TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Breach Bang Clear’

Banged by a Shot at SHOT: “Flaskbang”

Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Here’s something a little different and kind of cool. Lots of people make special morale patches and decals to hand out or trade at SHOT Show. This year instead of  my friend David Reeder from Breach-Bang-Clear teamed up with a company called Bad Moon Armory to pass out little flashbang-shaped whiskey flasks.

The body is a food-grade medal with 3D printed caps. The spoon is also polymer, but the pin is metal. You can pull the pin if you want, but you don’t have to. You just unscrew the top to get at the bourbon inside.

Or the Old Fashioned, though there’s not a lot of room for a cherry or orange peel.

As you can see, it’s fairly realistic looking. In fact, one of people who they banged at SHOT had an unexpected encounter with LVMPD when housekeeping reported he had a “grenade” in his room.

If you run into one of the B-B-C gang at SHOT, or someone they’ve banged, you can use the QR code on the label.

If you don’t manage to nab one by “getting banged” at SHOT Shot, you can order one without the labeling at Bad Moon Armory.

Flashbang Flask Double Shot Glass

Patrick Vuong New Breach-Bang-Clear Consulting Editor

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

Greetings, salutations, and felicitations!

We beg your indulgence and a moment of your time to announce that Patrick Vuong has accepted a position as Consulting Editor with BreachBangClear.com. Patrick is a longtime journalist, the only known Asian Saurdaukar, and a writer, editor, photographer, and videographer of no small repute.

Beginning as a newspaper reporter at the tender age of 18, Vuong went on to become variously the Senior, Managing, and Chief Editor for several award-winning international publications. He is also an accomplished instructor in multiple combative arts. You will likely remember him from his yeoman work on The Enthusiast Network’s RECOIL and OFFGRID magazines; you may also recall he recently left TEN’s full-time employ to become an independent, world-conquering littérateur.

Now he is working with us.

Not full time, alas. Despite our every entreaty and supplication, he would not leave his other freelance endeavors and burgeoning script work for the movie and TV industry to work with us full time. Nor was he willing to abandon stunt work in allegedly non-porn indie flicks, or the numerous Baritsu, Pekiti-Tirsia Kali, and other martial arts classes he continues to teach.

Part-time is acceptable for now, and anyway, we haven’t given up on persuading him.

Vuong’s first full-time journalism job was with The Orange County Register in SOCAL. There he worked various beats, including police and fire news, continued his hoplological studies, and continued writing for other, more niche publications. For instance, he’s interviewed celebrities for Wizard Magazine and worked as a contributing editor for Black Belt Magazine for over a decade and a half.

After completing his service to the 81st Padishah Emperor, Vuong was the subject of an award-winning documentary. He was then accepted for an editorial position with The Enthusiast Network.

The trade from intense daily duties to monthly obligations clearly suited him, if the success of the automotive magazines Off-Road and 4 Wheel Drive & Sport Utility is any judge. He was the Managing Editor of both publications until 2012, when he was hired as the Senior Editor for the nascent gun lifestyle publication RECOIL, driving left seat for Iain Harrison when that straight shooting, funny-talking gentleman took over as his editor-in-chief. A year later he took the helm of RECOIL OFFGRID Magazine as Chief Editor – as an additional duty.

In just three years the two grew RECOIL from an unknown brand to the No. 1 firearms magazine in stores across nine continents – no mean feat at a time when the print journalism industry was hemorrhaging from significant contraction. OFFGRID similarly became the best-selling survival magazine on newsstands.

Grunts: nascent.

He didn’t just write, shoot photos, and edit, for those two publications, mind you. He also served as Senior Editor of CONCEALMENT and CARNIVORE, and directed and co-hosted episodes of RECOIL TV.

He’s just as busy now that he’s hurled himself full-Wuxia style feet first into the freelancing world while simultaneously increasing his instruction tempo. See, in addition to all that belletristic badassery, Vuong has an extensive background as a combatives instructor (two decades or more of it, in fact).

