
Archive for 2012

The Badass Outdoors Gear Shop

Monday, October 22nd, 2012


During a recent visit to Littleton, New Hampshire I noticed a small gear shop right on the Main Street through town. I love supporting small businesses so I stopped in and buy am I glad I did. As I took a look around I noticed some really great product lines. Then, I ran across a full rack display of every issue of Survival Quarterly. I asked the shopkeeper about the magazine and it turns out he writes for it. Matt Keating and his wife moved their business from Prescott, Arizona and approach the outdoor business from a little bit different angle. Their passion for the outdoors is not only reflected in their wares but also in the training services they provide. In addition to trying out every product before they sell them, they will also train anyone who purchases the item in how to properly use it. They also conduct monthly lectures in their shop.

Check out their website and pay particular attention to their blog. And, if you find yourself in Littleton like I did, give them a visit.

Hand Warmer, Cold Weather from 215 Gear

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

It’s not Winter here yet but it’s getting there and I’ve been cold enough on the range and in the field enough to know that hand warmers like the new from 215 Gear are a welcome addition to anyone’s gear who can find themselves cold and or wet.


The outer shell of this model is a lightweight Multicam softshell Schoeller NanoSphere, laminated with a moisture wicking knit. The inner lining is a 15oz Polartec Power Stretch with smooth nylon finish. It also includes a waist strap for wearing on its own as well as a zippered pocket for chemical hand warmers.

Magpul Announces Production and Pricing for PMAG 30 AR/M4 GEN M3

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

In August, SSD published a story providing numerous details on the upcoming PMAG 30 AR/M4 GEN M3.


Late last week, Magpul announced the official release of the GEN M3 PMAG and new pricing for the existing PMAG, which will continue to be produced as part of the MOE line.

The existing PMAG will now be priced at an MSRP of $12.95 and an MSRP of $15.95 for the Window version, and will now be known as the PMAG 30 AR/M4 GEN M2 MOE. Once existing supplies of the GEN M2 PMAGs are exhausted, they will begin shipping in MOE packaging, and will not include dust covers. All colors will continue to be available.

The PMAG 30 AR/M4 GEN M3 will begin shipping in black only on 1 Nov, 2012, at an MSRP of $14.95. The Window version will be available soon, at an MSRP of $17.95.

Corps Strength – The Marine Mammal

Sunday, October 21st, 2012


As a career Marine, a fitness nut (with ADHD) and now a PT instructor for international military students, I couldn’t tell you how many miles I’ve run. I’ve been running as part of a workout, or sports program since I was about 10 years old, so that’s over 40 years of running, and I don’t think there are many stretches in there when I wasn’t running. The point is that while I still enjoy running, and feel its probably the single best aerobic conditioner out there is, I don’t run everyday, at least not anymore. I find that I now run better (and faster) if I substitute some other type of aerobic training at least 2 or 3 times a week. Bike riding, hiking, stair climbing, etc. I do all of these and think that they’re all great workouts. Another thing that I’ve used on and off over the years is swimming. Now plenty of people swim for exercise, and you can go to almost any local pool and you’ll see lots of people training for triathlons and master swim meets. You can always spot these jokers. They swim more like dolphins than people. Swimming along at an impossible speeds, flip turns, and it all looks easy. Well take fit it from me, swimming fast isn’t easy. I’ve competed in dozens of triathlons and the swim was always my worst event. I had old ladies and kids go by me like I was threading water. It takes training, skill, and frankly; talent to do well. However, swimming to improve your fitness doesn’t require an Olympic level of effort or skills. I have seen great results from just a few hours a week in the pool. Having tried many different swimming workouts, my favorite one is a simple no brainer that will quickly improve your aerobic conditioning. You get in the pool and just swim back and forth underwater. Come up when you need to and go back down, and try to get in as many laps as you can in an hour. I like to swim as fast as I can underwater the 25 yard length of the pool, then come up take a short rest (30 seconds or so) and then go back. This isn’t easy, trust me. Just getting to be able swim the pool length on one breath will be a hard enough goal at first. But I am convinced this is a great conditioner. I know that when I’ve got a few weeks doing this workout 2-3 times a week, my runs are better. Wear fins like as a variation, I do. This workout won’t make you swim like Michael Phelps (nothing will, sorry) but you will get a great workout. Try It. Good luck and be safe


Snipers Hide Mil-RAD Target

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

Designed by Webtechgear for Snipers Hide this target is meant to help sight in and give the shooter many target areas. It is the Mil-RAD target and the grid is set up to help with Mil-RAD adjustments.


