
Archive for March, 2015

London Bridge Trading – LBT-6094 X S&S SMR Insert Promotion

Sunday, March 29th, 2015

Photo Mar 28, 10 46 14 AM

London Bridge Trading is holding a special promotion for their classic 6094 plate carrier. For a limited time, all LBT-6094 plate carriers comes with an S&S Precision Gear Retention Track Base Plate and 3 SMR (Skeletonized Magazine Retention) inserts. Additionally, this promotion is being offered at a special sale price of $299.99, roughly 40% off MSRP. This is a great deal from two great gear companies both located in the 757.

The LBT-6094 is available in Medium and Large sizes, and in the following colors: Black, Coyote Brown, Coyote Tan, Mas Grey, and MultiCam.

Cool A-10 Camouflauge

Sunday, March 29th, 2015


Reminds me of the Brookwood Phase IV camouflage pattern.


Corps Strength – Looking Back To Move Forward

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Corps Strength

The other day I came across this video making the rounds on Face Book. This is a video about the old PE program at LaSeirra HS back in the early 60’s. It was part of an initiative by President Kennedy to improve the health and fitness of our youth. I guess even then there was some concern about our kids getting soft. I remember this program when I was in grade school. You did some calisthenics and if you did so many of each, you got a certificate, I think we also did this program at the Boys Club, as far as I can remember it was gone by the time I got to high school.

As I watched this video I was shocked by the level of fitness displayed by these high school kids. This could be a video of Marines getting ready to graduate boot camp? Imagine going to any HS across the U.S. today and trying to find a group like this? This isn’t their football or wrestling team, it’s just PE class! We need this program (or something like it) back in our schools now, especially with the more sedentary world of computers and video games. I think many schools have done away with PE all together. In my two son’s high school, if you were on a sports team, or in the band you were exempt from doing PE. BTW, there were a lot of fat kids in that school and a lot of discipline and drug issues.

The problem is before that could happen, you would need a major shift in the attitude of the parents. They would have to support a real PE program in their schools. My guess is that it would be like when the First Lady tried to improve the school lunches a few years ago, just whining, complaining and politics. when that happened I couldn’t believe how many people came out against getting better food for their own kids in school? Then again I could, as people are so bent on making everything a political issue nowadays, common sense and the greater good goes out the F’ing window. In fact one person commented on FB that this video of the La Seirra HS PE program had “Socialist Overtones” WTFO?, good health and fitness are now a socialist plot? Give me a break genius, the back bone of a free people is good health. A socialist government wants weak, unhealthy people, who are easier to control. I hope that one day this country will wake up and realize that the strength of it’s nation is based on a population of strong healthy people. No country has ever survived when it’s citizens are weak, sickly and unhealthy and it starts with our kids. Sometimes it seems like we are evolving backwards?

Take care and be safe.

Semper Fi


Gunfighter Moment – Ken Hackathorn

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

The training market is flooded with instructors that all want you to give them your money so they can make you into a ninja warrior. The guy in your community that was a NRA instructor last year has bought himself a set of 5.11 clothes (ninja black hopefully), a drop leg holster for his blaster, and added 13 items to his economy priced AR. Now, he is the local ‘tactical shooting instructor’. Like most things in life you get what you pay for. In most case’s it is a matter of in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

If you plan to invest your money wisely, do some research on the instructor. Does he have a reputation for giving his students their money’s worth? Keep in mind that nearly all the shooting instructors have a specialty based upon their life experiences be it Law Enforcement, Military, or competition backgrounds.

It is your job to determine if the specialty that they provide meets your expectations or learning requirements. One of the most commonly encountered things that happens in my business is questions concerning another trainers range rules or individual class requirements. The question is ,why do I teach something different than instructor A or B? In reality, we all have differences in our instruction, it doesn’t mean any of us are wrong, we just have different approaches to solving the problem.

I advise most students that take my or anyone class with the attitude that you take away those things that you like or think you can use. Anything you get from the instructor that you don’t agree with or dislike, simply push the delete button. Select the guy you want to give your money to based upon his reputation to deliver the information you are looking for, his ability to explain and justify his teaching methods, and most important his ability to correct or improve your performance.

Go to training with an open mind and positive attitude. Pay attention, show up prepared, be ready to come to the line when called, and work hard to not be ‘that guy’.

-Ken Hackathorn

Old Guy With A Blaster

Ken Hackathorn has served as a US Army Special Forces Small Arms Instructor, Gunsite Instructor, and NRA Police Firearms Instructor. He is currently an FBI Certified Firearms Instructor, Certified Deputy Sheriff with Washington County SO, Ohio, and a SRT member and Special Response Team trainer. Ken has trained US Military Special Operations forces, Marine FAST and SOTG units and is a contract small arms trainer to FBI SWAT and HRT.

Ken has provided training to Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and been active in small arms training for the past 25 years. He has written firearms related material for Guns & Ammo, Combat Handguns, Soldier Of Fortune, and currently American Handgunner and contributed to at least six other gun/shooting journals. Ken was also a founding member of IPSC and IDPA.

To see Ken’s Training Class Schedule visit

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer SSD readers hard earned words of wisdom.

TNVC Introduces New Line of Budget Minded Night Vision Rifle Scopes

Saturday, March 28th, 2015


TNVC has just introduced two new budget minded night vision rifle scopes. Built exclusively for TNVC by Night Optics USA, the D740 Argus 4x and D760 Gladius 6x are Gen2 White Phosphor Night Vision Rifle Scopes, which feature Photonis Gen2+ White Phosphor tubes. Additionally, the two scopes are both priced under $3000! As a special introductory offer, TNVC will take an additional $100 off through the month of April, through their Tax Refund Sale, by using coupon code IRS2015 at checkout.

Al Clark Is Partnering With Colonial Shooting Academy In New Training Venture

Friday, March 27th, 2015

colonial tactical

Colonial Shooting Academy has announced a partnership with Al Clark, former Navy SEAL and co-founder of Blackwater Lodge and Training Center. The new training venture, dubbed Colonial Tactical, will offer shooters a wide range of practical and effective firearms training, fueled by Al Clark’s 28 years of Military and professional training experience.

For more information, visit

MARSOC Advanced Sniper Training

Friday, March 27th, 2015

I’ve been to this training site before. Jim Smith’s Spartan Tactical is an excellent facility made for precision marksmanship.

Unity Tactical Announces ‘Monkey Bar’ MBUS PRO Replacement Clamp

Friday, March 27th, 2015

Today, Unity Tactical announced the production of the ‘Monkey Bar’ replacement clamp for the Magpul MBUS Pro line of iron sights. This clamp is not only lightweight, but is also compatible with Unity Tactical’s FUSION mounting interface. The full release can be read below:


Unity Tactical is proud to announce the “Monkey Bar”. A replacement clamp for the excellent Magpul™ MBUS™ PRO line of Backup Iron Sights.

The Monkey Bar replaces the OEM clamp to provide the user with a solid and lightweight FUSION compatible mounting interface. The FUSION interface allows you to directly mount Surefire™ Scout Lights as well as 1913 rail sections (Using the Offset Rail), 1” or Executive Series Ring Lights (Using the FUSION Ring Mounts) or Surefire ™ Millennium Series Lights (Using the Millennium Series Adapter).

The Monkey Bar is precision machined out of 6061-T6 aluminum and Type 3 Hardcoat anodized for durability.

It adds 0.2 Ounces of weight over the MBUS™ Pro alone, so it’s one of the lightest weight mounts on the market.

It is currently in production and will be available at the end of April.