A veteran student of Pentjak Silat Serak, he holds a first-degree black belt in Kenpo Karate, a second-degree black belt in Lai Chung Chuan Fa kung fu, and is a 13th level Planar Monk with Axiomatic Soul. Vuong is a certified instructor in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali and a student of Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Déjà-fu, and historical European swordfighting (as you might find in HEMA). These are just some of the reasons he is consistently the most highly paid bodyguard in Hondo City.

PV is still providing content and editorial assistance to RECOIL, OFFGRID, and the others, but now is doing so for other media outlets as well.

We are chuffed beyond measure to announce that he has accepted the position of Consulting Editor for Breach-Bang-Clear.

Can’t wait to see the awesomeness he cannot help but deliver.

You can reach him at patrick@fluidfighting.com, should you be so inclined. You can follow him on Instagram as well, @calmbatives.

Many assorted expressions of gratitude to you.

Now have a fine, nay epic, American day.

The Breach-Bang-Clear Tribe

Think and be dangerous.


Two unmarked photos courtesy of Firelance Media.

Breach Bang Clear Talks Citizenship Through Service, The Starship Troopers Way

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

Right up front I’ll tell you I love Heinlein. I haven’t read everything he wrote but I’ve done my fair share. ‘Starship Troopers’ is by far my favorite and I’ve read it over and over. At first reading, it was an amazing book for a young man and still holds up the older I get. One of the concepts set forth in the book is the idea that after a rather destructive world war, the Veterans set about putting society back together and decided that in order to vote, you’d have to have had some skin in the game. The idea is central to the book so naturally it made it into the movie by the same name. Unfortunately, the movie and its sequels, didn’t quite live up to the mentality, or the tech, of the book.

Okay, the movie is a fun romp, but only a Philistine prefers the movie over the book. At any rate, go check out the argument for, or is it against? earning the franchise through federal service.


Candice Horner New Director of Business Development of Breach-Bang-Clear

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Breach-Bang-Clear is extremely proud to share that Candice Horner has joined their editorial staff as their new Director of Business Development. Horner is a former Marine, RN for the Bureau of Prisons, and an accomplished professional competitive shooter.

Horner comes to B-B-C from a former position as the Manager of OEM Sales for a major firearms manufacturer. She will continue to compete professionally, and is in fact already qualified for the 2017 3-Gun Nation Pro Series.

“I couldn’t imagine someone more suited for the job,” says David Merrill, Managing Editor of Breach-Bang-Clear, “and if I tried there would be space robots and laser swords and Kaij? involved.”

Horner served four years in the Marine Corps, working on F/A-18 engines at MCAS Iwakuni, using her GI Bill to earn a nursing degree afterward. After attending FLETC at Glynco she spent several years working as an RN at the Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, NC, eventually leaving that position to compete more regularly. She received her invitation to the 3-Gun Nation Pro Series in 2014 and has continued to compete since then. In 2015 Candice, then recently married, competed alongside new husband Daniel as a team in the Mammoth Sniper Challenge, “Extreme Tough Man Division,” and won. Her 3-Gun Nation Pro Series match was just recently televised on MAV TV.

“It’s hard not to feel awkward saying this since I’m writing about myself in the third person,” says B-B-C Chief Editor David Reeder, “but I’m happy to brag on her. Candice is smart, fierce, and motivated. Frankly I’m astonished she accepted the job – but damn am I glad to have her. It will make our eventual world conquest go a lot easier.”

Horner has previously written for Gun Up, RECOIL, Concealment, and OFFGRID, and will be assisting in B-B-C operations will continue to freelance on the side.

Says Horner,

“I was a huge fan of Breach-Bang-Clear before I met Reeder. Reading articles that are well written and thoroughly entertaining is a much needed break from the monotony of so much we see online. I’m stoked to be part of this highly motivated and far-too-intelligent-for-their-own-good group of misfits.”

Contact Horner at Candice@breachbangclear.com; follow her on Instagram at @candi323 or visit her personal website, candi323.com.

B-B-C can be found online at www.breachbangclear.com, on Facebook at /BreachBangClear/, on Instagram @breachbangclear and on Tumblr, www.FOBdancingmom.com.

David Merrill Now Managing Editor for Breach-Bang-Clear

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Freedom, Oklahoma (04 April 16) – Breach-Bang-Clear is a proud to announce the promotion of contributor David Merrill to the position of Managing Editor.


