GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for February, 2017

And Now Here’s Something We Hope You’ll Really Like

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Everybody enjoys a gag cover sheet. These ought to keep you busy for quite a while.

Slangvel Is Still The Source For Custom M43 Caps

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Slangvel is a custom hat maker who specializes in modern-era military headwear. He is also a disabled Veteran. Somehow he comes up with some great camouflage fabrics and every once in a while he catches my eye with something like this French Lizard Pattern. One of his specialties is the M43-style cap, which has been adopted at one time or another by several armies. In fact, they are still used by the Germans.


In addition to M43s, Slangvel also makes Boonies, Rhodesian-style kepis, Bigeards, Helmet Covers and the occasional Smock. To keep track of what he has for sale, follow him on Facebook or eBay.

Gunfighter Moment – Ken Hackathorn

Saturday, February 25th, 2017

Everyone from individuals to unit commanders want to establish ‘standards’ of skill. When we apply the ‘standards’ test to combat marksmanship, we generally like to use courses of fire or skill drills to measure performance levels.

In my travels over the past few decades, when starting out with a new group, agency, or unit I often ask the leader or CO where the skill levels are with his people. The answer is almost always, “my guys are good”. Remember, good is a relative term. In some organizations, that can mean that they actually hit their targets occasionally, or that in some rare instances, they are really good solid shooters. A great many trainers of my era have developed skill drills to measure levels of proficiency. Many times, I have used those that were developed by others. The famous ‘El Presidente’ pistol drill is a great example. In most cases, after a couple of days of disciplined training and range practice, most students leave the class with enhanced levels of skill.

In short, if I have done my job they have left the range better than they arrived. The real secret to reaching acceptable standards is practice. What a really good trainer does is give you the tools to utilize in practice. If you don’t practice, you will very likely never really be ‘good’. By the way, this applies to most things in life.

If the standards are established to be challenging enough to produce true skill levels that are of benefit, our goals are fine. Sadly, what we see so often is very low standards that nearly everyone can pass. Law enforcement is a classic example of this, and most military combat marksmanship ‘standards’ are not far behind. Just look at the CCW skill requirements that one has to pass in most states (if they have them). So, we all understand that ‘standards’ must be established and realistic, then practiced until the individual can meet these requirements.

I just recently had a gentleman inform me that he passed my ‘wizard drill’ with flying colors, and in his mind it was not challenging in the least bit. After a short conversation concerning his fantastic shooting skills, he admitted in the conversation that it took him a few tries to pass… WTF! I then informed him that the first try (shot COLD) is the only thing that counts; warm ups just don’t matter. You don’t get a chance to practice your draw, getting a slight picture, press checking your weapon, or any of the other stupid sh-t that people do on the range. If you can’t deliver on the first try, you better practice more.

As important as standards are, and nearly all top shooters can quote the score or placement in a given shooting event where standards are measured, there is another factor that even the most lowly second lieutenant can quote is, after standards come the importance of ‘conditions’. This is an area that is widely ignored in the training world. Nobody likes to go to the range in terrible weather. I learned a long time ago that training classes in the Winter months just don’t go. Folks want a nice pleasant warm day with sunshine/dry conditions. Ask them to show up when it is cold, wet, or really muggy weather is a problem. Try to function with just a couple of hours of sleep over two days, and then see how well you perform on your ‘standards’.

I live in a part of the world where Winter is not for the faint of heart, or those folks that like to go around all year in flip flops. When you are dressed for cold weather, wearing gloves, and it is close to zero, any combat marksmanship standard you have is going to suffer terribly. In most cases, skill levels will drop at least twenty five percent. If you normally are just fair in nice weather, you will really suck when the cold conditions take their toll. Most folks answer is to not practice or go to the range until Spring or Summer arrives. If you live in a part of the world where weather is a factor, or you must function in low light, the only ‘standards’ that really matter are the ones that reflect the ‘conditions’ you will really have to function in.

If all you do is play games with guns, then brag all you want about how good your ‘standards’ are. If you must work or function in an environment that produces ‘conditions’ that you would not normally like for best results, maybe testing you standards in less than ideal ‘conditions’ from time to time is in order.

Stay Safe; Stay Alert.

