
Archive for 2014

It Was Six Years Ago Today

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

Our very first post was six years ago. Here we are, almost 11,000 posts later. Happy anniversary to us!

Gunfighter Moment – Ken Hackathorn

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

If you follow any of the internet forums you will see the argument of whether competition shooting is a plus or minus for ‘Real World’ application. The ‘ game boys’ will argue that competition is the key to success, and the ‘tactical gurus’ promise that gun games will doom you to the flames of Hell. The truth falls somewhere in the middle. First of all, I will make it clear that I am not anti-gun competition. I was a founding member of IPSC, IDPA, and the guy that started three-gun competition in the USA. I have been active in all three, never a ‘great shooter’, but a pretty ‘good’ one back in the day.

The Legendary Ken Hackathorn

Gun games will definitely produce highly skilled shooters. In my classes over past 35 years I have noted that typically the best shooters have come action shooting backgrounds. I think that those shooters who have subjected themselves to the stress of shooting in competition have certainly learned some important lessons about how well they perform when out of their comfort zone. Gun handling, quick accurate shooting, and movement with a weapon are skills that can be mastered via gun games. To bad mouth gun games as not realistic or valid for developing combat marksmanship skills is not wise.

Look at the number of top trainers with Alias Training and you will find most have a gun game history. Jim Cirrillo was one of the top gun fighters of his era…he was also a PPC champ and always said that his competition background was a key to his success in his many shootouts. So, gun games have benefits…..Right. But, they also have some real negatives. If you pursuethem to become really good in your particular discipline, you will have to adopt techniques and practices that can be harmful in the real world. Like everything we do in life…….you are what you practice. The more you practice, the more it becomes subconscious.

Case in point: I had a nice young man in a class recently that was very skilled. He was an active USPSA competitor and very quick and accurate. Every time his relay would finish their drills, he would quickly unload and holster his pistol ( magazine out, slide quickly to the rear and catch the ejected round in his hand). Even though I told each relay to top off their weapons and then holster prior to scoring and pasting targets…He did this every time, and was never ready to shoot when his relay was called to the line the next time. Later in the day as his relay finished and everyone else was reloading and holstering, he was still clearing and unloading his pistol. I finally walked over and asked him, “Why in the Hell do you keep unloading your sidearm when you are finished with a shooting task?” He got red in the face, and then answered ‘habit’. Well, now we can see the negatives of gun games and the many things that you will program as a reflexive response. There are a whole host of things that the well seasoned game boys do that are pure stupid in the real world. Yea, I know that most will tell you that I would not ‘do that’ if it were for real. Ray Charles could a see how bogus that statement is. Remember, you are what you practice. I note that many of the top gun game boys really think that because They are so good and fast on the trigger that in the real world they will automatically win any encounter with the bad guys…..yea, I had a dose of that mindset myself back in the day.

Understand what the good and bad of gun games bring to the table. They are great fun, I recommend that anyone that carries a blaster give them a try, but don’t become a slave to them.

-Ken Hackathorn

Old Guy With A Blaster

Ken Hackathorn has served as a US Army Special Forces Small Arms Instructor, Gunsite Instructor, and NRA Police Firearms Instructor. He is currently an FBI Certified Firearms Instructor, Certified Deputy Sheriff with Washington County SO, Ohio, and a SRT member and Special Response Team trainer. Ken has trained US Military Special Operations forces, Marine FAST and SOTG units and is a contract small arms trainer to FBI SWAT and HRT.

Ken has provided training to Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and been active in small arms training for the past 25 years. He has written firearms related material for Guns & Ammo, Combat Handguns, Soldier Of Fortune, and currently American Handgunner and contributed to at least six other gun/shooting journals. Ken was also a founding member of IPSC and IDPA.

To see Ken’s Training Class Schedule visit

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer SSD readers hard earned words of wisdom.

