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Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

Tactical Toilet Paper Storage Case

Saturday, February 1st, 2025

I swear to God this is real. It’s one of those wild things that shows up in my Instagram feed.

The Tactical Toilet Paper Storage Case accepts a roll of toilet paper and keeps it intact, relatively dry and free from dirt.

It features a daisy chain of webbing so you can tether it to other gear or the log on a makeshift latrine as well as a Velcro section so you can add a pithy morale patch or name tag so your TP isn’t swiped by the guy who ran out.

Look, it’s actually practical but it’s not something I would have ever thought was needed. But apparently now, I need one. It’s bad enough I make the wife use whatever facilities are at hand when camping. At least now, she’ll have a nice cozy for her TP.

Related, they also offer a Tactical Tissue/Wet Wipes Holder.

One More Time…It’s Pogue

Sunday, January 12th, 2025

Can we just cut it with the “POG” usage? The backronym “POG” was created by infantrymen who were Pogues, but didn’t want to be called Pogues anymore. You know it’s true, there are loads of Infantrymen who are Pogues.

This photo was taken during the Vietnam war and it clearly uses the term “Pogue” which dates back to World War I and possibly as far back as the Civil War.

Oddly enough, this “POG” nonsense seems to have started with the Marines during the GWOT which explains quite a bit since they were handing out ASVAB waivers like candy. If “POG” actually stood for “Persons Other Than Grunts” then where is the “T”? Wouldn’t it be “POTG”?

And another thing, who the hell wants to brag about being the “Queen of battle?” I realize it’s a chess reference but nobody plays chess anymore. They do however, know what a drag show is.

Either way my grunt friends, have fun cleaning the barracks while the REMFs do their day-to-day jobs.

Yes, This Is An Actual Email We Received

Saturday, August 24th, 2024

The World’s First Trinary Firing System from Franklin Armory

Monday, April 1st, 2024

What could be better than a binary trigger? Franklin Armory shows us.

This Is The Most Army Thing I’ve Seen All Week

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

These photos were posted to Instagram by the 3rd Infantry Division. As a former Marne Man (yes, there two genders in the Army I served in) I can say that this sounds like some crap we’d have been doing after repainting bumper numbers (in the rain).

Nothing like turning in junk to get new junk.

“The U.S. Army is moving into a new era, and by getting rid of the excess equipment during the Rapid Removal of Excess Pilot– creating space for more modernized weapons,” said Randy George, Army Chief of Staff General. Soldiers assigned to 3rd Infantry Division have begun to identify and part with excess equipment within their companies. This is an ongoing process and will continue into December. Getting rid of excess equipment allows the units to better care for the vehicles they use more often and stay on top of the maintenance required for all equipment.

For those of you who are either socially awkward, slow on the uptake, or both, this is one of those posts where you can be yourself.

These photos were taken by PFC Rebeca Soria. Be kind to her, she’s just a PFC.

The Asymmetric Pastry Device

Sunday, September 25th, 2022

Ask SSD – What’s The Goofiest Emails You’ve Received?

Saturday, August 27th, 2022

Dear SSD,

I know you occasionally share on Facebook whacky emails you receive from readers. What’s the goofiest?

A Friend

Well Friend, this one isn’t the goofiest, but it’s up there. It came in about a year ago.


You Won’t Believe This One

Sunday, July 24th, 2022

Recently, Air Force Central’s 378th Air Expeditionary Wing issued this press release.

Yep, the “big guns” which consists of M4 carbines. I really don’t mean to make fun of stuff like this, but an F16 can carry over sight tons of ordnance and is equipped with a 20mm cannon. In light of that, there’s nothing big about an M4.

The real problem is what I’ve maintained for over two decades now, that the US Air Force is institutionally afraid of guns. They’ve got enough firepower to destroy any enemy several times over, but firearms weird them out.