Breach-Bang-Clear began as a desultory military blog nearly a decade ago. It has grown into one of the most respected news, op-ed and humor sites for the tactical and firearm communities on the web, with an improbably large and loyal readership. Merrill first began writing for Breach-Bang-Clear a little over 3 years ago. Since then he has become an integral member of that Island of Misfit Toys.

That is why he will now be the HMFIC (or Dictator of Dick Pics, Exalted High Autarch or whatever you want to call the position), coordinating the efforts of contributors, directing joint efforts and essentially running all day to day operations. Don’t worry (or celebrate) – he’ll still have time for his own scribbling.


Describing the reason for his decision, B-B-C Founder and Chief Editor David Reeder says,

“Dave Merrill is quite simply the hardest working guy I know. He’s as smart as he is talented, and he’s utterly reliable. The site could not possibly be in better hands. Plus I’ve convinced him all his paychecks are being donated to charity in lieu of pay.”

Merrill, an Eagle Scout, is a former Marine and instructor at the Urban Warfare Training Center. Like many B-B-C readers he spent lots of quality time in such wonderful and relaxing tourist destinations as Mosul, Fallujah and Monrovia. He is an avid outdoorsman who for inexplicable reasons somehow enjoys carrying heavy packs over long distances for recreation.


He is an appalling gun nerd.

After the Marine Corps Merrill earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Strategic Communications at the Ohio State University. A sometime firearms instructor and competitive shooter, Merrill spent much of his college tenure performing internal T&E and product development for several gun and gear companies. This evolved into written work and photography not just for Breach-Bang-Clear but also for Military.com, RECOIL, OFFGRID and Frag Out all while continuing to contribute to other media channels.

In the end, the motto on his Breach-Bang-Clear business cards probably sums it up best: “Terrible Writer. Awful Photographer. Kind of a Dick. Loves Tacos.


You can contact Breach-Bang-Clear Managing Editor Dave Merrill by e-mail at Merrill@breachbangclear.com

Mad Duo Presents “Freedom Tips” For Vaping

Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

24 June 15 – Freedom, Oklahoma – Mad Duo Presents “Freedom Tips” for Vaping


BreachBangClear.com is proud to announce the Mad Duo has cleared us hot to release our new Freedom Tips for Vaping. We want you to put one in your mouth. These custom drip tips for e-cigs are built from 5.56mm and .300 BLK brass, modified to fit most 501/901 units.

They are lead free and have so far been through 6 TSA checkpoints, but we cannot guarantee they were ever used by anyone to smoke-check some deserving asshole overseas.


Get yours right here; check out the rest of our lineup at www.knifehandtheworld.com.

No hippies, sissies, fans of Piers Morgan or anyone who likes Chris Matthews need order.

Breach Bang Clear vaping tips – there’s a little bit of freedom in every puff.

Freedom Tips 1

Learn more about these custom vaping tips at knifehandtheworld.com. More about the Mad Duo and their minions at breachbangclear.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/BreachBangClear, on Instagram instagram.com/breachbangclear or on Tumblr here: the-mad-duo.tumblr.com.

BreachBangClear – Buy A ‘Do You Even Liberty’ Shirt, Support The Brian Terry Foundation

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

Do You Even Liberty

Breach Bang Clear and Article 15 clothing has announced that they will be donating all profits from the sale of the ‘Do You Even Liberty’ t-shirts to the Brian Terry Foundation, courtesy of Trek’s Trek: 2000 Miles for the Brian Terry Foundation.


ART 15 Clothing / Breach Bang Clear – Do You Even Liberty Shirt

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Do You Even Liberty

The latest collaboration between Breach Bang Clear and ART 15 Clothing, the ‘Do You Even Liberty’ t-shirt is an homage to the “original American badass”, George Washington. Old school style with new school hardware, printed on a black t-shirt, available in sizes SM-3XL.

You can check out Breach Bang Clear’s article on George Washington, and the shirt, here: www.breachbangclear.com/do-you-even-liberty

You can purchase the shirt here: www.article15clothing.com/do-you-even-liberty