Quantico Tactical – S&W M&P-9/40 With Night Sights On Sale

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

sw night sight f

Quantico Tactical is offering a special deal through Smith & Wesson’s LE/Military/1st Responder Program. Purchase an M&P-9 or M&P-40 and receive the night sight model for the same price as the standard model. A mail-in Military rebate reduces the cost event further, making a great deal even better. Individuals meeting the following criteria qualify for the program:

– Military: (Active, Reserve and Retired; to include medically retired)
– Law Enforcement: Active and Retired Sworn Officers
– 1st Responders: Firefighters, paramedics, etc.
– Private Security

Quantities are limited, so take advantage of the deal while you can. – S&W M&P

Firelance Media – REVIEW: The Switchback By Thyrm And Costa Ludus

Friday, May 16th, 2014

The guys over at Thyrm, manufacturer of the SwitchBack, shared with us a recent review by on Firelance Media of the Costa design, which they developed in partnership with Costa Ludis. Occasionally, we like to share content from others on the blog space, so here’s the review in its entirety. Read it over and be sure to tell the original author what you think.


When I was out at SHOT SHOW, I had a few minutes to catch up with Chris Costa and he told me about a new product coming out from Thyrm, called the Switchback. A few weeks later, Andrew Frazier, owner of Thyrm shipped me two versions of it, a small size for a light like the Surefire EB1, and a large version, for a light like the Surefire Fury.


I’ve been carrying the Switchback daily for about 2 months and I really like what the product has to offer. Check the video below for my full review.

You may have seen an article come out recently from David Reeder at Recoil Magazine outlining his experiences. If you haven’t read that article, do it right after watching this video. It explains a lot of the finer points of the buzz surrounding the Switchback.


In a nutshell, the Switchback is a good product that is worth purchasing and for about $20 you can try it out and not have buyer’s remorse. I really like the thought that went into the design and I’m going to keep one on my Fury for now. I’ll probably find myself switching it with the Raven Clip depending on the day. I have quite a few low light classes coming up, including shoothouse and vehicle classes and my goal is to really put it to the test while under stress. Most of us don’t practice low light techniques enough as it is. Buying a Switchback is not going to suddenly change your world. What it WILL do is give you a solid piece of gear for your pocket light and it will make you practice your light techniques more. To me that’s worth the price.

Review by Matt Stagliano –

SilencerCo / Operation Supply Drop ‘8-Bit Salute’ Limited Edition T-Shirts

Friday, May 16th, 2014


SilencerCo has partnered with Operation Supply Drop to benefit “8-Bit Salute”, a charitable event which aims to send gaming-themed care packages to combat deployed and injured troops. SilencerCo will be selling 5 t-shirts with designs reminiscent of old-school Nintendo games, all outfitted with the various suppressors in their product line, with part of the proceeds of every shirt sold going to charity.


The first shirt in the series, the Game Over – Saker 762 tee, is currently available. The 4 remaining designs will be released over the next four weeks, with a new design available every week.

Want To Know Which Camouflage Pattern The US Army Picked?

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Ask your Sergeant Major, he knows should know. In several commands the CSM has already informed senior NCOs of the Army’s decision.

ADS Federal Range Day – Tru-Spec

Friday, May 16th, 2014


Tru-Spec’s 24-7 Series Quick-Dry Contractor Cap is made from 100% quick-dry moisture wicking polyester with mechanical stretch and anti-microbial properties and 50+ certified UV protection. Laser-cut holes throughout the shell fabric adds breathability. Adjustable for one-size-fits-most, and loop faced for attaching patches.

Available in Black, Khaki, Olive Drab, and MultiCam.

ADS Federal Range Day – S&S Precision

Friday, May 16th, 2014


The IMF (Integrated Flashlight Mount – Rigid) Cam is a mount that allows the user to offset mount select SureFire 3v and 6v lights to a picatinny rail without the use of tools. The user can adjust their preferred level of tension using the dial, and snap the amount into place using the lever.