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Posts Tagged ‘Recoil’

Rob Pincus Speaks Out on “Recoil”

Friday, September 14th, 2012

The announcement that Jerry Tsai, former Editor of Recoil Magazine, has stepped down certainly opens the door for them to rebuild their advertising base. But, the question still remains, will the change in leadership bring a strong message to young gun owners that the fundamental reason to own a firearm is personal, home and (in the worst case) National Defense ?

Let’s hope so.

Keep in mind that this week’s conversations, and the many that will be had about Recoil Magazine in the near and (possibly) far future, really revolved not around one man, but around large issues that affect each and every gun owner. The issue is “Why is it okay that we owns firearms?”

At the end of the day, there really should not be any reason that someone claims, short of the intent to harm another human being outside of defensive action, that anyone should consider wrong. There are many types of guns that we, as individuals, may not like. There are many reasons for owning guns that we, as individuals, may not want to list as our own. Fundamentally, I believe that defense is the primary best reason for firearms to exist and to be owned. I firmly believe that a constitutional interpretation of the right to own firearms is based on defense.

The reason I was personally so invested in the discussion this week was not to see one man replaced. It was to ensure that any voice of leadership in this industry at least agrees that our RKBA should not be legally restricted and that there is no absolutely such thing as a reasonable restriction to the rights of responsible, sane and law abiding person to own firearms.

Certainly, we may not always agree on the best choices for defense, the best ways to exercise our rights or even, believe it or not, the best caliber for any given purpose… but, on the issue of Zero Tolerance for Restrictions, we must be united.

I wish Recoil Magazine, and Jerry Tsai, good luck in rebuilding so long as they do so with a stronger sense of the importance of instilling these principles in the young, enthusiastic gun owners that they reaching… and anyone else who is listening.

-Rob Pincus
-I.C.E. Training Company

Jerry Tsai Steps Down as Editor of “Recoil” Magazine

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Just minutes ago, “Recoil” Editor Jerry Tsai announced his resignation. While this doesn’t end the controversy surrounding the magazine’s most recent issue, it is certainly a move towards reconciliation with its readership. They must still find a new Editor as well as writers and work to gain back readers and advertisers alike.

It is with deep sorrow that I announce I am stepping down as editor of Recoil, effective immediately.

It is very difficult for me to walk away from something I helped create, something that I loved doing, and something I firmly believed would appeal to a fresh new generation of gun enthusiasts, but I accept that the comments in my story in the current issue have made my position as editor of Recoil untenable.

With that said, Recoil is bigger than any one person, and if my departure will allow Recoil to continue to grow and engage gun enthusiasts, then stepping down as editor is clearly the right thing for me to do.

I accept I made mistakes, and I apologize unreservedly for calling Recoil’s support for Second Amendment rights into question.

While I understand the passions aroused over this incident, the deeply hurtful words from some of my fellow gun enthusiasts have been painful to endure. I hope now we can all move on.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have supported me over the past few days. These are the people who know me to be at heart a passionate gun enthusiast whose dream was to make something bold and new in firearms media.

Jerry Tsai

Companies Who Have Dropped Advertising With ‘Recoil’ Magazine – Updated

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

SWR Manufacturing
Panteao Productions
ITS Tactical
Haley Strategic Partners
Truly Tactical
Magpul Industries
Bravo Company USA
DSG Arms
Vortex Optics
Advanced Armament Corp
ITW Military Products
Mission First Tactical
Ares Armor
Tactical Tailor
Daniel Defense

Please support them in their support of the Second Amendment.

The “Official” Word on the ‘Recoil’ Magazine Gaffe – Updated

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

This gets even better. According to David Reeder of ‘KitUp!’ the statement below by My Galloway (who no one can now reach) is not an official position. In Reeder’s article it sounds as if ‘Recoil’ Editor Jerry Tsai is saying that Galloway did this of his own accord and is off the reservation. Unfortunately, his only source for this denial is Tsai, the epicenter of the controversy. Wonderful. ‘Recoil’ publisher Source Interlink Media doesn’t have a single voice and hasn’t addressed the issues. Regardless of whether this remains their position, they haven’t issued a retraction or clarification. And, they still have intimated that the anti-Second Amendment sentiments weren’t Tsai’s but rather H&K’s. H&K has officially denied this.

