
Archive for the ‘ADS’ Category

2nd Skull Protective Skull Cap

Friday, August 7th, 2020

Available from ADS Inc, the 2nd Skull Protective Skull Cap is a great choice for times when you need to protect your head from impact but a helmet is too much.


It is designed to fit comfortably under any helmet or as a stand-alone in non-helmet activities. The material is flexible at rest but can instantaneously harden under sudden pressure, helping to mitigate the effects of sudden impacts.

Rapid Acquisition, Proven Performance Publication by ADS Inc

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

ADS Inc’s Rapid Acquisition, Proven Performance Publication is a 100-page magazine filled with top products from industry-leading suppliers and informative articles to help you streamline the procurement process through our 65+ contract vehicles and nearly 3,000 supplier partnerships.

Some Highlights:
-Pandemic Response: COVID-19 Solutions
– ADS Veteran: Brady Osborne
– Tyndall Air Force Base Rebuilds
– Extreme Cold Weather Gear
– Improved Gear Accountability

Get your download here.

ADS Inc – Remote Health Solutions – SDNA-1000 COVID-19 Saliva-Based Test Kit

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

ADS Inc is the exclusive distributor of Remote Health Solutions’ SDNA-1000 test kit to the Department of Defense. it is the only FDA EUA at-home COVID-19 saliva-based test kit for sale directly to U.S. government entities.

-The only FDA EUA-authorized Saliva -Collection Device for COVID-19 testing
Proven to stabilize and protect -COVID-19 RNA during specimen transport in all extreme
temperatures over 10 days
-Engineered to reduce at-home user and self-collection errors
-Sample collection is done through saliva (spit) as opposed to nasal swab
-97.50% sensitivity
-100% Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
-97.56% Negative Predictive Value(NPV)
-24-hour laboratory turnaround time (not including shipping time)

For a quote, visit

Hendrick Motorsports’ STEED Supporting Rapid Recovery Efforts

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

The last trip I was able to take before the nation started to lockdown over COVID-19 was to the ADS Warfighter Expo at Ft Bragg in mid-March. While there I had the chance to catch up with Rhegan Flanagan of Hendricks Motorsports who was exhibiting the Silent Tactical Energy Enhanced Dismount or STEED.

As a quick reminder, STEED is a lightweight, all-terrain wheeled platform which carries 500 pounds and have a range of 15 to 30 miles on one battery pack. This unit is manually operated by a thumb-controlled throttle at speeds up to 6.5 miles per hour in both forward and reverse. It has a zero degree turn radius, is tactically silent, has zero emissions and is completely submersible.

That’s the textbook answer. But what STEED really is, is a force multiplier enabling one to carry the load of many. Think about it; up to 500 lbs at 6.5 miles per hour, over varied terrain for up to 30 miles. What’s more, it’s electric, so it’s silent and has a zero turn radius for tight spaces.

By that time COVID-19 was definitely with us and it was a matter of time before the nation began to fully mobilize its medical infrastructure to deal with the task at hand. We discussed the many uses of the STEED in possible scenarios from mass casualty events to civil unrest. To be sure, moving casualties and equipment around while wearing full PPE or MOPP gear can be taxing and the STEED’s power assist would sure help. Fortunately, we didn’t see such extreme measures, but the sick certainly needed to be moved at a great than normal rate in the hit zones.

Three months later it turns out, the STEED looks like a great option for the riots currently underway around the US. Bring supplies to the line and evacuate casualties. Hendrick Motorsports has also teamed with TYR Tactical to armor the STEED.

For full details, visit

Alternate Care Site Solutions for Pandemic Response from ADS Inc

Thursday, April 30th, 2020

A facility that is temporarily converted for healthcare use during a public health emergency is an Alternate Care Site (ACS). The primary function of ACSs is to reduce the burden on hospitals and established medical facilities.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating hotel and arena facilities to convert them into alternate care facilities in response of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The process to create Alternate Care Sites includes:

Identify and obtain sites

Build and convert the space

Supply and equip units


ADS, Inc has a variety of solutions to facilitate the rapid establishment of these sites such as their mobile ICU.

To learn more, visit

Warrior Wednesday – ADS Introduces Warrior Edition

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

ADS, Inc. is excited to present the ADS Quarterly Publication: Warrior Edition, an 84-page magazine filled with top products from industry-leading suppliers and informative articles to help you increase lethality, maximize survivability and optimize performance. We offer access to the largest selection of products and services, the broadest array of procurement and contract options, as well as world-class expertise and support to assist you—every step of the way.

ADS Talks Pandemic Response Preparedness: COVID-19

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

ADS Inc has posted an article detailing the products they have available. Here’s a little bit of the article:

Through thousands of long-standing supplier relationships, we quickly find and deliver the equipment you need to do your job—safely. ADS, Inc. has compiled the following list of products geared toward military and first responder pandemic responses. This is just a sampling of the tens of thousands of products we offer. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask.

Because these products are in high demand, ADS will quote and source these products to the best of or ability. Due to the strain on the supply chain, orders may be canceled. We will do our best to find an alternative.

ADS provides operational equipment exclusively to the U.S. and allied Armed Forces, first responders, vetted government contractors, emergency responders and officers. We cannot sell to civilians.

Whether you have funding or need it, ADS is a prime on over 65 contracts and has the power to move your requirement forward.

Check out the full details, including the list of products at

2020 ADS Ft Bragg Warfighter Expo – Drifire

Friday, March 13th, 2020

Drifire showed their overboot for cold weather climates that will perform down to -30F. Currently undergoing evaluation.