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Posts Tagged ‘Zero Point’

Zero Point And Kopis Mobile Pay Homage To Draper Kauffman – Part 1

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

Draper Kauffman Tribute

In a 3-part series to honor the Father of US Navy EOD and US Navy UDT/SEAL, Zero Point and Kopis Mobile will pay tribute to Admiral Draper Lawrence Kauffman by presenting a few key bullets from his remarkable career, unveiling a few custom designs attributed to his exploits, as well as working up donations to contribute to SOWF and EODWF. Don’t miss it – and visit their booth to find out more at SOFIC – Booth #1818.

Draper Kauffman

Draper Kauffman (left) as a Sub Lt RNVR after defuzing a German bomb

Part 1 of 3: Draper Kauffman Aug.4, 1911 – Aug.18, 1979 – America’s first Twin Pin (EOD/SEAL)

Draper Kauffman is well-known as US Navy’s Founding Frogman forming the Naval Combat Demolition Units (NCDU), early predecessor to Navy’s Special Warfare’s UDT/SEAL. However, less known but equally important is he is also credited as a Founding Father of US Navy EOD. This is a small tribute to a Naval Officer, Leader, Visionary, Patriot, and a true American Hero.

• Graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1933. Denied commission as a “regular” officer due to poor eyesight.

• Following his denied commission, Kauffman joined the United States Steamship Lines in an effort to assist in what he felt would be the inevitable war against Germany.

• 10 May 1940: volunteered as an ambulance driver for the French Army in a region of Alsace-Lorraine, just 10 miles from France’s “impenetrable” Maginot Line.

• 22 June 1940: captured by the Germans with his ambulance co-drivers and became a WWII POW. Repatriated several months later.

• Holder of the France’s Croix de Guerre.

• Late 1940, became a member of England’s Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve. Volunteered for the Royal Navy Unexploded Bomb Department shortly afterwards.

• December 1941, one of the first to defuse a Japanese UXO. Awarded his first Navy Cross.

• 1942 Jan 04: LT Kauffman returns to Washington D.C. and established the US Navy Bomb Disposal School; 1942 Jan 23 First U.S. Navy Bomb Disposal class convened at Washington Navy Yard.

• 1944, Kauffman drew from the ranks of the US Navy Bomb Disposal School to begin what would be the predecessor of UDT/SEAL, Naval Combat Demolition Unit.

• Later in 1944 and ’45, Kauffman would conduct several combat demolition operations in the Pacific Theater, earning his second Navy Cross for actions specific to Saipan.

• Just prior to the surrender of the Japanese in Tokyo Bay, Kauffman led a team to ensure the bay was safe from possible kamikaze boat attacks during the surrender ceremony.

• 13 October 1945: the UDT veil of secrecy was lifted when a Saturday Evening Post article entitled “They Hit the Beach in Swim Trunks” was published.

• In 1946, 13 years after graduating Naval Academy, Kauffman finally became a Regular Naval Officer.

• 1946, Kauffman participated in some of the first Bikini Atoll nuclear tests.

• August 1946, organized and commanded the U.S. Navy Radiological Safety School.

• 1947, Finally became a Line Officer in the Regular Navy.

• 1948, Kauffman took command of his first Destroyer, the USS Gearing.

• 1960, Promoted to Admiral.

• 1970, Last tour of duty was as Commandant of the Ninth Naval District, Great Lakes Naval Training Center.

Multiple Sources: America’s First Frogman – Elizabeth Kauffman Bush, Wikipedia, Retired Naval Colleagues



MDM – Zero Point

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

We’ve mentioned the TiTAN and Modular Charge System from Zero Point in the past so the Multi Use Tactical Targeting System (MUTTS) caught my eye.


Designed to be used with both charge systems, it allows you to precisely aim those tools at various heights. It comes in a kit with a tripod and a central hub with various detachable arms so that you can configure the MUTTS exactly how you need it.


Additionally, when used with the MCS frangible leg, the MUTTS tripod remains intact for later use.



Warrior Expo – Zero Point

Thursday, July 11th, 2013


The Modular Charge System (MCS) has been designed and developed through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between Zero Point & NAVEODTECHDIV.


-A suite of equipment condenses the explosive capabilities available from multiple explosives and explosive tools into one device which allows the user to quickly employ multiple charge types.
-This may allow the replacement of several of the pre-packed explosive charges, such as the Mk-23/24, (MK 89/87/45/ MK 1/2/3 ).
-The MCS can be configured to use Conical and Linear Shaped Charges, Hemispherical, Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs), Explosively Driven Flyer Plates, Steel Shot EFP / Flyers, Contact Charges, Strip Charges, MCD/LIDD replacement.
-In addition several different types of liners and materials can be used, Copper, Magnesium, Zirconium, Aluminum, Liners; 60/75/90 degree/Flat/EFP & Hemi liners.


-Offers an bbvious EOD application against a variety of ordnance/IED threats.
-Breacher applications include easily configurable satellite and slider charges.
-Safety Certification not required due to user packed explosives.
-Fielding expected later this year.



What I’ve Been Doing All Morning

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Thanks to FirstSpear, Oakley, SIG Sauer, Zero Point and Wilcox Industries…look for a full report soon.


Warrior West – Zero Point

Friday, April 26th, 2013


The Titanium Targeting, Acquisition & Neutralization (TiTAN) from ZERO POINT is a 12 ga disruptor. It can be man or robot employed and is Weapon Safety Explosives Safety Review Board and Military Technical Acceptance Board approved.


Based on which components are used, the TiTAN can be configured in a variety of ways from a simple 12″ main barrel to the configuration seen above with an overall length of 30″.


Spectrum from ZERO POINT

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Aptly named due to its adaptability across the light spectrum, the Spectrum from Zero Point is an illumination toolkit. It comes packaged in a custom molded case and looks like a pen light. But it’s so much more.

The waterproof case features a purge valve and has a foam liner with cut outs for all of the components including batteries.

I have had the pleasure of having one available to use and it is fantastic. Each end of the Spectrum features a swappable light head which is powered by independently by a single AAA battery. This allows you to configure the Spectrum based on mission requirements although it can quickly be reconfigured. The heads integrate tightly spaced threads and O rings to keep the water out.

As you can see above, the optional High Density Rubber Light Shield prevents to light from going anywhere but where you direct it. This can come in handy for a variety of reasons. Additionally, the rubber construction of the Light Shield allows you to further control the beam by pinching it closed. Two are included with the Spectrum so that you can configure both heads simultaneously.

In addition to the UV and White light heads already mentioned, Infrared, Blue, and Red also come with the Spectrum. All lamps are LED.

For more information visit www.zeropointusa.com.

EOD Warrior

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Yes, this is essentially gear pr0n, but it gives you an idea of what the best dressed EOD techs are wearing and how they are equipped; with ZERO POINT kit naturally. This particular specimen was found in the ADS Inc booth at SHOT Show. We’ve reviewed a couple of bits of bits and pieces from Zero Point in the past and this post serves as a great teaser for a couple of upcoming articles featuring even more kit you can’t live without, whether you are EOD, or not.

www.zeropointusa.com and don’t forget, all ZERO POINT products can be purchased through ADS.