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Posts Tagged ‘Magpul Dynamics’

What’s Happening With Magpul Dynamics In 2014?

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

We were able to catch up with the crew at Magpul Dynamics to discuss some changes that are coming for 2014.

First off, it appears that Magpul Dynamics and instructor Steve Fisher are interested in pursuing different goals for 2014 so they mutually decided it was more beneficial to pursue those goals independently.

Magpul Dynamics shared this comment, “Steve is a great instructor, and we wish him the absolute best as he continues to teach around the US.”

Magpul Dynamics will be focusing on content efforts and development for 2014, with a limited schedule of contract and open enrollment courses as they move to a new facility and focus on a new round of media projects in multiple areas. Could this be new videos? Or maybe something more?

As far as the rest of the personnel lineup. Duane remains at the helm. Cody Carroll has been named as Director of Operations for Magpul Dynamics, and will be executing the 2014 plan along with Duane, Caylen, and others. Precision Rifle operations are not affected by this change, and will continue with the planned course schedule as well as the media efforts.

Magpul Dynamics also said that they will continue to work integrally with the product development team as well as with other leading manufacturers in order to test, develop, and refine product requirements through rigorous employment in field testing and instructional environments as well as in the laboratory of the real world. They mentioned several methodologies including end-user contact, competition, engineering assets, and expeditionary employment all play a role in capturing what a product needs to be and the skills needed to excel.

Magpul Dynamics’ Caylen Wojcik Wins 2013 Oregon Sniper Challenge With Carbon Fiber Barrel From PROOF Research

Monday, September 30th, 2013

A .25 MOA, 800-yard cold bore shot was just one of the highlights of Caylen Wojcik’s win this weekend at the 2013 Oregon Sniper Challenge. Competing against 49 highly trained shooters, with teams from Ireland, United States Army Special Operations, and SWAT, Caylen, the Director of Precision Rifle Training for Magpul Dynamics and a former USMC Scout/Sniper, landed a decisive victory finishing 74 points higher than the second place winner.

Caylen Wojcik takes aim at the 2013 Oregon Sniper Challenge. Photo courtesy of Terry Doi via PROOF Research.

And he did it using a latest technology carbon fiber-wrapped barrel from Proof Research.
According to Caylen, “I’ve been using Proof Research carbon-fiber barrels since the beginning of the year so I knew what to expect. It’s all about consistency and the confidence that my rounds will go where they need to go every time. The Proof Research barrel gives me that. Some of the strings of fire required 20 rounds fired almost as fast as you can reacquire the target—with Proof’s carbon fiber technology, there’s no point of impact shift as the barrel heats up. Everything is point of aim, point of impact.”

Proof Research’s CEO, Pat Rainey, noted, “We are wildly excited for Caylen, not only for his win in the match, but for becoming the first in history to win a precision rifle competition with a carbon fiber barrel. We expect that to quickly become commonplace, but Caylen was the first.”

Caylen’s equipment included:
-PROOF Research 24” carbon fiber-wrapped barrel chambered in .308
-R700 action in Kinetic Research Whiskey-3 chassis
-Thunderbeast Arms suppressor
-Vortex Razor HD optic
-PNW Arms 175gr Match

For more information about the Oregon Sniper Challenge visit: www.coldborecomps.com

Magpul Dynamics DMR/SPR AAR

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Recently, Stoney Doughty from ATA Tactical shared this AAR with us from his attendance at the Magpul Dynamics Designated Marksman Rifle/Special Purpose Rifle course. We hope you find this useful.

This July I was able to attend the Magpul Dynamics Special Purpose Rifle/Designated Marksmen Rifle Class in Yakima, WA. I attended because I wanted to gain a better understanding of the semi-automatic rifle system when used as a designated marksman. I felt this would enable me to better instruct my Reserve Component Soldiers in achieving the maximum usability from their issue weapons. Additionally I felt this class would increase my weapons and shooting knowledge for my civilian job with ATA Tactical. The following are my thoughts and impressions from the course.

MagnetoSpeed and PROOF Research – Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

This is Caylen Wojcik, Precision Rifle Instructor for Magpul Dynamics with a MagnetoSpeed chronometer mounted to a PROOF Research TACII in .300WM.


