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Posts Tagged ‘CCT’

Combat Control Teams Used AR-15s As Early As 1965 In Vietnam

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

CMSgt Gene Alcock (USAF, Ret) has long served his country in both the Air Force and industry. These past years, he’s continued as a historian, documenting the history of the Combat Control Teams he served on. He recently shared this photo from 1965 which depicts one of the earliest uses of the AR-15 rifle in a combat setting.



14 OCTOBER 1965 – BONG SON SPECIAL FORCES CAMP, RVN – CCT TSgt Stan Williams, 32, of Erwin, NC “talks in” a C-123 Provider of the 315th Air Commando Group during an airlift of Army of the Republic of Vietnam troops at Bong Son Special Forces camp. The army unit was heading for Tuy Hoa North, after spending more than two months in the field. Watching the aircraft land is TSgt Gene Adcock, 28, of Christopher, IL, another member of the team.

The radio vehicle pictured is the MRC-94. The weapon, an Armalite AR-15 and a B- 2 air traffic control light are shown on the ground at the right wheel.
(Air Force Photo by SSgt B. W. Cook)

Please Join Me In Donating To The Combat Control Museum

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

The Benini Heritage Center and Museum is located at the Combat Control School at Pope Field, NC.  

The museum is named after Alcide S. “Bull” Benini (seen above circa 1951), a WWII Bataan Death March survivor 1942 and veteran of the 82nd Airborne Division 1946-1952, he transitioned to the USAF and became its first Combat Controller in 1953.

There have only been about 3,000 Combat Controllers in the history of the careerfield. Unfortunately, the facility cannot be properly maintained solely from funds donated by survivng CCT members and the USAF does not find the museum. That’s why they need our help.

My first two USAF assignments were as a Special Tactics Intelligence Officer. I learned first hand about the capabilities Combat Control brings to the fight. Many of you have worked with them in other capacities. Now is our chance to give back and help them preserve their heritage.

Every little bit helps.


Sunday, January 4th, 2015

A Look At USSOCOM’s Human Performance Program from a CCT Perspective

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

In this USAF video by Andrew Arthur Breese for AIRMAN magazine, we get an inside look at USSOCOM Human Performance Program from the perspective of Combat Controller SMSgt Kenneth Huhman. I remember when he was a SrA and he was a great young man, very fit and full of potential. Well, these ensuing 15 years or so have taken their toll on him. Fortunately, the days of “take some Motrin and suck it up” are going away and sports physiology and medicine are rightfully being applied to our combat athletes. The Human Performance program is helping Special Operators like SMSgt Huhman overcome injuries and reach their full potential. Hopefully, one day soon, programs like this will be available for military personnel.

New CCT Poster

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014


Forces Focus – USAF CCT

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

A little bit about Combat Control for ya…