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Archive for May, 2016

Savage Cadet Rifle

Sunday, May 29th, 2016

The Savage Cadet Rifle recently adopted by the UK as the L144 A1 Cadet Small Bore Target Rifle will come complete with the following accessories:

Box Includes:
1 x Rifle
1 x 1 point sling
1 x 2 point sling
1 x X Rest & Pouch
4 x Chamber Flags
1 x Basis Iris Rear Sight
1 x Adjustable Competition Rear Sight
1 x Globe Front sight with 10 inserts
1 x Forehand Stop
1 x Manual
1 x Plano Tactical Hard Case

Although the deal was brokered by England’s Edgar Brothers, we may see some of these bolt action .22 rifles available here in the US.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Sunday, May 29th, 2016

Corps Strength – Step It Up

Saturday, May 28th, 2016

In my opinion one of the most basic measures of useful fitness is the ability to carry a load. No smart ass not that type of load, LOL. What I mean is the sheer physical ability to carry something from one place to another, this is nothing fancy, it’s just about getting that whatever, from here to there. Infantryman , Urban and Wild Land Firefighters, SWAT guys, lumberjacks, masons, etc, all have to deal with moving weight around and there are many other jobs that require you to lift and carry weight.


This straight forward ability is a real measure of overall body strength, endurance and durability. It also has a tough mental component as it can only really be developed through hard grind workouts, however as a foundation of fitness it has no equal. Now having said all that what is the best way to obtain and maintain this component of fitness? In the military forced marches with heavy packs is the go method to for them. Firefighters and SWAT guys train with gear and workers that have to bear weight do so every day as part of their jobs. But if your a person that isn’t in one of these occupations you can still gain a lot of benefit from doing some training in this area.


For myself and others I’ve trained, I’ve seen the best results (in the shortest amount of time) from stair climbing with a weighted vest. Now while from time to time I do some long hikes humping a heavy pack, but for really digging into this, I find weight vest stair climbing is the best. I’m not talking about running up and down stairs, which without a vest is mostly an aerobic workout, but deliberately paced weighted walking up and down stairs. One good thing about stairs is that they are pretty much every where; indoor fire escapes are in every building and outside there are parks, sports stadiums and many other places that have some great places to climb stairs. Here on base where I work there are several places, but my go to is a 44 step outdoor fire escape on the base auditorium building. Once a week I throw on my 40lb vest and stair climb. I walk without holding the rails on the way up, but do so on the way down to keep from busting my clumsy ass. Normally I will do around 45 laps in an hour (51 is my PR). Now that may not sound like much but look at it this way. The standard amount of steps per floor in a new high rise is 12. So 45 laps of 44 step is 1980 steps (counting up only), or 165 floors. Look at it this way, that’s the equivalent of climbing the 104 floors of One World Trade Center with an additional 61 floors. It’s a tough workout and though I normally run 2-3 times a week otherwise, this hour of stair climbing is a much harder overall body workout than running or lifting weights. My legs, back and hips are always sore the next day. It’s not easy, and at times a little boring, but I do it asI know it provides me a level of conditioning no amount of just running or gym work ever would.


The weird thing is I’ve had more than a few people attempt to caution me as too the long term effect of this workout on my back and knees, but I’ve been doing this exact type of workout for many years and never had any injuries from it. In fact it’s been the opposite, I think it has helped me prevent injuries by strengthening the core muscles and other tissue around my joints. I feel the immediate benefit when I go backpacking with my sons. We are doing some rock climbing and backpacking in the Adirondacks and in Yosemite this summer and I know by investing an hour a week in this workout will have me in prime condition for those trips. I highly recommend this for those who want to take their conditioning to a higher level without a large time investment. Start with a light load and short time and increase as you get used to it. Be sure to warm up well prior to and stretch out thoroughly at the end. Be cautious coming down, you don’t need to rush and I would recommend never to run on stairs with a weight vest, to easy to fall and get hurt. Give it a try, it’s not easy but well worth it if you are looking for a way for you to amp up your core fitness.

Be Safe always, Good when you can

Semper Fi


Gunfighter Moment – Larry Vickers

Saturday, May 28th, 2016

I just wrapped up the NRA show in Louisville KY and I gotta tell you I really enjoy meeting shooters and fans of my shows and products. A great time was had by all and it was especially important to me personally to see all the whole families and children visiting the show. I have been very fortunate to make a good living in the firearms industry and I remind myself regularly to treasure it and not take it for granted. Thanks once again to everyone who stopped by the Wilson Combat, Raven Concealment Systems, Aimpoint and Blue Force Gear booths while I was there to say hi. Be safe and I’ll keep driving on with training, shows and products. LAV out

