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Posts Tagged ‘Guy Cramer’

More on US4CES Family of Camouflage from ADS IncADS Tactical

Monday, November 5th, 2012

Developed by ADS Inc in conjunction with Guy Cramer of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp for the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort, the digital textured US4CES consists of four color variants; Woodland, Arid, Transitional as well as a common OCIE pattern for personal protective equipment. In fact, its currently a finalist along with three other contenders to become the US Army’s next camouflage.

Despite Reports to the Contrary the US Army Has NOT Chosen a New Camouflage

Monday, November 5th, 2012

About a month ago, a deployed reader informed us that he had heard that the US Army had selected a new camouflage pattern. He sent us a simple, two page PPT that he has received via email and showed the pattern as well as a few made up dates for issue. Overall, it was a sophomoric attempt but he asked us to confirm his suspicions that it was untrue. After looking at it I had my doubts but in the offhand that it might have been a local distillation of an official announcement I sent it to the PAO at PEO Soldier. Their reply? It was an interesting fake. Remember, idle hands do the devil’s work. I’d say someone was bored and decided to pull a prank. It seems to have gotten out of hand. I’m not going to post the PPT or the alleged winner because the finalist was just as surprised to see it as PEO Soldier was. Since the initial incident I’ve had to field queries from the field numerous times, so I’m using this bully pulpit to help stem the flow of misinformation.

You may see this PPT floating around email, especially if deployed. Alternatively, it may have been printed out and posted on a unit bulletin board. Regardless of where you see it, it is untrue. If your chain of command sends it to you, politely request that they check with PEO Soldier.

The easiest way to tell it’s a fake? When have you ever seen a Power Point presentation that was only 2 slides? And consider this, have you ever seen a PPT without the issuing unit’s logo all over it?

Please remember, the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort has downselected to four families of patterns from:

-ADS Inc as Prime, partnered with Guy Cramer
-Brookwood Companies
-Crye Precision

As they continue to conduct research, I wouldn’t expect any word on a selection for a month at least. Don’t worry, if we hear anything tangible, we’ll they you know. Until then, Keep Calm and Reload (the page).

Warrior Expo East – US4CES Camo

Friday, July 13th, 2012


The first thing you see at the 2012 Warrior Expo East.



US4CES Camo Preview

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

ADS Inc has released a few new photos of their US4CES family of camouflage, selected by the US Army as a finalist in their Camouflage Improvement Program. US4CES camouflage patterns share a common shape geometry and are offered in colorways developed specifically for Woodland, Arid, Transitional environments. Additionally, ADS and their partner Guy Cramer have introduced a specific color option for use with Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment that is complimentary to the three environmental patterns. All four of these patterns are currently undergoing the most intensive camouflage testing ever conducted by the US Army or for that matter, anyone. In these photos you can see the various patterns in live environments.

Are Digital Pixel Camouflage Patterns Ineffective?

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

In a just published essay entitled, “Are Digital Pixel Camouflage Patterns Ineffective?” Guy Cramer, CEO of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp takes on the recent meme that imagines all pixelated camo is bad because the US Army’s Universal Camouflage Pattern is anything but.


While Mr Cramer takes a stab at it as well, I’d like to remind our readers that it’s foolish to throw the baby out with the bath water. UCP’s geometry is based on the highly successful Marine Patterns (MARPAT) which is a derivative of the Canadian Pattern (CADPAT). The exact same geometry is also shared with the US Navy’s AOR patterns. It’s about coloration, and in the case of UCP they got it wrong.


Guy Cramer believes in the effectiveness of pixelated patterns so much that the submission he developed with ADS Inc is based on the technology but with some more advanced enhancements. Read Cramer’s Essay here –

US4CES Family of Camouflage – Spot the Soldier – Solution

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

US4CES Family of Camouflage – Spot the Soldier

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

Find the Soldier in this live environment photo of US4CES Camo. In an hour, we’ll show you wear he is.

US4CES Family of Camouflage – Tactical Tailor

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012


This is the Fight Lite Plate Carrier in US4CES OCIE pattern.