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Posts Tagged ‘Radical Firearms’

Radical Firearms to Supply Police and Security Forces in Brazil

Friday, August 17th, 2018

Radical Firearms is proud to share its recent partnership with local law enforcement in Brazil. Just a few days ago Radical Firearms completed delivery of 150 RF-15 rifles to the PPCE (Polícia Civil do Estado do Ceará, or Ceará State Civil Police).

Ceará is but one of 13 Brazilian states who have chosen Radical Firearms for their security forces.

The selection of the RF-15 was completed after an extensive evaluation process. Included in that was a visit to the Radical Firearms facility by a team from C.O.R.E. (Coordenadoria de Recursos Especiais, the civil police tactical unit of Rio de Janeiro) and members of the Brazilian government. This particular model of RF-15 were built with a specialty maritime coating to deal with humidity and other unique conditions of the PPCE’s operational area.


These RF-15s were part of a larger order of imported weapons for Brazilian agency, which also included a large number of .40 S&W SIG SAUER P320s and five Armalite AR-10 SuperSASS rifles. Although this initial import was to equip PPCE agents only, additional weapons will be imported by the end of the year for other agencies, including the PPCE’s military counterpart, the PMCE (Policia Militar do Ceara Policia Militar do Brasil). Unlike PPCE agents, PMCE personnel do not conduct traditional criminal investigations, but rather work special emphasis operations to deter violent crime. Other Brazilian agencies, including PCES PMES (Polícia Militar and Polícia Civil do Estado do Espírito Santo) are also in the process of upgrading their weapons and equipment.

Historically, Brazilian agencies have been required to source firearms from such local manufacturers as IMBEL and Taurus, but that is slowly changing. In fact, as TFB’s Ronaldo Olive reports, Brazil’s Departamento de Polícia Federal (Federal Police Department) and the Polícia Rodoviaria Federal (Federal Highway Police) have both been equipped with foreign-built weapons.

The RF-15 is a 5.56mm rifle with 1 in 7″ Twist 16 in. 4140V Chromoly Melonite Coated barrel. It features M4 feed ramps, 1/2×28 thread pitch, a low profile micro gas block system, and fore end quad Pic Rails. Options for bolt carrier group, charging handle, and rail furniture are available.

Ceará is one of 27 states in Brazil, and is the 8th largest, with a population of some nine million people (about the same as Virginia). It covers a geographic area somewhere between that of Minnesota and Michigan. Its capital, Fortaleza, is the fourth most populous city in Brazil, a major ocean port and a significant tourist destination. The crime rate there is very high, and like many urban areas suffers from the violent activities of organized gangs (such as the Comando Vermelho and Guardiões do Estado). It has recently significantly increased its available manpower.


Photos by Paolo Bedran and PPCE

Radical Firearms Raising Funds To Donate Patrol Rifles To LE

Friday, July 8th, 2016

It pains us as a nation to see how many law enforcement officers over the last few weeks, specifically here in TEXAS, have been killed in the line of duty. These men and women are our neighbors, friends, and family, here to protect us from evil. We have to give our officers the ability to match force with force. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the fallen officers as well as the wounded officers that were trying to preserve peace. We cannot sit idly by as these horrendous acts happen…

Today, we are taking the initiative and starting a campaign to help protect as many Law Enforcement Officers as we can in the case their department doesn’t issue an officer a rifle. We are putting plans in motion to help Law Enforcement Officers get peace of mind back to be able to match or exceed the force they are put against.

We are accepting direct donations for Radical Firearms Blueline rifles that will go directly to a Law Enforcement Officer, starting with officers in Dallas, Texas.

With every $500 donated, one of our Radical Firearms Blueline rifles will go directly to a peace officer within 24hrs.

There are two levels of donation:

A) $100 Level
Every person that donates $100 will get a Radical Firearms Gift Bag Filled with goodies.

B) $250 Level
Every $250 donation will get a Gift Certificate for $100 to use at radicalfirearms.com.

There is no limit to how much you can make a difference in helping our law enforcement family.

Direct links to donate can be found here:

$250 Donations:


$100 Donations:

Radical Firearms Releases 6.8 Caliber Uppers

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Stafford, TX –Radical Firearms is happy to announce we’ve added a 1 in 11” twist 6.8 rifle to our long gun production lineup. The addition is a law enforcement grade, MILSPEC 16” flat top HBAR drop in upper receiver with a low profile gas block ready to mount to a MILSPEC lower receiver. The 6.8 Upper will come completely assembled, including bolt carrier group, charging handle, forward assist, barrel nut, ejection port door, A2 flash hider and of course the HBAR profile barrel.

