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Posts Tagged ‘Vickers Tactical’

Gunfighter Moment – Larry Vickers

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

‘Once in awhile go out and shoot some older small arms to get a sense of where we are today and how we got here. I highly recommend weapons such as the M1 Garand, FN FAL, G3 as well as bolt guns such as the K98k, Mosin Nagant and Lee-Enfield.

If you have never fired these you may be very surprised how well they perform at certain tasks – the Garand, FAL and Lee-Enfield in particular.

In handguns make sure you try a rack grade M1911A1, Luger, P38 and Browning Hi Power – all of them in as issued condition from WW II. It can be a real eye opening experience when you see just how much more user friendly modern handguns are.

All of this will give you a different perspective when you pick up your tricked out M4 and Glock – you likely won’t take things for granted when you see how far we have come.’

-Larry Vickers
Vickers Tactical Inc.
Host of TacTV


Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical in a retired US Army 1st SFOD-Delta combat veteran with years of experience in the firearms industry as a combat marksmanship instructor and industry consultant. In recent years he has hosted tactical firearms related TV shows on the Sportsman Channel with the latest being TacTV of which Bravo Company is a presenting sponsor.Larry Vickers special operations background is one of the most unique in the industry today; he has been directly or indirectly involved in the some of the most significant special operations missions of the last quarter century. During Operation Just Cause he participated in Operation Acid Gambit – the rescue of Kurt Muse from Modelo Prison in Panama City, Panama. As a tactics and marksmanship instructor on active duty he helped train special operations personnel that later captured Saddam Hussein and eliminated his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein. In addition he was directly involved in the design and development of the HK416 for Tier One SOF use which was used by Naval Special Warfare personnel to kill Osama Bin Laden. Larry Vickers has developed various small arms accessories with the most notable being his signature sling manufactured by Blue Force Gear and Glock accessories made by Tangodown. In addition he has maintained strong relationships with premium companies within the tactical firearms industry such as BCM, Aimpoint, Black Hills Ammunition, Wilson Combat and Schmidt & Bender.

Larry Vickers travels the country conducting combat marksmanship classes for law abiding civilians, law enforcement and military and has partnered with Alias Training to coordinate classes to best meet the needs of the students attending the class.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

Link Up With LAV at SHOT Show

Friday, January 10th, 2014

If you’re interested in meeting Larry Vickers during SHOT Show, he will be at the Blue Force Gear booth #31209, everyday from 2:30 to 4 pm and the Arsenal Firearms booth #12251 from 10:30 to noon everyday.

That is the Strike One pistol Arsenal Firearms booth – NOT Arsenal USA who makes the AK’s – they are two different companies

Gunfighter Moment – Larry Vickers

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

Firearms safety in the real world- this is the safety brief I give in my classes;

1) Know your target and what is beyond it; on the range you have something ( a berm for Instance ) that acts as a bullet stop- in the real world you can’t predict what your bullet stop will be or if you even will have one. Understand if you launch a bullet Downrange in the real world you own it so it’s in your best interest to make sure you hit your target and you know what is beyond your target in case you miss it or over penetrate

2) Treat weapons as if they are loaded at all times; people know we need to do this but the fact of the matter is once most people have convinced themselves a firearm is cleared they are likely to point it at anything or anybody – including themselves. This is a seriously bad habit that could mean life or death someday. Chances are good if you handle weapons long enough you will eventually have an unintentional discharge – at that point the only thing that will keep things from getting ugly fast is the proper handling habits you have built over time. This is a major issue- learn it and live it.

3) Do not allow your muzzle to cross anything your not willing to destroy; in the military and LE often times individuals sweep each other with your muzzle – that’s not a good thing but is sometimes unavoidable – my approach is know when you are doing it and minimize it to the best of your ability. In the civilian sector pointing a gun at somebody is a really big deal so you have to be switched on 100% of the time in terms of muzzle awareness.

4) Finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot; this is rightly considered the golden rule of firearms safety as it is the fail safe in case I happen to sweep someone with my muzzle I won’t put a bullethole in them because my finger is off the trigger. Fortunately the popularity of guns like the Glock has made this rule universally accepted – that’s a good thing as not long ago having your finger on the trigger was seen as the best way to be ‘ready’ for instant action – in reality what you were ‘ready’ for was an AD

These are the safety rules I highlight in every class – I believe in them and you should to – be safe and see you at the range

-Larry Vickers
Vickers Tactical Inc.
Host of TacTV


Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical in a retired US Army 1st SFOD-Delta combat veteran with years of experience in the firearms industry as a combat marksmanship instructor and industry consultant. In recent years he has hosted tactical firearms related TV shows on the Sportsman Channel with the latest being TacTV of which Bravo Company is a presenting sponsor.Larry Vickers special operations background is one of the most unique in the industry today; he has been directly or indirectly involved in the some of the most significant special operations missions of the last quarter century. During Operation Just Cause he participated in Operation Acid Gambit – the rescue of Kurt Muse from Modelo Prison in Panama City, Panama. As a tactics and marksmanship instructor on active duty he helped train special operations personnel that later captured Saddam Hussein and eliminated his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein. In addition he was directly involved in the design and development of the HK416 for Tier One SOF use which was used by Naval Special Warfare personnel to kill Osama Bin Laden. Larry Vickers has developed various small arms accessories with the most notable being his signature sling manufactured by Blue Force Gear and Glock accessories made by Tangodown. In addition he has maintained strong relationships with premium companies within the tactical firearms industry such as BCM, Aimpoint, Black Hills Ammunition, Wilson Combat and Schmidt & Bender.

Larry Vickers travels the country conducting combat marksmanship classes for law abiding civilians, law enforcement and military and has partnered with Alias Training to coordinate classes to best meet the needs of the students attending the class.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

Prototype GLOCK Sights from Vickers Tactical

Monday, December 9th, 2013

As many of you know, Larry Vickers has a set of sights for the GLOCK coming through a collaboration with Wilson Combat. This is a prototype but the final production ones will be very simila; the hole at the bottom is for a tritium dot allowing for a dot on top of dot tritium sight picture. The rear sight is a “U”-shaped affair with scalloped sides. So far, LAV has made no mention of the front sight.

Vickers Tactical GLOCK Sight by Wilson Combat

According to LAV, GLOCK plastic sights go they have 4 issues:

1) they are plastic so are easily marred

2) the rear sight notch is too narrow for the front sight so there is very little to no light on either side of the front site

3) the white u notch rear site draws your attention to the rear sight vs the front site

4) with a proper sight picture the bottom 25% of the white dot on the front site is cut off so many shooters subconsciously elevate the front site in order to see a complete dot- thus shooting high

Vickers feels that the fact that they are plastic is really the least of their problems. He commented, “They are simply poorly designed pistol sights – period.”


Gunfighter Moment – Larry Vickers

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

I’ve had some people ask me about dust covers or lack of them on assault rifles – with the AR15/M16/M4 family being the most notable example of a rifle that has a dust cover as standard issue. Recently there have been lower cost M4-style rifles hitting the market that have deleted the dust cover altogether. In my opinion this is done entirely as a cost cutting measure and not to enhance performance in any way.

My opinion is that on an AR, the dust cover is a plus with no real negatives – rarely does the dust cover spring break and cause malfunctions by bouncing back up to induce ejection stoppages during firing. It can certainly happen, but the likelihood of a stoppage due to debris entering the action from a lack of dust cover being in place is far higher.

The AR15 family of rifles was designed to have a Sturmgewehr inspired dust cover and all variants should in fact have one – if they don’t they fall into the category of guns for games and not guns for fighting.

-Larry Vickers
Vickers Tactical Inc.
Host of TacTV


Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical in a retired US Army 1st SFOD-Delta combat veteran with years of experience in the firearms industry as a combat marksmanship instructor and industry consultant. In recent years he has hosted tactical firearms related TV shows on the Sportsman Channel with the latest being TacTV of which Bravo Company is a presenting sponsor.Larry Vickers special operations background is one of the most unique in the industry today; he has been directly or indirectly involved in the some of the most significant special operations missions of the last quarter century. During Operation Just Cause he participated in Operation Acid Gambit – the rescue of Kurt Muse from Modelo Prison in Panama City, Panama. As a tactics and marksmanship instructor on active duty he helped train special operations personnel that later captured Saddam Hussein and eliminated his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein. In addition he was directly involved in the design and development of the HK416 for Tier One SOF use which was used by Naval Special Warfare personnel to kill Osama Bin Laden. Larry Vickers has developed various small arms accessories with the most notable being his signature sling manufactured by Blue Force Gear and Glock accessories made by Tangodown. In addition he has maintained strong relationships with premium companies within the tactical firearms industry such as BCM, Aimpoint, Black Hills Ammunition, Wilson Combat and Schmidt & Bender.

