GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for July, 2019

PROOF Research’s Carbon Fiber Barrels Integral to New 300 PRC MRAD Barrett Rifles Contracted by US Department of Defense

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

DoD contract for an unspecified number of Barrett’s bolt-action MRAD precision rifle will include PROOF Research’s patented carbon fiber barrels.

Columbia Falls, Mont. (July 2019)  – PROOF Research, the science-based company revolutionizing the firearms industry with innovative materials and products, is proud to announce PROOF’s industry-leading carbon fiber barrels will be an integral part of the US Department of Defense’s newly contracted MRAD® rifles in 300 PRC from Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc.

The contract was announced 2018 year-end, for an undisclosed number of Barrett’s modular, precision, bolt-action MRAD rifles, chambered in Hornady’s new long-range 300 PRC cartridge. The barrels for these rifles were engineered for purpose by PROOF and utilize a unique hand-laid, high-stiffness carbon wrap process to give the US military the very best barrel technology that is available today.

PROOF Research has made a name for itself in the firearms industry for its carbon fiber technology. A PROOF barrel utilizes a high strength, aerospace-grade carbon fibers that are impregnated with a proprietary matrix resin developed by their Advanced Composites Division. PROOF-ACD has developed many different high temperature resins and carbon fiber layups that allow PROOF’s design engineers to create a superior barrel solution for even the most demanding of applications. Furthermore, the technology used in their manufacturing process is scalable which opens up opportunities for small, medium and large caliber applications.

There are many benefits of incorporating aerospace grade carbon fiber technology into a military rifle. PROOF Research carbon fiber barrels are up to 50 percent lighter than steel barrels of similar contour, which is crucial for operators moving rapidly from one position to another and when carrying their gear over long distances. The carbon fiber wrap also makes the barrel highly resistant to weather, grit, dings, scratches and all-around abuse.

 PROOF Research high-fiber content, cut-rifled composite barrels are extremely accurate. Well known within the precision rifle competition community as the first choice for match-grade accuracy, the long-range accuracy, performance and reliability of PROOF Research’s carbon fiber barrels are not only benefits, but critical for mission success among these elite military teams. 

“PROOF Research is very proud to be the only carbon fiber barrel company that is trusted by our warfighters.” 

Find out more about PROOF Research barrels and rifles at proofresearch.com.

Brigantes Presents – High Angle Solutions -Steripen Adventurer Opti UV Water Purifier

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

When working in remote areas, accessing fresh, clean water is not always achievable. When on exercise or being on deployment, having this access is essential to ensure vital operations aren’t inhibited by illnesses caught from bacteria, viruses and protozoa.

The SteriPEN adventurer is the solution to this problem. Ultraviolet (UV-C) light rays safely purify clear water by destroying 99.9% of the pathogens mentioned above. (including Giardia and Cryptosporidia) When the treatment is complete, LED indicators flash to let you know that the water is safe to drink, ensuring clean water from any source within a matter of minutes.

Adventurer Opti is powered by two CR123 batteries making it a lightweight water purification system and keeping it operating effectively in even cold environments. The long-lasting UV lamp provides purifies up to 8,000 litres. Works in containers with a minimum 1.75 inch diameter opening. (Like Nalgene wide-mouth bottles one litre bottles. The SteriPEN doubles up as an integrated LED flashlight for added convenience. By holding down the activation button for three seconds, it will illuminate the darkness making the device easy to work even in the darker hours.

One caveat with ultraviolet purification is that it only works in clear water. Murky water blocks the UV light and prevents it from killing contaminants. If dealing with murky or cloudy water you will need to pre-filter with a product like the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter or similar device. 

For international sales contact international@brigantes.com

For UK sales contact warrior@brigantes.com

SPARTANAT: Outer-Limits EXPERIENCE WEEK For Combat Divers

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

The diving equipment company outer-limits is not only providing solutions for special forces they also lures them in to the mountains. There, at a lake, an international, professional clientele gathers to introduce the latest devices for working underwater. We were there last year and show you everything for Combat swimmers and amphibious forces.

Outer Limits 19 Logo

The EXPERIENCE WEEK of outer-limits usually pushes operators to their limits. At least as far as the weather is concerned. Traditionally, it is rather cold and rainy. Last year, due to climate change: warm and sunny. The dive center on the lake offers ideal working conditions, the container serves as material store, the tent as an exhibition hall for the latest diving equipment.

