TYR Tactical

Archive for March, 2010

Soldier Systems Free iPhone App

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Soldier Systems Daily is offering a FREE iPhone app available now for download at iTunes.

The Soldier Systems Daily iPhone App

Powered by MotherApp.

The Black Rifle – M16 Retrospective

Friday, March 5th, 2010

"The Black Rifle"There is a lot of hyperbole floating around on the internet these days in regard to the current US military service rifle and its little brother the carbine. Much of it is coming out of the gun press but unfortunately quite a bit stems from within the military itself. The student of modern small arms would do himself great good to read “The Black Rifle” by R Blake Stevens and Edward C Ezell. It’s good to have a basic understanding of how we got where we are today. Armed with such knowledge you will be able to dispel common inaccuracies about the M16 family of small arms and knowledgeably speak about small arms development in regard to that system.

“The Black Rifle – M16 Retrospective” is available directly from its publisher, Collector Grade Publications as well as another fine book entitled, “Black Rifle II – The M16 Into the 21st Century” which picks up where “Black rifle” leaves off. Neither are inexpensive but both are well worth the cost if you are serious about this business.


MultiCam – What You’ll Get

Friday, March 5th, 2010

In a recent interview with PEO Soldier’s COL William Cole and LTC Mike Sloane they detailed efforts to field complete ensembles of clothing and equipment in MultiCam required for combat patrols in Afghanistan. This first article will discuss what is being issued.

In addition to four FR ACUs and Army Combat Shirts in the new pattern each Soldier will receive an accessory kit consisting of name tags, rank, and shoulder sleeve insignia. The Army Institute of Heraldry still has to weigh in on the colorway and designs of individual SSIs. Other uniform components include Generation III Extreme Cold Weather Clothing System. PEO-Soldier is also hard at work getting Patrol Caps, Sun Hats, Knee and Elbow Pads as well as entire MOLLE sets into production. These will include Individual First Aid Kits in addition to the new Tactical Assault Panel seen in the accompanying photo supplied by the program office. IOTV covers and Helmet Covers as well as Nape Pads will also be produced in MultiCam. Every detail is being seen to in order to meet their fielding goals of mid-summer.

In order to meet this deadline a new contract will soon be let by PEO-Soldier for FR ACUs. Rather than relying on the current sustainment contract managed by Defense Supply Center Philadelphia for FR ACUs in UCP, this will allow the numerous improvements to the ACU design we wrote about last year to be cut in early to this new purchase along with the change to MultiCam.

Spc. Eddie L. Williams, a computer detection repairer at Fort Belvoir, Va., models the new MultiCam Fire Resistant Army Combat Uniform
Photo: Alexandra Hemmerly-Brown

What you won’t get are MultiCam ACUs. Lots of guys are already running out and purchasing several sets in the hopes that one day they will be able to wear them. However, this isn’t the case. Although specific wear policy hasn’t yet been released for troops in Afghanistan, this has the potential for being a dream scenario for uniform nazis. If you thought it was hard to sneak into the chow hall after a patrol in your Army Combat Shirt, don’t even think about wearing your ACUs in MultiCam. Current in-theater policy requires Soldiers to protect themselves by wearing FR ACUs, whether UCP or MultiCam. If you are in the wrong uniform you will stick out like the proverbial sore thumb.

Certain organizations on the other hand have fielded standard 50/50 NYCO (50% nylon/50% ripstop cotton blend) uniforms for some time. However, these do not provide the same level of Fire Resistant protection afforded uniforms manufactured from Tencate’s Defender-M like the issue FR ACU. Already industry is hard at work producing clothing and equipment on MultiCam that are designed specifically for use in Afghanistan. This includes FR products. Over the next several weeks Soldier Systems Daily will begin to unveil these products to you.

Ace LTD Hammer Stock

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Ace Ltd has just released the Hammer M4 collapsible butt stock which was designed with input from special operations soldiers. They claim the stock is the strongest AR 15 series stock in the world because it dispenses with the polymer so prevalent in today’s designs and uses an all aluminum frame contoured for use against doors, windows or opponents in close quarter battles. It’s adjustable to seven positions, provided by a lockable lever, and the design also features an adjustable aluminum cheek piece and roller bearings which eliminate rattle when running. Additionally, four sling mount positions are provided. The Hammer stock is designed to be used with or without body armor. Accessories such as recoil pad or rubber butt pads to increase length of pull are also available. Visit J&T Distributing.

Ace LTD Hammer Stock

-Mike Perry

Follow Us on Twitter

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Don’t forget Soldier Systems Daily is on Twitter.


McDonald v. City of Chicago

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Below is a transcript of arguments in Supreme Court case McDonald v. City of Chicago. The decision in this case is likely to affect the US firearms industry and by extension, the US small arms industry and is presented purely for informational purposes.

McDonald v. City of Chicago Transcript 030210

SFA Ch 90 4th Annual Golf Tournament

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Special Forces Association Chapter 90 is hosting it’s 4th Annual Golf Tournament on 14 May 2010 in Fredericksburg, VA. In addition to a general call for active and former Special Forces troops to participate they are seeking sponsors. Last year they raised over $48,000 that went to several different organizations that supports our Troops and their families. This year their goal is to raise over $50,000 with all donations split between the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF), Fisher House, and Purple Heart Homes. Specifically, they need companies to sponsor a “Tee Box” and/or be a gift sponsor, which are used for raffles or door prizes. Last year they raffled off a M1 Garand that generated even more revenue for the charitable organizations. In addition to the tournament Chapter 90 will also be sponsoring an SF-style social event the night before for all of their sponsors. Timing for the tournament is excellent as it is the Friday before the Soldier Systems APBI.

All interested parties please visit www.sfach90.org.

SFA Chapter 90 is named in honor of MSG Richard Ferguson, “Fergie”, who served with 2d BN, 10th SFG(A) at Fort Carson, Colorado.

Stark Equipment Corp Introduces Fore Grip

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

The Stark Equipment Vertical Fore GripIf you like the Stark pistol grips then their new fore grip might just be right up your alley. Designed to fit a Picatinny rail, the SE-3 is available with or without a pressure switch cutout enabling the user to attach almost any size pressure pads quickly and securely. Additionally, the VFG is reversible, making it ambidextrous for switch positioning. The base is flared allowing a secure grip which accommodates all hand sizes. Stark has also incorporated a storage compartment in the grip for batteries or other equipment, secured by a rubber plug. The is available in Black, Green, Earth as well as a slightly more expensive Desert Digital camouflage pattern. The SE-3 will be available beginning April 1st from www.starkequipment.com.