Sometimes It Takes Awhile For Things To Sink In

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

Quality attracts Quality

Conversely, crap attracts crap

Canipe Correspondence – Seller’s Market

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Seller’s Market
The internet has been abuzz about the potential for new legislation which could violate our Second Amendment rights. After the second debate between Presidential candidates, the current Commander-In-Chief answered this question: “What has your administration done or planned to do to limit the availability of assault weapons?” Obama said this:

“My belief is that, (A), we have to enforce the laws we’ve already got, make sure that we’re keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, those who are mentally ill. We’ve done a much better job in terms of background checks, but we’ve got more to do when it comes to enforcement…But I also share your belief that weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets. And so what I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence. Because frankly, in my home town of Chicago, there’s an awful lot of violence and they’re not using AK-47s. They’re using cheap hand guns.”

Yes, we need to keep criminals from getting guns. But let’s look at places where you can’t carry a weapon readily as a law-abiding citizen. The UK, Australia, DC, Maryland, California for the most part, and the President’s home state of Illinois (the only state in the country with NO provision for Concealed Carry whatsoever) are good examples, but not all inclusive by any means. Then ponder this: “Because frankly, in my home town of Chicago, there’s an awful lot of violence and they’re not using AK-47s. They’re using cheap hand guns.” How is that gun control working out, Mr. President? Outlaw forks to combat obesity in America, outlaw cars to stop drunk driving, and then we’ll talk. Hardware solutions rarely solve software problems.

As a byproduct of these comments, and a frankly disappointing answer by Governor Romney as well, we’re in the midst of another panic buy. I expected a little of a rush, but as the last one in 2008 was mostly unfounded I hoped the administration would skirt it again, and as an unintended byproduct lessen a gun-buying panic. They didn’t. I’m taking your guns, said the President. Folks, the Second Amendment isn’t so we can hunt, or shoot paper. It’s so we can defend ourselves from tyranny. As a result of these comments, gun enthusiasts are stocking up in anticipation of legislation attempting to take our rights away. I didn’t pay too much attention to it last time, and got smoking deals once supply exceeded demand again a few months later. Frankly, I’m more worried about it myself this time as Obama has nothing to lose if he’s re-elected. It’s not like continuing to screw America is going to cost him a third term…

The night of the debate, we were in the middle of a 3-day Carbine 1 class in Lynchburg, VA. After we wrapped up a night shoot, I caught the buzz on the net about Obama winning meaning losing our guns. Our host happens to own a local gun shop as well as the range, and the next morning his dealer prices on everything had jumped from his distributors. Ammo, guns, you name it. Stripped lowers went from $99 to $160 in some places I found on the Google machine here. Big props to some people (Legion Firearms comes to mind) for saying they won’t jack up prices to take advantage of the potential sacking of the Constitution. It would be nice if some others would follow suit. I don’t begrudge someone for making a buck, but preying on the fears people have against their own government is pretty low. If the last one was any indication, prices on guns and ammo are going to skyrocket again for a few months. If all goes well, hopefully it will go back down. If not, and we face a permanent ban on assault weapons, it’s likely they’ll skyrocket up and in a few decades buying a nice Colt 6920 will be similar to transferrable NFA territory. That’s not something I want to chance, so if you need me, I’ll be ordering more stripped lowers and hi-cap mags. Don’t forget to vote, and join the NRA. Without their support of the Second Amendment, we would already have been left with only 90% of our Bill of Rights.

Shrek Sighting – A Kinder, Gentler Shrek

Saturday, October 20th, 2012


Here we see Shrek teaching the fairer sex chapter and verse of the .50 truth. He can teach you too.

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