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Who works, should keep it easy. Every gram counts. RolaTube masts are made of composite material and can be rolled up easily. It does not always has to be an antenna.

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outer-limits designed adapters and grappling hooks for the top, as well as an ultra-light flexible fabric ladder to make the boarding if not a snap, but a pleasure.

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Advanced Scuba Diving Solutions are offered by SHARK MARINE. With floating GPS antenna, so the connection does not break off, as well as with DNS function for navigation without any surface connection.

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The outer-limits EXPERIENCE WEEK is also very popular among special forces because the latest equipment can not only be viewed, but also experienced. Here it goes with sharkmarine directly into the water.

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Into the water, perfectly equipped by outer-limits: divers with SIELMIMANO MK4 rebreather, outer-limits RIPSTOP drysuit and outer-limits tarable and submersible backpack. The Ops-Core BUMP helmet, the SCUBAPRO diving goggles with the tactical HUD, in addition with the navigation aid DIVE TABLET 2 from SHARK MARINE. Perfectionists are using fins with the new, stick-on camouflage strips in Multicam by SCUBAPRO.

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Breaching is not just on land. Here are the underwater chrushing and spreading tools from LIBERVIT. It is a hydraulic system that operates completely independently off the surface. LIBERVITis the only manufacturer worldwide that offers such a surface-independent system.

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The whole thing is complemented with a classic set of crushing and spreading tools from LIBERVIT.

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Everything is ready for your use on the peaceful lake: crushing and spreading tool from LIBERVIT.

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Off to the water and try it out personally.

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Indigo Tactical offers special fins for emergency responders. The shutter looks like a ski boot

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or can work with Velcro. The upper part is screwed to the fin, which is available in different sizes. The lateral stiffening parts are available in different degrees of hardness.

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Knowing where to dive is one of the key challenges. UWIS from Finland has a practical solution for it.

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The GPS system, triangulates the position of the diver and can be used where to prepare the dive.

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The UWIS transmitter floats in the water.

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The UWIS Tablet shows the exact position of the diver.

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The complete, practical system comes in a suitcase.

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Combat swimmers do not always have to rely on their physical condition: SUEX offers a variety of DPV’s and DPD’s (Diver Propulsin Vehicles and Diver Propulsion Devices) and DTC (Dry Tube Containers). These devices allow approaches from up to 25km away.

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Ready for use: In front of the water a dive container with 30 liters (there are also 40, 80 and 120 liters), which is moved by combat swimmers with DPVs. SUEX is the world leader in the design and manufacturer of these specialized military devices. outer-limits is Senior Consultant of SUEX and responsible for international authority business as well as for training and education. Incidentally, the diver wears SCUBAPRO scuba diving goggles with the tactical Galileo HUD (Heads-Up Dive Computer), a full dive computer with GPS.

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This is “heavy duty”: a diver equipped with the DEEP SEA system returns ashore. The DEEP SEA helmet is made of carbon, thereforeit is much lighter than other models. The production takes place in Switzerland at COMPOSITE Beat Engel.

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The camouflage pattern from outer-limits is called chameleon. outer-limits dry suits are the ideal, durable workwear for amphibious special forces. Some drysuit models are also FR / flame retardant and have a minimized IR signature.

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Always ready for action: the rebreather Mk4 CSC TWIN from SIEL/OMG has also been tested extensive. SIEL / OMG offers, as well as others, A-MAG and LOW-MAG versions. Enclosed the outer-limits drysuit suit for special forces in NATO green.

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Quiet activity at the mountain lake. All special equipment is thoroughly tested.

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Special production of a weapons bag from outer-limits for an international special unit. The weapon with optics is packaged waterproof during the dive. In case of emergency, glove penetration guarantees that the operator can shoot from the shell.

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If you go diving, you need rock boots. Altama OTB Maritime Assault have prevailed internationally for easier tasks. They are also available at outer-limits.

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On the lake: SR TACTICAL from Germany. Produced in cooperation with outer-limits an amphibious plate carrier, and also a weapon light which is submersible.