– Ken Hackathorn

Old Guy With A Blaster

Ken Hackathorn has served as a US Army Special Forces Small Arms Instructor, Gunsite Instructor, and NRA Police Firearms Instructor. He is currently an FBI Certified Firearms Instructor, Certified Deputy Sheriff with Washington County SO, Ohio, and a SRT member and Special Response Team trainer. Ken has trained US Military Special Operations forces, Marine FAST and SOTG units and is a contract small arms trainer to FBI SWAT and HRT.

Ken has provided training to Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and been active in small arms training for the past 25 years. He has written firearms related material for Guns & Ammo, Combat Handguns, Soldier Of Fortune, and currently American Handgunner and contributed to at least six other gun/shooting journals. Ken was also a founding member of IPSC and IDPA.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Bravo Company USA. Bravo Company is home of the Gunfighters, and each week they bring us a different trainer to offer some words of wisdom.

Meet with BE Meyers & Co at Enforce Tac

Saturday, February 25th, 2017

Team BEM will be at EnforceTac in Nuremberg from March 1st to 2nd.

contact email: internationalteam@bemeyers.com

Sneak Peek – TYRANT DESIGNS CNC MOD GRIP + ForeGrip Nickel Line

Saturday, February 25th, 2017

Tyrant Designs CNC, an industry leader in high-end aftermarket AR grips, has announced that their top selling line of AR-15 accesories, the AR-15 MOD Grip and MOD ForeGrip will soon (a few weeks to be exact) be available in a nickel finish! This has been rumored to be a limited release only, and will be available on Tyrant’s website as well as a few select distributors.

The MOD Series has made itself popular due to the ability to intermix different sized polymer straps to create a custom fit for each individual’s needs, all while maintaining the ergonomics of a plastic grip with the aesthetics of a wild aluminum grip.


“The amount of inquiries we have had over the past 6 months for a polished MOD Grip has been staggering. We always love listen to our customers and fans, but we did not want to come out with anything less than what we thought was perfect. Polishing was just out of the question due to the man hours involved to polish each grip, and even then it didn’t look great. After lots of trial and error we finally found the perfect combination of media blasting and electroless nickel finish. The process itself is still time consuming and more expensive than our current line of colors, but given the amount of time it has taken for us to get this down perfect we feel we owe it to our customers to release the Nickel Line at the same price point.”

Tyrant Designs CNC is an AR accessories manufacturer based just outside of Chicago. They have had several successful designs for AR pistol grips and are releasing their line of vertical grips and handstops next month.


Lancer Systems To Sponsor Tactical Rendezvous At IWA

Friday, February 24th, 2017

Lancer is proud to co-sponsor Tactical Rendezvous, Lancer will have their Director of Business Development Law Enforcement and their Director of Business Development Military at this event. If you would like to find out how to get an invitation please contact Ross rbotha@lancer-systems.com or JP jpollock@lancer-systems.com.

RE Factor Tactical / SKD Tactical – Tigerstripe Blasting Cap

Friday, February 24th, 2017

RE Factor Tactical has introduced a Tigerstripe version of their popular Blasting Cap. It looks to be a nice Gold Tiger coloration.

2.5″x3″ Velcro patches sewn on front and back for adhesion of patches
1″x1″ Velcro patch sewn on top of hat for IR square
1″x1″ Velcro patch sewn inside cap for storage of IR squares
VS-17 Panel sewn on inside of hat for signaling
RE Factors of different explosives printed on inside tape for quick reference
Mesh backing on hat for increase ventilation
Built on a FlextFit platform for increased comfort
Patches not included
Available in Black, Multicam, Ranger Green, Tan, Tiger Stripe, Woodland

Small/Medium= 6 3/4-7 1/8 hat size, 21-22 14/” head size
Large/Extra Large= 7 1/4- 7 5/8 hat size, 22 3/8″- 23 5/8″ head size

Available exclusively from www.skdtac.com/RE-Factor-Tactical-Blasting-Cap-Tan

LBX Tactical – Armatus II Carrier

Friday, February 24th, 2017

LBX Tactical releases their latest back panel for the Armatus II carrier further expanding the MAPsystem line.


Banger Panel features:
– zippered admin/utility pouch w/ loop field identifier space
– 4 smoke/flash bang pouches with silent bungee pull tab closures
– hydration pocket ported L/R w/ stretch material sides for bladder expansion
