229 sidearm.”

The SIG AIR Pro Force P229 is a full-size, metal frame airsoft pistol with a one piece molded ergonomic polymer grip and night sights. The pistol uses a semi-automatic firing mode with a gas blowback to replicate traditional firearm shots with a functional slide lock, and has a muzzle velocity of 280-340 ft/second and a range of 50-80 feet. The SIG AIR Pro Force P229 comes equipped with a SIG rail and one 25-round magazine.

“It’s an honor to build SIG SAUER products for use with our nation’s defense professionals and know they meet the highest standards for both quality and performance,” said Ron Cohen, President and CEO of SIG SAUER, Inc. “The M17 pistol has been adopted by every service branch, our TANGO6 riflescopes are being integrated into the weapons systems of our special forces and the U.S. Army, and now we can add the U.S. Coast Guard’s SIG AIR Pro Force P229 airsoft pistol to the wide range of SIG SAUER products in use with the men and women serving our country.”

The U.S. Coast Guard’s acquisition of the SIG AIR Pro Force P229 airsoft pistols was made through a small business set-aside awarded to Tidewater Tactical in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The SIG AIR Pro Force P229 airsoft pistol will be available commercially in 2019.

New Panteao Instructional Videos from Mike Boyle

Tuesday, November 6th, 2018

Columbia, SC, November 2, 2018 – Panteao is happy to announce the release of two new video titles from instructor Mike Boyle. Mike Boyle has been a firearms and use of force instructor for 37 years. He served with New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Law Enforcement where he held the rank of Captain. He was the primary trainer of his agency for 22 years and is certified instructor in multiple firearms, chemical agent, impact weapon and empty hand disciplines. Mike has been an assistant police academy director and an adviser to the Police Training Commission on firearms training issues. He continues to maintain his certification as a police academy rangemaster and firearms instructor and his responsibilities include providing basic training as well as instructor level courses.

Make Ready with Mike Boyle: Combative Shotgun

The first video released is Combative Shotgun. When it comes to self-defense with a firearm, the most overlooked weapon is the shotgun. The reality is few weapons can match the lethality of it. As far back as World War I, the shotgun was feared in battle by the enemy and today it continues that reputation of being a fight stopper. In this video Mike Boyle reviews the history of the use of the shotgun in battle, types of shotguns, modifications, ammunition capabilities, patterning with buckshot, priorities, conditions of readiness, shooting positions, injured operator, low light shooting, stoppage reduction and transitions, home issues, multiple targets, and more.

Make Ready with Mike Boyle: Low Light Threat Management

The second video released is Low Light Threat Management. Concealed carry and self-defense doesn’t happen just during the day. Being able to defend yourself in low light scenarios is a critical skillset. In Low Light Threat Management, Mike Boyle reviews the importance of training in low light, human performance in low light, gear, hand-held and weapon mounted lights, lasers, night sights, conditions of readiness with a flashlight, shooting drills, and more.

The videos can be watched online via a PC or Mac, on a smartphone or tablet using the Panteao Make Ready Android and iTunes apps, or on television with the Panteao Make Ready channel on Roku, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV. For more information on how to stream the Panteao videos, visit:

The SD and HD Digital Downloads and DVD versions of the videos will be available shortly. For more information on these titles, visit Panteao at:

Combative Shotgun:

Low Light Threat Management:

Max Talk Monday: Mission Focus & Will To Win

Monday, November 5th, 2018

This is the eleventh installment of ‘Max Talk Monday’ which shares select episodes from a series of instructional videos. Max Velocity Tactical (MVT) has established a reputation on the leading edge of tactical live fire and force on force training. MVT is dedicated to developing and training tactical excellence at the individual and team level.

It is based on Max Talk 018 which is a discussion on being mission focused, and how the will to win will allow you to not only build the whole warrior, but will allow you to achieve your goals.

MVT Tactical Manual
Max is a tactical trainer and author, a lifelong professional soldier with extensive military experience. He served with British Special Operations Forces, both enlisted and as a commissioned officer; a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Max served on numerous operational deployments, and also served as a recruit instructor. Max spent five years serving as a paramilitary contractor in both Iraq and Afghanistan; the latter two years working for the British Government in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Website: Max Velocity TacticalYouTube: Max Velocity Tactical