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At the end of an outer-limits EXPERIENCE WEEK day, it´s getting quiet on the lake.

outer-limits is the international distributor for all those companies who presented their products at EXPERIENCE WEEK. All the equipment shown and the corresponding training are available via outer-limits. Contact: office@outer-limits.at

Outer limits on Internet: www.outer-limits.at

SPARTANAT: www.spartanat.com

Comp-Tac Releases Holster Fits for Sig P320 X Compact Firearm

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

For Immediate Release – HOUSTON – Comp-Tac®, a leader in high-quality holsters for competition, concealed carry, and duty use, created holster fits for the recently released Sig P320 XCompact.


The Sig P320 XCompact is now available in the following holsters: MTAC™, International™, Warrior™ and eV2™.

“Sig Sauer® makes a variety of firearms that continue to gain popularity with firearms enthusiast, law enforcement agencies and military personnel. The new P320 XCompact has a slightly smaller design will work well for those who are carrying concealed, or those who want to add a backup gun to their setup,” commented Bill Babboni, High Speed Gear® vice president of sales and operations. “Now that customers can get Comp-Tac® holsters for their XCompacts, they will be ready for whatever they encounter.”


The MTAC™ Holster is and inside-the-waistband, hybrid holster with two-layer leather backing and Kydex® shell, making this a comfortable concealed carry choice. The MTAC™ is tuckable, allowing the user to tuck their shirt in over the gun. With interchangeable shells, customers who already own an MTAC™ holster can upgrade just the shell for their new Sig P320 XCompact.

The International™ Holster is an outside-the-waistband holster with a modular mounting system. With a belt mount, paddle mount and drop offset piece, the International™ is perfect for range use and competitive shooting. The International™ has been the top used holster at the IDPA Nationals seven years running and will give owners of the Sig P320 XCompact the perfect option for using their gun on the range.


The Warrior™ Holster is an all-Kydex®, outside-the-waistband holster with a pancake-style design that fits close to the body for easy OWB concealment. The Warrior™ is cant and ride-height adjustable, making it an excellent concealed carry option for the Sig P320 XCompact.


The eV2™ is an appendix inside-the-waistband (AIWB) holster that is designed for casual everyday carry, as well as deep concealment applications. The Sig P320 XCompact fit works well with the eV2’s™ Kick™, which will hide the grip by pushing it into the body.

For a full list of the holster fits Comp-Tac® offers, visit www.comp-tac.com

Sneak Peek – Polymer80 Frame for SIG P320

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019


This is a rendering of the upcoming PF320 from Polymer80. It is a polymer frame that is compatible with SIG P320 Full/Carry, P320 X5, & P320 VTAC slides/components. This frame will feature all the P80 enhancements and ergonomics such as a textured grip, high beaver tail undercut, and the double undercut trigger guard. The PF320 frame is not a firearm, and will require the end-user to install the SIG P320 Fire Control Unit, parts kit and a complete slide.

H&K Feels Compelled To Tell Us What We’ve Known For Over Two Years

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

Way back in 2017 the Army decided to purchase just over 6,000 Squad Designated Marksman versions of the M110A1 Compact Semi Auto Sniper System. Specifically, this directed requirement from the Army staff called for the G28E Rifle which CSASS is based upon, and is used by the German Bundeswehr.

Although the First Article Testing was problematic due to the Army attempting to shoot M80A1 ammunition from a Rifle specifically designed to shoot M118 LR, it’s now all been worked out.

But for some reason, manufacturer Heckler & Koch felt compelled to issue a new press release entitled, “Heckler & Koch to supply new US Army Squad Designated Marksman Rifle.” Granted, they added in a bunch of other contracts, but this isn’t anything new. I suppose it was in response to the ridiculous recent claims that they were going out of business.

July 15, 2019

Ashburn, Virginia —Heckler & Koch Defense Inc. is gearing up to deliver between 5,000 and 6,000 complete rifle weapon systems to the US Amy, which plans to deploy them as M110A1 Squad Designated Marksman Rifles (SDMR).

The new HK rifle is a variant of the 7.62 mm G28/HK417. Under terms of the agreement, the rifles, which are manufactured by HK in Oberndorf, Germany will begin to arrive in the HK-USA facility in Columbus, GA early next year. There, HK-USA workers will install scopes and mounts purchased by the Army under a separate agreement. Additionally, HK-USA staff will kit the scoped rifles with additional accessories from 12 other US-based manufacturers to round out the complete SDMR weapon system delivered to the Army. Heckler & Koch will also provide spare parts, support, and training.