PROOF Research uses a patented manufacturing processes using carbon-fiber wrapped barrels to offer the disciplined shooter proven accuracy, longevity and durability. It’s pretty cool. I fired a couple of their weapons at SHOT Show 2013.

If you’ve ever used a chrono, then you know what a pain they can be. That’s why I’m so stoked about the MagnetoSpeed because its barrel mounted, right to the gun. Rather than using screens, it relies on magnetic sensors. Check it out.

2013 MagPul Dynamics Partners

Sunday, March 24th, 2013


MagPul Dynamics produced this graphic to recognize their partners for 2013: Arc’teryx LEAF, Aimpoint, Inc., Thunder Beast Arms Corporation, Vortex Optics, Knight’s Armament Company, NIGHTHAWK CUSTOM FIREARMS, Dark Angel Medical, LLC, Trijicon, Inc., and Ares Gear, LLC.

MagPul Dynamics Updates Ammo Status for Classes

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

MagPul Dynamics issues this update on ammunition or their classes.

Class Ammo Now Available!

Apologies for the delay, but we are now ready to get this program rolling. We’ve had some hiccups on the pistol ammo side, but by working with various manufacturers and vendors, we are ready to go. Prices are not as low as we’d like them to be, but if our costs go down, we will announce price adjustments to pass the savings on.

For Carbine classes, we will have Magtech 5.56 which may be M193 or 62gr (no penetrator) ball, depending on availability. Price will be $380 per 1000 rounds. You may purchase up to 1200 rounds for the class, but not more, and each additional 100 rounds will be $38.00. You can probably get by with 1000.

Handgun ammo for Carbine students will be available in 100 round increments up to 200 rounds max. Right now, all we have is 9mm, at $27.50 per 100 rounds. 100 rounds will probably get you by for the class. 200 preferred for Carbine 2.

For Handgun students, we will have Magtech or Fiocchi 115gr ball ammo. Price for either will be $275 per 1000 rounds. You may purhase in 100 round increments up to 1200 rounds per class, with each additional 100 rounds costing $27.50. 1000 will probably get you through, but the extra 200 rounds won’t hurt, either.

Once again, if you order ammo, and then cancel your class slot, you will be refunded the amount of the ammo, and will not be afforded the option to take the ammo. If the ammo has been shipped to the class location (approx 10 days before class date), the cost of shipping the ammo (both ways) will be withheld from any refund.

Now…get on the web or on the phone and reserve those class seats, with ammo package!


Magpul Dynamics Announces Partnership with Magtech Ammunition

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

We are very pleased to learn that Magpul Dynamics is partnering with Magtech Ammunition to supply ammo for their students. This is fantastic news! Here is their release:

At Magpul Dynamics, we understand the importance of quality firearms and tactical training, and it is our mission to provide that to the military, law enforcement community, and responsible, law-abiding Citizens. It is no secret to gun owners that the price of ammunition has skyrocketed recently, in addition to a steady increase over the past few years. Also, due to the high demand for ammunition currently, the available supply to an individual wishing to purchase training ammunition at a reasonable price is nonexistent.

Magpul Dynamics is pleased to announce a partnership with Magtech Ammunition to provide students with accurate, reliable, and consistent factory ammunition. This program will allow students to purchase ammunition to meet the course requirements for our program directly from Magpul Dynamics, and ensure fair pricing and availability for our customers. We are extremely appreciative of Magtech for providing us this opportunity to serve our students better, and helping us to meet their training needs.

Pricing and purchasing details for registered students will be released shortly, with initial availability of 7.62×51, 5.56×45, .45ACP, .40 SW, and 9×19 ammunition to meet the needs of the individual shooter. At this time, ammunition will only be made available to registered Magpul Dynamics students, up to the quantity needed to attend class. There are no current plans to sell ammunition outside of the training needs of our students, and students who pay for ammunition and subsequently cancel class attendance will receive a refund, and will not have the option of taking delivery of the ammunition.

Please visit www.facebook.com/MagpulDynamics for further updates in the near future regarding ordering and availability

Magpul Dynamics: Steve Fisher Shoots Modified VTAC 1-5 Drill w/ Barrett M107 .50

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013