To summarize: The “Offical” position is unoffically the unofficial position. Is anyone in charge? What a mess!

Please read ‘Recoil’ magazine publisher Source Interlink Media’s position on Editor Jerry Tsai’s Second Amendment gaffe in issue number 4. For those of you unaware of this internet crap storm please read this first

In light of some of the comments and complaints made about a paragraph in a recent article about the Heckler & Koch MP7A1, Recoil wishes to make the following points clear:

· It is simply not credible for anyone to question Recoil’s support for, and commitment to, the Second Amendment. Recoil is first and foremost a gun lifestyle magazine, aimed at the modern shooting enthusiast.

· The opinions in the paragraph in question accurately reflected those of the manufacturer, and should have been reported as direct quotes. Recoil acknowledges the way the paragraph was written has caused unnecessary confusion.

· Jerry Tsai, a passionate gun enthusiast and the visionary behind Recoil magazine, will remain as editor of Recoil.

We thank you for your support and understanding.

Quite honestly, if you read the article, it was one paragraph that was actually quoted from the manufacturer and we did not state it that way. Recoil has 26,000 likes on face book and the magazine has only been out for three issues and issue number 4 is just hitting the streets. I honestly believe that this will not hurt the magazine. I have not lost anyone as a result of this and do not expect to.

Joe Galloway
Associate Publisher
5.0 Mustang & Super Fords
Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords
Phone 813-675-3493
Fax 813-675-3557
Assistant: Jennifer Conklin 813-675-3507

Now, I have a few words. Initially, I didn’t want to throw Jerry Tsai under the bus. As I understand it, he is a very nice guy and he had the vision and passion to launch ‘Recoil’ in the first place. But, after talking to many in industry I realized that Mr Tsai was way out of his league here. If it hadn’t been this, his inexperience would have manifested itself somewhere else. I have come to the conclusion that if ‘Recoil’ is to survive, there is no way that Mr Tsai can edit or write for it. Unfortunately, publisher Source Interlink Media is so naive about the firearms industry that they don’t get it either. Pretty scary. Even worse, they aren’t getting it after losing multiple advertisers. They don’t believe they have lost readers either. They think that Facebook ‘likes’ equal readers. What they don’t get is that folks have ‘liked’ them on Facebook so that they can more easily follow the lunacy.

But, what is worse than some losing advertisers and readers is their relationship with the very industry that they are supposed to be covering. Rather than manning up and accepting Mr Tsai’s words, they are now blaming the words and associated anti-Second Amendment sentiment on Heckler & Koch. Well done. You’ve now alienated one gun maker and the others are probably rubbing their chins wondering if you’ll make them look bad as well. Who is going to provide samples for those cute little photo layouts? What gun company is going to take them to the range? Who will even talk to them? You can’t have a magazine without content. I supported ‘Recoil’ from the beginning and I would have stayed right behind them had they shown industry that they were willing to learn from this and move forward. Instead, they don’t get it at all. They’ve now taken an adversarial stance toward the firearms and tactical industries. I can’t abide by that.

I have heard various versions of this today so I’ll just paraphrase, “Recoil, you need industry. You’ve shown us we don’t need you.”

You Can’t Run From The Internet – Recoil Magazine, the HK MP7A1, and the Second Amendment

Monday, September 10th, 2012

‘Recoil’ magazine hit the gun community like a Tsunami at SHOT Show 2012, promising to be everything that existing gun magazines weren’t. It delivered and quickly became the darling of the firearms enthusiast, offering a bi-monthly heaping of great photography and gun culture. But, when friends asked me about the magazine I referred to it as ‘Maxim for guns’. It was certainly successful but I wondered how long it would last. None of the staff were known as ‘gun guys’ and their approach didn’t seem sustainable. The focus seemed to be on consumer products and photography rather than substance. I also noticed a lot of automotive accessory advertising. The car magazine origins were later verified when I realized that they are published by Source Interlink Media. They are responsible for magazines like ‘Motor Trend’. Overall, cool magazine but not exactly a publication for pros.