“This is a significant achievement for Heckler & Koch,” HK-USA COO/CSO Michael Holley said. “The HK SDMR system will add much-needed capabilities to virtually every squad in the Army. We are honored by this opportunity.”

Holley also added that this award, combined with the recent USMC M27 purchase, as well as several other international contracts, further solidifies Heckler & Koch’s position as one of the world leaders in small arms development.

Beyond the SDMR, recent HK major contracts of record include:

US Marine Corps – M27 Rifle

US Army – CSASS/SDMR Rifle

Berlin Police – SFP 9(VP 9) pistol

Bavarian State Police – SFP 9(VP 9) pistol

French Army – 416 Rifle

British Army – SA80 upgrade

About Heckler & Koch

Heckler & Koch is the world’s premier small arms systems company and a major supplier to global military, law enforcement agencies, and civilian shooters. An innovative leader in design and manufacturing, Heckler & Koch provides technologically advanced firearms, logistical support, training, and specialized services with the highest standards of innovation and reliability to its customer base. Heckler & Koch’s well-known range of products include the USP series pistols, MP5 submachine gun, the MP7 Personal Defense Weapon, the G36 weapon system, the HK416 enhanced carbine, HK45, P30, and most recently VP series pistols.

A7 Defense & Aerospace – RANGER Eyepro

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

-Mirrored, polarized, ultra-clear lenses
-Extremely lightweight (1.2 ounces)
-Super strong and durable TR-90 frame with no metal
-Arms that are thin (less than 3mm) yet strong and are compatible with hearing protection
-Ridged nose piece that keeps the glasses securely in place even during rapid movement


TacJobs – Raven Concealment Systems Seeks Distribution Channel Sales Specialist

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

Raven Concealment Systems is an Ohio-based polymer manufacturing and product design company specializing in concealment holsters, magazine carriers, and other related accessories. RCS serves a global customer base, but is heavily focused on commercial, government, and military clients in the United States. The Distribution Channel Sales Specialist is responsible for all product sales activities to wholesalers, distributors, and dealer clients, with emphasis on growth and profitability of sales to domestic 2-step distributors.

This position is comprised of approximately 75% inside sales and 25% outside sales and related business travel.

• Accountable for delivering quarterly and annual sales plans
• Responsible for achieving total sales and profitability goals
• Responsible for driving market share growth
• Proactively manage distributor/dealer networks
• Develop a market-penetration plan for key distributors/dealers which includes forecasting on a short-, mid-, and long-term basis
• Serve as main point of contact for distributor/dealer network
• Strategically engage and build strong relationships with principals, purchasers, and relevant decision-makers at current and prospective distributor/dealer customers
• Exhibit and network at industry trade shows and events
• Collaborate with marketing and product management teams on current product promotions and new product roll-out
• Manage and track sales activity in CRM
• Other duties as assigned.

• High school diploma or GED
• Experience within the firearms/accessories industry, specifically within the realm of 2-step distribution sales
• Verifiable track record of successful sales results and market/territory growth
• Valid driving license and clean driving record
• Must be able to deliver impactful and concise presentations and demonstrations to existing and prospective customers
• Strategic thinker
• Excellent interpersonal skills, both in-person and over the phone
• Excellent written communication skills
• Ability to forge long-term relationships
• Ability to sell a technical product
• Working knowledge of Microsoft Office and Power Point
• Technologically proficient enough to quickly acclimate to a CRM
• Ability to motivate and persuade

• Arrive with a substantial established list of existing relevant relationships from prior work experience in this space
• Build new, strong relationships with distributors and dealers
• Work closely with marketing, product management, and customer service

• Highly flexible and able to react constructively and with a positive attitude to multiple demands, shifting priorities, change and unexpected events.
• May be required at times to perform light lifting and carrying (30 lbs) and up to 8 hours a day on standing/walking/driving.

This position is a salary-exempt position. Compensation is comprised of a base salary, a monthly commission on booked sales, and quarterly bonuses for meeting sales goals and other benchmarks. This is one of the most aggressive comp plans in the industry for this type of position. RCS also provides a robust medical insurance plan.
Interested applicants should e-mail a current resume to employment@ravenconcealment.com. NO INQUIRIES BY TELEPHONE ACCEPTED.