Radical Firearms Six-Eight Upper Full Specs

· 16″ 6.8 SPC II HBAR Melonite Barrel 4150V Chromoly
· 1 in 11″ twist rate
· 5/8×24 Thread Pitch
· M4 Feed ramps
· 6.8 SPC II Phosphate BCG
· Low Profile Micro Gas Block
· Stainless Steel Mid-Length gas system
· Direct Gas Impingement
· Mil-Spec A2 Flash Hider
· 15″ Free Float Radical Firearms FHR Rail
· Integral Hybrid Keymod and Picatinny Rails for Mounting Lights, Lasers, Bipods & Sights
· Forged Upper Receiver with Forward Assist, Shell Deflector
· Milspec Charging Handle

The new upper will retail for $459.99. The reason this price is so low is, quite simply, because Radical builds everything in house. Muzzle device to buffer tube, RF manufactures it in our own facility.


As Radical’s David Spector notes,

“This give us unmatched levels of quality control and allows us to build boutique quality rifles for everyman prices.”

You will not the KeyMod rails on RF rifles are set up differently than some manufacturers. This came about due to a request by a Federal agency.

“We run them like this as a fail safe so gear doesn’t fall off accidentally. Have you ever smacked your accessory up against a door frame on a regular rail? Bye bye accessory! You don’t have to worry about that with our rails.”

Cris Parsons



Radical Firearms Launches Low Cost Suppressor Line

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

Radical Firearms, a firearms and weapon component manufacturer based in Stafford, Texas, has announced their new lower cost suppressor line, for both rimfire and center fire cartridges. The full release can be read below:

radical suppressors

Stafford, TX – Radical Firearms is proud to announce a new line of four affordable rim fire and center fire rifle suppressors.

You are going to like these cans.

These four new suppressors are as follows:


· The RF 7.62 Stainless Steel Suppressor is 9” long, 1.5” diameter rifle suppressor rated for 308 Winchester and higher. Finished in High Temp Cerakote and threaded to fit barrels in 5/8 X 24, this 23.6 oz. suppressor is available for $499.99 MSRP.


· The RF 5.56 Direct Thread Suppressor is a 7” long, 1.5” diameter rifle suppressor rated for 5.56 NATO. Finished in High Temp Cerakote and threaded to fit barrels in ½ X 28, this 22.2 oz. suppressor is available for $399.99 MSRP.


· The RF 22LR Direct Thread Suppressor is a 5.5” long, .925” diameter rim fire suppressor rated for 22 long rifle. It is completely user serviceable and features a stainless steel monocore baffle system. Finished in High Temp Cerakote and threaded to fit barrels in ½ X 28, this 6 oz. suppressor is available for $219.99 MSRP.

integral 22lr

· The RF 22LR Integrally Suppressed Barrel is a 16.25” long, .925” diameter replacement barrel for the Ruger 10/22 rifle that contains a rim fire suppressor rated for 22 long rifle. It is completely user serviceable and features a stainless steel monocore baffle system. Finished in High Temp Cerakote, this 1.5 lb. suppressed barrel is available for $399.99 MSRP.

Direct threaded rifle suppressors such as the RF 7.62 and RF 5.56 require no proprietary muzzle devices to add to the overall cost of the suppressor to the consumer. Integrally suppressed barrels, such as the RF 22LR Suppressed Barrel, offer superior sound reduction in rim fire calibers as opposed to external suppressors.

With suppressors being legal to own in 41 states as of this writing, many customers are looking for low cost solutions for their suppressor needs. Radical Firearms fills those needs offering a low cost solution in a high quality product.

The company offers an exclusive Lifetime Warranty on all firearms manufactured by Radical Firearms for the life of the product. The suppressors have a limited lifetime warranty to the original owner. (Full automatic fire and any damage from such will void the warranty, for example.)


Radical Firearms Chosen to Build US Marshals Service 225th Anniversary Rifle

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016


Stafford, TX, USA — January 10, 2016

Radical Firearms is proud to announce it will be building the 225TH Anniversary Commemorative Edition Rifle for the United States Marshals Service. The new rifle will be built in limited numbers and will be available to serving or retired United States Marshals and Deputy Marshals only.

