This Seems Appropriate
November 9th, 2016You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up
November 9th, 2016American Marauder – ‘Made In Pineland’ T-shirt
November 8th, 2016Skilled Soldiers aren’t born, they’re ‘Made in Pineland’ through years of dedication, training courses, long nights dead reckoning and swapping out socks. This design is for all the participants and dedicated men and women it takes to make great things happen.
They tell me this one is printed on a tri-blended shirt that’s as soft as your wubbie.
US Tactical Supply – USTS Hoodies
November 8th, 2016New from US Tactical Supply, the USTS Sweatshirt features the USTS logo on the front, with one of three graphics variations:
Available for a limited time either online, or at the US Tactical Supply Showroom.
Cohort PLC Company SEA Demonstrates Future Soldier Technology
November 8th, 2016The new systems have been developed by SEA and its team partners as part of the Delivering Dismounted Effect (DDE) Research project. SEA was prime contractor to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) on the DDE Research project and headed a team from industry and academia delivering integrated dismounted soldier systems research to the UK MoD.
The new systems being considered include technologies for weapons, helmets, torso protection and night vision systems using each element as a separate weapons platform.
In particular, the DDE research investigated the technical feasibility, benefits and costs associated with integrating power and data onto the weapon and helmet. All the systems have been designed to meet the challenges required by an adaptable and flexible force dealing with evolving threats and it is envisaged will be part of the equipment and design of the future soldier.
It is also planned that the technologies designed under the DDE Project will lead to enhanced collaborative engagement across multi-national forces and will help the military and government consider the lethality-related implications of females operating in ground combat roles.
The research was displayed at a special event at the Infantry Trials and Development Unit (IT&DU) in Warminster.
SEA Managing Director Stephen Hill, said: “We are proud to have led this vital research project which will bolster the operational effectiveness of the next generation of soldiers.
“There is tremendous potential to increase the capability of weapons and equipment while at the same time improving data sharing and situational awareness between combat forces and their partners. The DDE project will provide a step change in the way our forces approach future combat situations.”
SEA was able to bring to Soldier System Research comprehensive knowledge of military operational environments and in-depth understanding of key technology domains. This has been developed over the past ten years through work on a range of research projects including Urban Operations Study, Future Dismounted Close Combat (FDCC) and Delivering Dismounted Effect (DDE) projects.
Grunt Style Announces Precision Pro Team for 2017
November 8th, 2016Carroll Stream, IL-Grunt Style is proud to announce its 2017 Long Range Pro Team. The GS Pro Team will be competing in long range precision shooting sports across several disciplines and organizations.
Grunt Style 1st SGT Tim Jensen said of the Pro Team, “We’re proud to have assembled some of the greatest folks and shooters in the US. These guys aren’t just great shooters; they are some of the most genuine people that I know. We’re looking forward to a great year of changing the face of shooting sports and instilling a sense of pride in self, military and country of everyone that we meet.”
GS Pro Team Precision shooters include PRS notables, Bryan Morgan, Joe Caley, Spenser Berry and precision competition new comer, Tim Jensen.
Grunt Style’s first event of the 2017 season will be the PRS Finale at FTW Ranch in Barksdale, TX, Jan 27-29, 2017.
INVISIO Establishes US Subsidiary
November 8th, 2016INVISIO has established a wholly owned subsidiary in the USA to increase its presence in the US market. The establishment is part of the company’s strategic objective to build a strong presence in key markets. The company has also begun recruiting staff for sales and marketing of the company’s systems for communication and hearing protection.
The subsidiary, INVISIO Communications Inc, is to support existing customers and partners, increasing the customer base and develop and maintain business networks. INVISIO already has valuable customers in the US including the Army’s modernization program TCAPS and several Special Forces in defense and police services.
“In line with the company’s commercial expansion plans for key markets, we are increasing our sales efforts in the United States. The establishment of a separate office and a local organization bring us closer to our customers, partners and the industry, which benefits our continued penetration of the market. We believe that the interest in our solutions remains strong and we see good opportunities for continued growth in the US, “says Lars Højgård Hansen, CEO of INVISIO.
The subsidiary is located outside of Washington, D.C. and will initially be led by INVISIO’s CEO Lars Højgård Hansen. The recruitment of a sales and marketing organization is in progress.
INVISIO and reseller TEA Headsets will continue their long-lasting cooperation in the US market.
Urban Operator – Wrist Wraps
November 8th, 2016Urban Operator’s Wrist Wraps provide additional wrist support for lifting. These affordable, but durable wraps are made from a 2″ Mil-spec webbing.
-Sold in Pairs
-Width: 2”inches by 22″ inches long
-Hook and Loop velcro closure
-Elastic loop for thumb placement
Available Colors: Black, Coyote Brown, Foliage Green, Multicam, Kryptek Highlander, and Kryptek Typhon.