Archive for June, 2012
John Has A Long Moustache
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012CROWS II EOF Kit 
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012
The Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station or CROWS has done a lot to protect our troops from exposure to enemy fire during mounted operations. It allows a system operator to use a electro-optical/IR system to observe outside the vehicle and engage targets with an integrated weapon from as small as the M249 SAW or M240 GPMG up to a Mk19 40mm GL or .50 M2 HMG. The Army realized that these are lethal options and wanted to leverage the successes of non-lethal technologies used in the Traffic Control Point kit such as the BE Meyers GLARE.
The result is the Escalation of Force Kit Integration for the CROWS System. ADS provides these kits which integrate green laser technology from B.E. Meyers GLARE MOUT Plus lasers. The lasers emit an intense band of green light, disrupting a person’s vision and ability to drive a vehicle or aim a weapon. In addition to the lasers, CROWS II EOF Kits incorporate high-powered lighting from Surefire (Hellfighter), PeakBeam (MaxaBeam), or Xenonics (NightHunter), as a secondary means of visual warning. Naturally, a light with that much power pulls double duty as an aid in targeting and identification. Interestingly, the kits also feature the LRAD 300X. LRAD systems were recently chosen for use at the London Olympics for their ability to discourage unruly crowds. For TCP use, the LRAD also offers the ability to provide audible warning and hailing at distances of over 1,000M.
Contact for more information.
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012Thanks to all of you, from all of us, for being brave and getting the job done.
Drop Zone Tactical Introduces PenCott Camouflage
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012During the recent 5th Annual Alberta Tactical Officers Association Competition, Drop Zone Tactical unveiled their Ops Pant, Hybrid Shirt, Recce Smock and Stubby Boonie Hat in PenCott-GreenZone camouflage. Drop Zone Tactical also confirmed that they will be stocking these items in PenCott-Badlands as well in addition to introducing matching tactical gear in PenCott patterns.
LandCamo ABD SERE for Sale
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012SSFN has released the Australian Battle Dress SERE pattern for sale. It has also been presented to the Slovenian (SSFN’s home) Ministry of Defence.
According to SSFN’s Website, the patterns incorporate several features:
“Innovations featured by our camouflage patterns include the following characteristics:
– They are covered with micro and macro structures;
– They blend in with almost any vegetation environments, including sparse areas;
– The camouflage patterns behave with great deal of illusion and interference of visual perception, thereby creating shapes and sharp edges, which cause a blurring in observers’ vision, especially when the pattern is in motion.
– It creates unusual shapes with a virtual depth of view and gives a sense of three-dimensionality.
– It is, therefore, the perfect camouflage solution for all terrains and provides enhanced in-field protection for troops and for deployment and in operational conditions.”
War Bungee for the Crye Precision AirFrame
Tuesday, June 5th, 2012You asked, so here it is, the War Sport Industries, War Bungee for the Crye Precision AirFrame helmet cover.
Legion D27 Tourniquet Pouch
Tuesday, June 5th, 2012Legion Firearms has just released their new D-27 Tourniquet Pouch. Pulling double duty as an admin pouch the D27 was designed by Army SFC Jason Crosby (callsign D-27) based on his experience in OIF and OEF. Notice the center pull design. The horizontal design and high chest mount is meant so that both hands can access the tourniquet without reaching to an awkward position. Additionally, the design accommodates the C-A-T and SOF-TT
It’s manufactured by FirstSpear and will also be available through Dark Angel Medical and War Sport. Offered in MultiCam, Coyote, and Ranger Green.