But, as they were running a magazine in what I consider my business space I didn’t want to come out as publicly critical of them. In the end, it was their gig and I love the layout of the magazine. In fact, I was very supportive of them. When they first started out, if you googled “Recoil magazine” SSD’s coverage came up before they did.

However, something happened over the weekend. The much anticipated issue number 4 was released last week. It featured an article on the HK MP7A1. In the article Editor Jerry Tsai said (emphasis added by me) –

“Like we mentioned before, the MP7A1 is unavailable to civilians and for good reason. We all know that’s technology no civies should ever get to lay their hands on. This is a purpose-built weapon with no sporting applications to speak of. It is made to put down scumbags, and that’s it. Mike Cabrera of Heckler & Koch Law Enforcement Sales and veteran law enforcement officer with SWAT unit experience points out that this is a gun that you do not want in the wrong, slimy hands.”

Some might ask, what’s wrong with that? Well, that argument is exactly the argument that anti-gunners use to attempt to legislate away our Constitutionally granted gun rights. “No sporting purpose” Remember those words. You’ll see them again and again from the anti-gun crowd. For them to come from someone who makes a living in the firearms industry is like a slap in the face. Doesn’t he realize he legitimizes that notion by publishing it? The printed word has power. It will be used to support one agenda or another.

The controversy surrounding the article kicked off Friday evening on Recoil’s Facebook page. There were hundreds upon hundreds of posts discussing the issue and Jerry Tsai even weighed in with this lame “apology” on the thread the originated the controversy (go back to the earliest comments).

Hey guys, this is Jerry Tsai, Editor of RECOIL. I think I need to jump in here and clarify what I wrote in the MP7A1 article. It looks like I may not have stated my point clearly enough in that line that is quoted up above. Let’s be clear, neither RECOIL nor I are taking the stance on what should or should not be made available on the commercial market although I can see how what was written can be confused as such.

Because we don’t want anything to be taken out of context, let’s complete that quote and read the entire paragraph:

“Like we mentioned before, the MP7A1 is unavailable to civilians and for good reason. We all know that’s technology no civvies should ever get to lay their hands on. This is a purpose-built weapon with no sporting applications to speak of. It is made to put down scumbags, and that’s it. Mike Cabrera of Heckler & Koch Law Enforcement Sales and veteran law enforcement officer with SWAT unit experience points out that this is a gun that you do not want in the wrong, slimy hands. It comes with semi-automatic and full-auto firing modes only. Its overall size places it between a handgun and submachine gun. Its assault rifle capabilities and small size make this a serious weapon that should not be taken lightly.”

Let’ also review why this gun should not be taken lightly. In the article it was stated that the MP7A1 is a slightly larger than handgun sized machine-gun that can be accurately fired and penetrate Soviet style body armor at more than 300 yards. In the wrong hands, that’s a bad day for the good guys.

As readers of RECOIL, we all agree that we love bad-ass hardware, there’s no question about that. I believe that in a perfect world, all of us should have access to every kind of gadget that we desire. Believe me, being a civvie myself, I’d love to be able to get my hands on an MP7A1 of my own regardless of its stated purpose, but unfortunately the reality is that it isn’t available to us. As a fellow enthusiast, I know how frustrating it is to want something only to be denied it.

Its manufacturer has not made the gun available to the general public and when we asked if it would ever come to the commercial market, they replied that it is strictly a military and law enforcement weapon, adding that there are no sporting applications for it. Is it wrong that HK decided against selling a full-auto pocket sized machine gun that can penetrate armor from hundreds of yards away? It’s their decision to make and their decision they have to live with not mine nor anybody else’s.

