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Posts Tagged ‘NTOA’

NTOA Introduces Night Vision Operator Course

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

NTOA has announced that they are now offering a Night Vision Operator Course for qualifying agencies. The full release can be read below:

NTOA Night Vision image

Will your night vision system meet your operational needs? Do you understand the benefits and limitations of NVDs? Is your training sound and defensible?

The NTOA’s two-day Night Vision Operator’s course covers the various pieces of the puzzle, including how night vision works as a system and how to select equipment to build a system that works.

Students will:

  • Work with individual skills and obstacle courses to gain familiarity with equipment
  • Learn to zero IR lasers and conduct live fire drills with carbines and pistols
  • Practice building clearing using marking rounds with shoot and no-shoot targets
  • Drive under NVGs and open air movement
  • Current course offered:

    Fort Smith, AR
    March 9-10, 2016

    The National Tactical Officers Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the law enforcement community. The NTOA currently has more than 40,000 members from specialties including patrol, TEMS, crisis negotiations, canine, corrections, sniper, protective operations, explosives, command, behavioral sciences, and more.

    For more information or to schedule a course in your agency, contact NTOA training at or 800-279-9127, ext. 2.

    XTRACT 2 Evacuation Litter Recommended By National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) Members

    Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

    We first mentioned the XTRACT 2 during last year’s SOMA. Since then, we’ve run across it at a couple of trade shows including DSEI in London.  In fact, the British Army recently adopted the device.  


    Westerville, Ohio (2015/10/22) – A rapid casualty extraction device that has been adopted by agencies all over the world has now been tested and recommended by the members of the National Tactical Officers Association.

    “We are very excited and proud to have the NTOA members award the XTRACT 2 4.5 stars out of 5 and recommend it for use by their officers all across the country” says Kingfisher Medical’s Vice President Bob Otter. The Xtract 2 allows operators to rapidly package a casualty and remove them from harm’s way. “For such a strong device to be so lightweight and easy to carry into an operational area makes it truly unique and without a doubt, will help these agencies save more lives” continues Otter. “If you look at other devices that were first adopted by the military and then recognized as invaluable tools for civilian response agencies, this device falls right into that same category, battlefield tested and now available for use on the street”.

    The XTRACT 2 weighs less than 3 pounds and is smaller than a football but is rated to over 600lbs and can be used as a drag or carry stretcher. It is made of Duraelite fabric and uses a bungee system to cocoon the patient safely into the device. “if you have a tourniquet applied to an extremity or a wound packed with hemostatic gauze, it is necessary to pay attention to how you move those victims. If you have applied a life-saving intervention, the worst thing that can happen is you lose that progress you gained by jarring it loose during evacuation” says Otter. The XTRACT 2, even though it takes only seconds to package a patient in, secures them and protects their injuries throughout transport.

    NTOA Officers said this about the device:

    “If you are looking for a lightweight stretcher for multipurpose use, then this would need to be put at the top of the list” – NTOA Evaluator in North Carolina

    “What I found was a very well made, versatile product that WORKED from point of injury to the LZ” – NTOA Evaluator in Massachusetts

    The XTRACT 2 is currently being used by law enforcement and EMS agencies throughout the world and has been named the frontline stretcher for the British Army.

    Angel Armor Receives National Recognition Through NTOA Member Tested And Recommended Program

    Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

    Fort Collins, CO (PRWEB) August 25, 2015

    Angel Armor, LLC (“Angel Armor”) today announced Angel Armor Ballistic Door Panels have received the highly respected National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) Member Tested and Recommended status.

    Products are tested and scored in 13 possible categories on a scale of zero to five. The Ballistic Door Panels have been recommended by the members of the National Tactical Officers Association, receiving an overall score of 4.88. One Law Enforcement Product Reviewer awarded the Ballistic Door Panels a score of five in all 13 categories, totaling a perfect score.

    “We all agreed that having the IIIA door panel gave us a sense of confidence that it can provide cover during surprise attacks,” said NTOA Member and Product Reviewer. “I do not go on the street without my vest, and now I do not want to go without my Ballistic Door Panel. We are now looking into getting the ballistic panel for the rest of the fleet.”

    Angel Armor Ballistic Door Panels give Law Enforcement the advantage to protect and respond. The thin and lightweight design installs with unprecedented ease, the fastest in the industry.

    “Our panels provide more than just protection, they instill confidence and ultimately peace of mind.” said Dave Goldfain, Director of Sales and Marketing for Angel Armor.

    Chase Tactical / Warrior Assault Systems To Attend NTOA Tactical Conference And Trade Show

    Friday, August 28th, 2015

    Chase Tactical NTOA

    Warrior Assault Systems and Chase Tactical will be attending the NTOA Tactical Conference and Trade Show this year in Salt Lake City, August 30-31. If you’re attending the show, give them a visit at Booth 1126.