Larry Vickers travels the country conducting combat marksmanship classes for law abiding civilians, law enforcement and military and has partnered with Alias Training to coordinate classes to best meet the needs of the students attending the class.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

Vickers Recreates CAR-15 He Used On Medelo Prison Raid

Monday, November 18th, 2013

I know all of you youngsters have been a gaged in combat since 2001 but back in the 80s and 90s, combat operations were rare. One of the biggies was Operation Just Cause, the invasion of Panama. Retired Army MSG Larry Vickers participated in Operation Acid Gambit, a component of that invasion that rescued American Kurt Muse from the clutches of a despotic Panamanian regime. LAV has recreated the Colt 723 carbine he used on that raid.


It includes an Aimpoint 2000 and a SCUBA flashlight hose clamped to the handguards. Compare that to what we see today. The rifle oh 1989 is essentially the same but the accessories are light years apart.

Gunfighter Moment – Larry Vickers

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

As many of my students can tell you I am a real stickler for keeping your weapons lubricated. This in fact remains the biggest problem I see from class to class, regardless if the students are Mil, LE or civilian.

Over the years I have used a variety of lubes; some good, some bad, some mediocre. I now use one that actually exceeds the advertisers claims- Fireclean. It in fact gets the LAV seal of approval. Fireclean bonds with the metal in your firearm, filling in the pores of the metal to keep carbon from bonding and making the gun easier to clean. Most importantly to me it still reduces friction during firing even when all visible lubricant is gone. This is another by product of Fireclean bonding with the moving parts in your weapon.

Finally we have a lube that is very forgiving and actually has positive attributes beyond just reducing friction when applied in abundance. Try it as per the instructions on the bottle and my guess is you will be convinced of its advantages also.

-Larry Vickers
Vickers Tactical Inc.
Host of TacTV


Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical in a retired US Army 1st SFOD-Delta combat veteran with years of experience in the firearms industry as a combat marksmanship instructor and industry consultant. In recent years he has hosted tactical firearms related TV shows on the Sportsman Channel with the latest being TacTV of which Bravo Company is a presenting sponsor.Larry Vickers special operations background is one of the most unique in the industry today; he has been directly or indirectly involved in the some of the most significant special operations missions of the last quarter century. During Operation Just Cause he participated in Operation Acid Gambit – the rescue of Kurt Muse from Modelo Prison in Panama City, Panama. As a tactics and marksmanship instructor on active duty he helped train special operations personnel that later captured Saddam Hussein and eliminated his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein. In addition he was directly involved in the design and development of the HK416 for Tier One SOF use which was used by Naval Special Warfare personnel to kill Osama Bin Laden. Larry Vickers has developed various small arms accessories with the most notable being his signature sling manufactured by Blue Force Gear and Glock accessories made by Tangodown. In addition he has maintained strong relationships with premium companies within the tactical firearms industry such as BCM, Aimpoint, Black Hills Ammunition, Wilson Combat and Schmidt & Bender.

Larry Vickers travels the country conducting combat marksmanship classes for law abiding civilians, law enforcement and military and has partnered with Alias Training to coordinate classes to best meet the needs of the students attending the class.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

LAV Built a Russian SOF Inspired AK

Friday, November 8th, 2013


Larry Vickers assembled a new AK build based on his recent visit to Russia. Their SOF run some pretty impressive setups.


– Arsenal SLR-106CR
– Texas Weapon Systems Dog Leg Rail Texas Armament Railed Receiver Cover
– Aimpoint T-1
– Larue T-1 Mount
– Zenit Extended Rail Cover
– Survival Corps AK-100 Side Folding Collapsing AR Stock Adapter
– Krebs Extended Safety Lever
– Tromix Extended Charging Handle Knob
– Bulgarian 4-piece Krinkov brake
– Wilcox Industries Raptor laser w/white light
– Magpul CTR stock
– Tango Down / US Palm AK grip
– Magpul vert grip
– Blue Force Gear Vickers Sling
– Polish Mag