GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for June, 2011

PredatorARMAMENT Launches

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

PredatorARMAMENT has just launched. Featuring products from SORD USA and Ares Armor, the store will offer both MultiCam as well as A-TACS. Additionally, the prices are great.

For a limited time, SSD readers get a free SORD A-TACS camouflage Operator cap with any order over $150. Be sure to include the Cap in the cart to get the $15 discounted off the total for the free cap. Use Code SSDFLAGCAP.


HyperStealth FADESPAT

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

We are very excited to finally be able to tell you about HyperStealth’s FADESPATâ„¢. FADESPATâ„¢ stands for Field Applied Digital Environment Specific Patterns and is a Rapid Deployment Camouflage System which has been in use by specialized customers for almost 18 months.

Developed following a user requirement in January of 2010 by Guy Cramer, FADESPATâ„¢ allows the operator to customize the camouflage for his equipment based on the operating environment. Due to the sensitive nature of the technology, HyoerStealth will only disclose the exact technology to authorized clients. However, Guy Cramer assures us that the process is simple stating, “when you ask someone to do a new task in the field without supervision, the learning curve has to be kept to an absolute minimum.”

Recently, HyperStealth upscaled the technology, making it appropriate for vehicular use as well.

FADESPATâ„¢ is considered a companion product to the GHOSTEX technology instituted as a joint venture with ADS Inc last year. While FADESPATâ„¢ is great for on-the-fly customization of existing clothing and equipment, GHOSTEXâ„¢ relies on a more deliberate process that uses environmental factors to determine the best camouflage pattern for an area of operations. GHOSTEXâ„¢ results in purpose built uniforms printed specifically for the operations. Despite the requirement for printing, it doesn’t seem to slow them down. According to a release from HyperStealth, “Ghostex is currently printing 400-500 yards per month, this capacity will double in September/October and expected to quadruple in 2012 at a second location with more machines. 21 different patterns have been printed on these machines to date. Cramer has developed close to 10,000 patterns under worldwide copyright. Recently the speed of the Ghostex process was confirmed when an urgent request for 480 inches x 62 inches wide of four different camouflage prints on military specification fabric came in at 10 AM and by 2 PM the material was out the door arriving at 8 AM the next business day in Virginia Beach.

Hopefully we will see more of these programs at Warrior Expo East.


Now Showing – TacTV

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

For those of you that missed last night’s premiere of TacTV starring Larry Vickers and friends, you can find it on the Sportsman Channel. If you don’t have the Sportsman Channel, TacTV will soon be available for a low subscription fee on the web. They have developed a web-based service that will offer TacTV episodes as well as extended episodes and bonus content you won’t see on TV. The website goes live on in the first few weeks of July and subscriptions will be approximately $10 a month or $100 for the year.


“Strike Back” Coming Soon from Cinemax

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Although it is billed as a Cinemax produced series, it was actually originally developed for UK-based Sky 1 and shown there in twice weekly installments starting in May 2010. Based on a novel by SAS veteran (Bravo Two-Zero) Chris Ryan, the American version will actually be a second series of “Strike Back”. The original 6-part series followed the adventures of two British Intelligence operatives assigned to “Section 20”. This new 10-episode series will follow a similar storyline with an American SOF operator working with “Section 20”.

“Strike Back: Project Dawn”, coming soon from Cinemax and Sky 1.

Black Powder Red Earth: Part 1

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Originally posted on Tactical Fanboy, this new graphic novel from Echelon Software looks awesome. I can’t wait for it to be released.

I just got a hold of an advanced review copy of the new ‘Black Powder Red Earth’ graphic novel. Since I enjoyed the Facebook game, I was eager to read through it and see how good it actually was. I’m happy to say it does the property justice.

“Black Powder Red Earth: Part 1” by Jon Chang, Kane Smith and Josh Taylor takes place in a near future Iraq, 2019 to be exact. The story follows the actions of a PMC operating in the area of New Basrah, Basran. Their actions primarily include the capturing of high-value targets, negotiations with government officials, and information gathering. Showing the wide range of operations undertaken by these individuals definitely adds to the believability of the story. From earlier dealings with Echelon Software, I know a good amount of research and cooperation with actual operators went into making the story closer to reality then most other fiction dealing with this subject matter, and it shows.

Complementing the story is the art, which is done in a somewhat gritty style that matches the setting and mood perfectly. The coloring, to be expected considering the setting, is heavy in earthy tones. Variants of brown and tan are found in almost every panel, although more vibrant colors are also represented from clothing, cars, vegetation, and of course people. Characters are also outlined with a fairly thick border, which gives them a more pronounced appearance. There is also plenty of detail to be found, especially in the background of many panels. No scene feels lacking visually.

In short, I recommend giving this graphic novel a look. It’s a fine addition to the Black Powder Red Earth universe, and I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment to see how the story develops. It’s definitely one of the better new IPs to come out as of late.

The hardcover of “Black Powder Red Earth: Part 1” will be available later this year.

Echelon Software

Magnum Launches Blog

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Magnum USA has just launched a new blog with several features:

• Insight on what’s happening at Magnum HQ
• In-depth interviews with key industry insiders
• Exclusive sneak peeks at new Magnum products
• Magnum contests and giveaways
• Field Tester, blogger, and editorial reviews

Magnum is kicking off the launch of their new blog in a major way — with one lucky reader winning their choice of $1,000 in Magnum gear. The contest will last a month to allow everyone a fair shot at entering.

Check out out…bldg4801.com/launch

See ThermoMan at Warrior Expo

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Make sure you take full advantage of the breakout sessions when you attend this year’s Warrior Expo – East. DuPontâ„¢ will utilize their mobile ThermoMan® demonstrator to show how important FR clothing is for the service member. It is very interesting to see in person, so don’t miss it. To get an idea of what you will witness, check out this video taken during SSD’s visit with DuPontâ„¢.


S.O.Tech Offers Smokin’ Deal on SIMAP

Monday, June 27th, 2011

S.O.Tech’s Slim Individual Medical Aid Pouch (SIMAP) is on sale. And this isn’t just some simple sale.

Buy a pouch, get a pair of Trauma Shears, for FREE!
Right now you can pick up an SIMAP not for $30, not for $20, but for only $10. And, for a limited time, with every purchase of an SIMAP you will receive a pair of German-made Trauma Shears for FREE!