-Larry Vickers
Vickers Tactical Inc.
Host of TacTV

Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical is a retired US Army 1st SFOD-Delta combat veteran with years of experience in the firearms industry as a combat marksmanship instructor and industry consultant. In recent years he has hosted tactical firearms related TV shows on the Sportsman Channel with the latest being TacTV of which Bravo Company is a presenting sponsor. Larry Vickers special operations background is one of the most unique in the industry today; he has been directly or indirectly involved in the some of the most significant special operations missions of the last quarter century. During Operation Just Cause he participated in Operation Acid Gambit – the rescue of Kurt Muse from Modelo Prison in Panama City, Panama. As a tactics and marksmanship instructor on active duty he helped train special operations personnel that later captured Saddam Hussein and eliminated his sons Uday and Qusay Hussein. In addition he was directly involved in the design and development of the HK416 for Tier One SOF use which was used by Naval Special Warfare personnel to kill Osama Bin Laden. Larry Vickers has developed various small arms accessories with the most notable being his signature sling manufactured by Blue Force Gear and Glock accessories made by Tangodown. In addition he has maintained strong relationships with premium companies within the tactical firearms industry such as BCM, Aimpoint, Black Hills Ammunition, Wilson Combat and Schmidt & Bender.

Larry Vickers travels the country conducting combat marksmanship classes for law abiding civilians, law enforcement and military and has partnered with Alias Training to coordinate classes to best meet the needs of the students attending the class.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer us some words of wisdom.

2016 SOFIC Supports Special Operations Forces

Saturday, May 28th, 2016

TAMPA, FL – The 2016 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) hosted well over 10,000 attendees and featured 400 exhibiting companies. Located at the Tampa Convention Center from May 23–26, the conference provided a forum for military, government, academia and industry stakeholders to network, collaborate and discuss current and future initiatives for supporting Special Operations Forces (SOF).

USSOCOM Commander, GEN Raymond Thomas III, and USSOCOM Acquisition Executive, Mr. James F. Geurts, provided perspectives on SOF requirements, trends, and future needs and how industry partners can contribute solutions and new capabilities. The conference included panels of USSOCOM’s Component Commanders, Theater Special Operations Command Commanders, and senior military leaders who provided overviews of acquisition requirements, operations, and technology needs in the context of SOF’s global missions.

“The industrial base is an indispensable SOF partner that continues to innovate and develop new technologies that will give our forces the advantage to decisively win,” said GEN Thomas. “This week was an opportunity to gather all the components of the special operations force enterprise to share collective ideas and explore our future together.”

“SOF requirements have grown substantially, as has the demand for the best equipment and technological advances. This week gives our operators, acquisition specialists, logisticians, industry and partner nations the opportunity to come together in one place, at one time to discuss issues, review challenges, and examine new opportunities and solutions so we can rapidly field technology, provide better protection and better capability for our forces operating around the globe,” said Geurts.

SOFIC also provided updates on the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS), and included a USSOCOM Marketplace, where Command experts provided overviews of the specific areas where they could use assistance.

“This week was a great opportunity for innovators, industry stakeholders and SOCOM to meet in-person and exchange ideas to assist in fulfilling the evolving needs of the warfighter,” said NDIA Executive Vice President Gen. Barry Bates, USA (Ret.). “SOFIC attendees will walk away with constructive information about how to work with SOCOM and a better understanding of what they need to get the job done. It was a very productive week that provided value to all in attendance.”

In addition to keynotes, panel presentations, roundtable discussions and program-specific breakouts, the SOFIC Exhibit Hall was filled to capacity and featured new technologies, training systems, vehicles, aircraft and individual equipment, all designed to support the SOF community.

Video footage can be found at

Slangvel – SADF Style Smock

Friday, May 27th, 2016

Many of you may remember Slangvel for his custom boonie and M43 hats he sells on eBay. Occassionally, he also makes smocks and generally in the South African Defense Force Slangvel or “snakeskin” style. That name derives from the high tenacity fabric used to reinforce high wear areas which reminded wearers of snake skin.

This time, he had some Austrian camo fabric and decided to make a South African style Para Smock. In fact, this one is available right now on eBay.

Brownells & Magpul Partner in Memorial Day Promotion to Benefit Wounded Special Operators

Friday, May 27th, 2016

GRINNELL, Iowa (May 27, 2016) – Brownells announced Friday that it will donate five percent of its total sales this Memorial Day Weekend to Special Operations Wounded Warriors (SOWW), a non-profit organization that provides outdoor recreational events and other support for Purple Heart recipients of the U.S. Special Forces Community.

Magpul will match Brownells’ five percent donation by also donating five percent of its Memorial Day Weekend product sales sold at Brownells.

“We are incredibly thankful for the partnership with Brownells and Magpul,” said Joel Pellicci, Vice President of SOWW. “We are a small but growing organization that puts 93% of donations directly toward benefitting wounded Special Operators. This support means we’ll be able to assist more injured operators with the ultimate goal of helping them return a more normal life.”

Donations will be made from both Brownells and Magpul for sales made from Friday, May 27, 2016 at 12:00 AM (CDT) through Monday, May 30, 2016 at 11:59 PM (CDT).

Customers may learn more about the promotion specifically by visiting the Brownells/SOWW page or by visiting the Magpul/SOWW page directly.

S&S Precision Combo Pack Offer

Friday, May 27th, 2016

S&S Precision is offering special combo pack for Memorial Day. The sale will run until Tuesday May 31st only.