I accepted their answer for what it was out of respect for those serving in uniform. I believe that we as gun enthusiasts should respect our brothers in law enforcement, agency work and the military and also keep them out of harms way. Like HK, I wouldn’t want to see one of these slip into the wrong hands either. Whether or not you agree with this is fine. I am compelled to explain a point that I was trying to make that may have not been clear.

Thanks for reading,
– JT, Editor, RECOIL

Doesn’t seem to help much does it?

Monday morning and they will begin to learn the lesson that is the title of this post. You can’t run from the internet. Once it’s out there, it’s out there, and, in this case, its everywhere. Almost in response, as if there is a “reset” button, Recoil has posted this new apology on their Facebook account –

I’d like to address the comments regarding what I wrote in the MP7A1 article in RECOIL issue 4. First and foremost, I’d like to apologize for any offense that I have caused with the article. With the benefit of hindsight, I now understand the outrage, and I am greatly saddened that it was initiated by my words. Especially since, I am an unwavering supporter of 2nd Amendment Rights. I’ve chosen to spend a significant part of both my personnel and professional life immersed in this enthusiasm, so to have my support of individuals’ rights called into doubt is extremely unfortunate. With that said, I retract what I wrote in the offending paragraph within this article. It should have had been presented with more clarity.

In the article, I stated some information that was passed on to me about why the gun is not available for civilian purchase. By no means did I intend to imply that civilians are not responsible, nor do we lack the judgment to own such weapons, if I believed anything approaching this, clearly I would lead a much different life. I also mentioned in the article that the gun had no sporting purpose. This again, was information passed on to me and reported in the article without the necessary additional context. I believe everything published in RECOIL up to this point (other than this story), demonstrates we clearly understand and completely agree that guns do not need to have a sporting purpose in order for them to be rightfully available to civilians. In retrospect, I should have presented this information in a clearer manner. Although I can understand the manufacturer’s stance on the subject, it doesn’t mean that I agree with it.

Again, I acknowledge the mistakes I made and for them I am truly sorry.

Jerry Tsai

Sounds like a guy trying to keep his job, but, as I stated on Facebook, Jerry Tsai isn’t exactly a gun guy and lives in California. While there are many, many 2A supporters in California, the state’s status quo regarding gun legislation can certainly warp reality for anyone who grew up with those laws. Considering his fairly recent interest in firearms I think Jerry Tsai is a victim of this mentality.

Since the controversy hit Facebook, brand after brand has pledged to drop advertising from the magazine following the flap. I wonder how many companies will be willing to work with ‘Recoil’ after this lest they be branded as ‘traitors’ by the consumer base. And, I wonder how they will be received at SHOT Show. Last year, ‘Recoil’ was an up and coming sample issue. Now, it’s a PR disaster. The next issue will be important for the future of ‘Recoil’ but I think it’s the issue after that, that will determine the future. Can they move past this and is their sustainability there?

‘Recoil’ has to make some changes if it will survive. They absolutely need to bring in some writers who actually know guns. Ironically, Stickman had a story on Noveske in issue number 4. But who knows if anyone with any legitimacy will want to work with the magazine in the future. However, the real question is whether editor Jerry Tsai has to go. On one hand, he is damaged goods in this industry. Maybe his naivete will be enough to save him. On the other hand, it certainly seems that ‘Recoil’ was his vision. If he left, what would ‘Recoil’ become? And, would it be enough to satisfy the readership and industry?

No matter their chosen path ahead, ‘Recoil’ has to deal with the reality of what has transpired and remember that you can’t run from the internet.

Recoil Issue #3

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Look for Recoil issue #3 hitting newsstands next week.

Recoil Magazine Interviews Haley

Sunday, May 13th, 2012

Hit gun magazine ‘Recoil‘ interviewed Travis Haley for their latest issue which hit stands earlier this month. Here is a little taste; Travis Haley’s EDC.

Guess What I Just Picked Up

Thursday, April 26th, 2012
