In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti… Christmas will come. We can not bring you a Holy Spirit, but Spiritus Systems we have in stock. We just introduced their Micro Chest Rig with a SPARTANAT Review (http://spartanat.com/2017/12/review-spiritus-systems-micro-fight-chest-rig/) a few days ago. Now we want to know from those US minimalists what drives them.

SPARTANAT: There are many shops with many products. Spiritus Systems seems to be the one with one product: the Micro Fight Chassis and its parts. How does it come?
Our Company has always looked for areas in the market that were lacking innovation and substance that we could contribute to. We aren’t in the business of “me too” products, and the last thing the gear world needs is another MOLLE 5.56 mag pouch. The Micro Fight Chest Rig was the first product to bring a high degree of modularity into such a small platform, and we wanted to focus our energy into fully supporting that product and delivering as much user configurability as possible. What people don’t seen is the massive amount of research and new products development we do. Everything we release has been put through its paces, and we won’t ship it unless it’s a piece of equipment we would trust out lives to. We stay busy working closely with several agencies and units, finding innovative ways to solve problems they face. We work with companies who are writing the future of battlefield technology and communications, allowing us to incorporate design elements and features for the battlefield of the future. Throughout 2018, you will see several new products release to the public. The most exciting of these are our Plate Carriers, which you should see more of at SHOT Show 2018.

SPARTANAT: Micro seams to be a trend now, from VOCR by Extreme Gear Labs going to D3CR from HSP and Trianing Mini Rig by Helikon-Tex now. What makes your Chest rig system so special?
I’m glad to see so many companies coming around to offer a solution to a problem that has existed for years. When we designed the first Micro Fight Chest Rig back in 2015, we did so out of a frustration that everything on the market was bulky and defined. The part of our System that people respond to the most is the high level of modularity. We don’t tell you how to set up your equipment. We don’t make you buy several chest rigs for different platforms. We don’t restrict your workflow to make sure the kit is ambidextrous. There is no one in the world that know more about your needs than you do, so all we do is provide you the tools to properly achieve the best solution for your situation. What’s great about it is that as your situation changes, you just adjust your rig, and move out. It all comes back to a core Infantry motto: Brilliance in the Basics.

SPARTANAT: Where do you come from (military)? Where origins the idea for your Micro Fight System? Was the success of your Micro Fight a surprise for you?
My partner and I were both Infantrymen in the US Army. I guess it’s the classic story of living through too many failures in equipment and wanting to do something about it. The Micro Fight was really a response to a need my partner had while working with the State Department after his time on Active Duty. He needed a rig that was small enough to fit under the seat of a truck, yet carried enough mags and equipment to get through if things became kinetic. Once we saw the first Chassis take shape, we knew that we had something that almost everyone that carries a long gun could use. Whether it’s a cop on an active shooter response team, worn as a placard on a solder’s plate carrier, or for the responsible armed citizen needing something for the range, our kit is flexible and dynamic enough to give them exactly what they’re needing.

SPARTANAT: What’s next? I have seen the Bank Robber Chest Rig, maybe a PC? Will you go on on with minimalistic style?
The Bank Robber has been a hit and you should see it populating in many of our resellers’ offerings after the first of the year. As I mentioned earlier, our Plate Carrier line will be launching very soon. We have developed 3 Carriers (NV-119, LV-119, and MT-119) that meet a variety of needs, but you’re going to have to stay tuned to learn more about it. All I can tell you is that the MT-119 will do for Plate Carriers what the Micro Fight has done for chest rigs.
The best way to stay up on what’s going on at Spiritus Headquarters is to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and be on the lookout for the new hotness dropping early 2018.

SPIRITUS SYSTEMS consists of Zane Vogel and Adam Holroyd. Both of them together have launched the company. The jaunty guy who likes to show himself in the pictures is Adam.

SPIRITUS SYSTEMS im Internet: spiritussystems.com
SPIRITUS SYSTEMS auf Facebook: www.facebook.com/spiritussystems
SPIRITUS SYSTEMS auf Instagram: www.instagram.com/spiritussystems
SPARTANAT: www.spartanat.com