If you are in Las Vegas for the 2016 NSSF SHOT Show, come find us at Media Day at the Range or join us at Booth #20130 in the law enforcement section. If you’re available Tuesday representatives of the US Marshals Association (USMSA) will be on hand.

The United States Marshals Service is the oldest serving law enforcement in the country. It was established in September of 1789 by President George Washington. He commissioned the first 13 Marshals on September 26TH, choosing the first 13 Marshals. Many of them he knew personally. The Marshals and Deputy Marshals of today proudly carry on their legacy of service.


This honor comes at one of our busiest times yet. Demand has surged (likely due to recent POTUS/Administration posturing) to an all time high. Last week we received over 10,000 orders. This has necessitated a change to our operations. All lower receivers and stripped upper receivers have been removed as individual purchase items and have been dedicated to the production of full rifle and pistol builds. All orders will be shipped in the order received. On-site visits and local retail sales will temporarily be restricted to appointment only. We love welcoming visitors but things are currently at an incredibly hectic pace. We have added phone lines to increase our ability to respond more quickly and are working to answer e-mails more expeditiously as well. Unfortunately (or, fortunately, depending on your perspective!) we receive 1,000 or more e-mails every day. Production has been increased to 24/7 and staff adjusted to accommodate that.

2016 promises to be one hell of a year.


Whiskey 5 – Radical Firearms

Monday, December 21st, 2015



Radical Firearms. We’re a Title II NFA Gun Manufacturer and retail operation with a complete—and growing—lineup of pistols, rifles, shotguns, silencers, and machine guns. We manufacture this line of our line of custom built AR-15s, AR-10s, bolt guns and silencers in house. We are a true manufacturer, not an assembly shop, with a fully tooled and operational gunsmithing facility. Our employees, 80% of whom are veterans because of our veteran hiring preference, are passionate about what they do and knowledgeable enough to do it extraordinarily well.



Radical began as a hobby. We started as Kyle Richie’s small shop, handling FFL transfers in a modest retail space while building high end ARs and bolt guns for choosy buyers with specific needs. We then brought in another black gun aficionado, David Spector, who knew workaday guns and business. We soon began to buy CNC machines to create better tolerances for the some of the pieces we were assembling in house (the first piece was a gas block). After selling enough gas blocks we bought more machines to manufacture other parts. With more CNC machine purchases we began hiring passionate employees. We started to realize we were creating our own parts at a fraction of the cost, which allowed us to pass the savings on to our customers. We now offer a great selection of firearms and parts that are built here in Texas for the most discerning firearms enthusiast and professional. From Military/Law Enforcement to 3Gun participants we are sure to have some thing that will meet your needs and budget—and we can do for as little as half the cost of other manufacturers. Don’t believe it? Visit the facility and watch us build your specific rifle start to finish.



Radical Firearms started in Texas, 2012 and the first CNC machine was purchased in 2013. We are proud to have grown from a small shop to selling 2000 rifles per month with over 50 employees in just three years.



Radical Firearms is located in 4413 Bluebonnet Suite 8 Stafford, TX 77477. Check our site for hours for the store. We have been in Stafford the whole time, at same facility, in the same building. All of our principals are native Texans.



Simply put, there’s a need, and because there are many rifle “manufacturers” who are disingenuous at best. Some source their parts from other manufacturers (including us) and put them together Lego fashion. Some source their parts the same way, then claim they’re built internally. We build our guns from muzzle device back, and really the actual manufacturing process. We have substantially less tolerance stacking than many manufacturers and can better control quality because everything is right there, cut to fit everything else exactly. You’re not going to find a couple thousandths off here and a couple thousandths off there on a Radical rifle. The team in our factory and store take pride in their work and thoroughly enjoy being part of the community. Besides building firearms for the public we have also begun to provide rifles to various law enforcement agencies in Texas and are the official rifle of the Texas Tactical Police Officers Association (TTPOA). Being part of the community is some thing in which we take pride; part of that is being a good neighbor. Our philanthropy work has raised a lot of money. We have as many as five rifle giveaways a month for various charities, from the families of fallen LEOs to families who lost everything during the recent flooding.

You can learn more about us online at www.radicalfirearms.com.

We’re on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RadicalFirearms and on Instagram as well, @radicalfirearms.