“Sold Out in 30 Min…and Crashed the System” came the headlines after the second batch of Costa’s Leg Rigs cleared the shelves in record time. Now, a third batch is on its way. This time around, I certainly hope that they’ve worked out the supply and website bug issues.
The first time Costa sold his leg rigs, they proved very popular and they sold right out. To me, it was marketing genius. They weren’t sure how well the Leg Rigs would sell so they took a page from their carbine sales with Larue Tactical and only made a short run to make sure that they weren’t left holding on to any. A second batch was offered and same story. Fair enough. It if works once, why not twice? Now, here we are with batch number three coming this week. They’ve well established a market demand so I’ll reiterate my comments earlier, “This time around, I certainly hope that they’ve worked out the supply and website bug issues.”
At this point, I’d say to offer the third batch as a short run is just flat out tired. HSGI is a great company with a long history but if they can’t keep up with the demand I can happily put them in touch with plenty of companies who can keep up. I realize that the product uses HSGI’s proprietary TACO mag holders as components, but that doesn’t mean that they have to manufacture them.
Then, there’s the software issues. I remember warning them when they launched the site to make sure that they could handle the traffic. It’s great to see Costa Ludus hit that level that demand crashes the system but I can assure you from personal experience, there’s nothing worse than infrastructure that can’t keep up with demand. Time to upgrade the system guys.
If you’re looking to purchase a Costa Leg Rig, I’m told they will be on sale again on Monday at 1300 EST. Let’s hope that from here on out, it will be a stocking item. It looks to be a great design for training. Available in MultiCam, Coyote Brown, Smoke Green and Black.