    The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) Announces Don Kester As Director Of Training And Education

    Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

    Doylestown, Pa. (April 2015) – The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) is pleased to announce Capt. Don Kester (ret.) as the new Director of Training and Education. Don will lead the association’s Training and Education Department, as well as NTOA’s prestigious cadre of instructors. He will also manage NTOA training courses, seminars and conferences, as well as develop strategic plans to keep the NTOA at the forefront of law enforcement training and practices.

    Don served more than 23 years with the Pima County (AZ) Sheriff’s Department, retiring in 2015. His assignments with the department included training director, patrol district commander, special operations, tactical response and staff services section commander, as well as the support operations and criminal investigations division commander.

    Don’s SWAT experience spans the majority of his career. He served as a trainer, SWAT team operator, team leader, team sergeant and SWAT commander. He is certified as a chemical agents, FSDD and less-lethal instructor, as well as a master Taser instructor. He is also a firearms, defensive tactics and use-of-force instructor, and teaches many other specialties, such as rapid deployment, warrant service, hostage rescue, TEMS and incident command and leadership. He has authored several articles on these topics.

    Don has served as a use-of-force consultant/expert on cases in superior and federal court. He has served on the Law and Legal and Defensive Tactics subject matter expert committees for the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (POST). He was a delegate to the International Law Enforcement Forum (ILEF) for Minimal Force Options, as well as on the Advisory Council for the Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization (OLETC) and as a member of the SWAT Technical Support Working Group (TSWG).

    Don was the Less-Lethal Section Chair for the NTOA from 2001 – 2008; he then served seven years as a member of the NTOA board of directors. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Arizona and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.

    An interview with Don Kester will appear in the spring 2015 issue of NTOA’s quarterly journal, The Tactical Edge.

    Don may be reached by email

    Security Devices International – NTOA Members Show Approval Of SDI’s Blunt Impact Projectiles

    Wednesday, March 18th, 2015


    Security Devices International (SDI), a defense technology company specializing in the development of innovative next generation, non-lethal 40-mm ammunition, today announced that the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) members assigned above average ratings and reviews to several of SDI’s Blunt Impact Projectiles (BIP).

    The NTOA members tested and approved four of SDI’s BIPs, all of which received over a 4.0 overall rating. A rating over 4.0 means that the product exceeds advertised specifications on a regular basis and outperforms others in usefulness and quality of workmanship.

    The SDI munitions that the NTOA members tested included:

    • BIP MO Malodorant Payload
    • BIP ML Marking Liquid Payload
    • BIP TR Training Round
    • Standard BIP

    NTOA’s Member Tested and Recommended program allows manufactures to have their products tested in the field by the law enforcement community. Products are tested and scored in 13 possible categories on a scale of 0-5 that include: Design, performance, ease of use, size, quality, durability, storage, versatility, convenience, application for law enforcement, comfort, cleaning/ maintenance, and accuracy. Products receiving a rating of 3.0 or higher will receive NTOA Field Tester Recommended Status.

    “Our top priority is to provide the law enforcement community with options in situations that do not warrant the use of lethal force. With police officers and other law enforcement professionals being heavily scrutinized after recent controversial events, we want to equip them with a truly less-lethal option. We are thrilled that an organization as prestigious as the NTOA recognized the quality of our products,” said Gregory Sullivan, CEO of SDI.

    SDI’s BIP ammunition has been designed to supersede previous blunt impact solutions such as foam, sponge, and rubber bullets while maintaining in-flight stability throughout an almost flat trajectory. SDI’s family of BIPs are designed for military, peacekeeping, homeland security, law enforcement, correctional services and private sector security, and are ideal for crowd control scenarios and can adapt to any 40mm standard issue launcher.

    Warrior Assault Systems DCS Plate Carrier

    Thursday, May 8th, 2014

    DCS Plate Carrier MC 3

    May, 2014 – Chase Tactical & Warrior Assault Systems are pleased to announce that the Warrior Assault Systems DCS (Dynamic Combat System) Plate Carrier has been tested and recommended by the National Tactical Officers Association.

    This is big news for Warrior Assault Systems as it’s the first product to receive the NTOA Member Tested & Approved seal. The Warrior product line which is a UK based company is slowly establishing itself as an industry leader in producing high quality cost efficient products. The DCS scored 4.42 out of 5.

    The DCS Plate Carrier and its reviews are now listed on the NTOA Member Tested and Recommended online database.

    The full warrior product line can be found at

    NTOA Approves Sons Trauma Kit

    Sunday, December 29th, 2013

    Sons Trauma Kit

    Phokus Research Group has announced that the Sons Trauma Kit has been tested and recommended by the National Tactical Officers Association. The Sons Trauma Kit and its reviews are now listed on the NOTA Member Tested and Recommended online database. Phokus’ Hoplite night vision focusing cover is also being reviewed by NTOA, although the ETA of approval for that product is currently unknown.