The US Army Center for Initial Military Training is at Ft Leonard Wood this week in order to evaluate the proposed Army Combat Readiness Test. The evaluation includes Soldiers from the 1st Engineer, 3rd Chemical and 14th Military Police Brigades.
The goal is to replace the 40-year-old Army Physical Fitness Test, which is only 39% predictive of a Soldier’s ability to do his or her job, with the proposed ACRT, which is about 81% predictive.
According to a recent Army News story, the ACRT consists of six events:
T Pushup

2LT Elizabeth Tarbox extends her arms after lowering herself to the ground during the T pushup event Oct. 17 while testing the Army Combat Readiness Test at Fort Leonard Wood. (Photo Credit: US Army photo by Dawn M Arden (Leonard Wood))
A modification of the traditional pushup, where Soldiers lower themselves to the ground extending the arms into a “T” position before returning to the starting pushup position. This is repeated for the duration of two minutes.
250-meter sprint/drag/carry

1SG Alan Forester walks backward, dragging a weighted sled during the 250-meter sprint/drag/carry event Oct. 17 while testing the Army Combat Readiness Test at Fort Leonard Wood. (Photo Credit: US Army photo by Mike Curtis (Leonard Wood))
A Soldier begins in the down, or prone position, stands up and sprints 25 meters and back, followed by walking backwards while pulling a weighted sled to the line and back. Once back at the starting line, they grasp two 30-pound kettles, returning to the far line and back. After returning, this exercise requires them to sprint the 25 meters to the far line and back. This is a timed event.
Leg Tuck

Soldiers from 1st Engineer Brigade complete the leg tuck event Oct. 17 while testing the Army Combat Readiness Test at Fort Leonard Wood. (Photo Credit: US Army photo by Dawn M Arden (Leonard Wood))
Soldiers must grasp the bar with an alternating neutral grip in the dead hang position before flexing with elbows, hips and waist to bring knees up, touching both elbows, before returning to the dead hang position and repeat as many times as possible.
Standing Power Throw

1SG Brad Reigel prepares to throw a 10-pound medicine ball for the standing power throw event Oct. 17 while testing the Army Combat Readiness Test at Fort Leonard Wood. (Photo Credit: US Army photo by Mike Curtis (Leonard Wood))
Soldiers must face backwards holding a 10-pound medicine ball, lower it to touch the ground, rises up and throw the ball backwards over their head as far as possible. Soldiers are allowed a practice throw and two record attempts.
3-repetition Deadlift

SGT Robert Winstead prepares to lift a trap bar during the 3-repetition deadlift event Oct. 17 while testing the Army Combat Readiness Test at Fort Leonard Wood. (Photo Credit: US Army photo by Mike Curtis (Leonard Wood))
Soldier steps inside a trap bar, feet shoulder width apart and bends at the knees and hips while reaching down to grasp the handles with arms fully extended; stands up and lifts the bar by extending hips and knees until becoming fully upright, pauses, returns bar to the floor while maintaining flat back and without leaning forward. This is repeated two more times for a total of three repetitions.
2-mile Run
Soldier runs a 2-mile running course that is solid with no more than a three percent uphill grade and no overall decline.
What’s next?
Over the years, the Army has looked at several new physucal fitness assessments, but so far, none have been implememted. Consequently, there is no word on when, or even if, the proposed ACRT might replace the APFT.