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TACP Conduct Target Acquisition, Distributed C2 Operations During Exercise Bamboo Eagle 25-1

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025


U.S. Air Force Special Warfare Tactical Air Control Party teams from the 93d Air Ground Operations Wing enabled critical Command and Control (C2) and sensing capabilities for exercise Bamboo Eagle 25-1 across America and islands in the Pacific Ocean, Feb. 10-14. 

The employment of Integrated Sensing and Effects Teams (ISET), Lead C2 teams, Distributed C2 teams, and Mission Command provided a robust and resilient employment model playing a critical role in the exercise. TACP facilitated real-time data passage critical to feeding and closing long range kill chains achieving kinetic and non-kinetic effects, which are essential in future operations. 

“TACP’s C2 expertise was invaluable to the success of this exercise,” said Lt. Col. Alex Rich, BE 25-1 exercise manager. “They supported mission accomplishment and provided capabilities we need in future operations.”

Around 60 TACP and Special Warfare Mission Support Airmen employed diverse waveforms from numerous distributed operating locations to ensure C2 resiliency in an exercise designed to stress Airmen and their equipment in an advanced, non-permissive and modern battlefield environment. The exercise emphasized real-time planning and execution, requiring AFSPECWAR Airmen to be agile and creative in their application of target acquisition and distributed C2 capabilities. 

“The character of warfare has changed requiring TACP to evolve and solve joint and coalition force problems. We are more than cleared-hot, yet our roots in that role have uniquely enabled us to operate at the tactical edge, survive, and more importantly connect the joint force to not only employ effects at the right place and time, but give our leaders decision advantage,” said Lt. Col. Ralph Johnson, 19th Air Support Operations Squadron commander. “I cannot be more proud of my team, they’ve committed completely to the process of getting better daily in the lead up to these exercises and it has shown.” 

Contingencies and adversarial capabilities provide simulated enemies a vote in combat-replicative exercises like BE 25-1 which highlights a need for C2 resilience and diverse methods for mission accomplishment. C2 employment in the Air Force’s Agile Combat Employment scheme of maneuver creates unique challenges that require a flexible and adaptive force structure and Airman. 

“TACP are comfortable with ambiguity and adapting to unique and complex scenarios, it’s what we’ve been doing since our inception,” Maj. Zachary Van Cleef, 19th ASOS Assistant Operations TACP officer explained. “As top tier integrators and force multipliers, TACP will prove to be an essential asset in any future conflict.” 

As these complex C2 challenges continue to evolve, so do Joint Force solutions to these problems. 

“Our team prepared for this exercise along with RED FLAG-Nellis for over six months,” Van Cleef said. “They filled both a C2 and real-time forward edge targeting gap that proved pivotal to the success in BE 25-1. At the squadron, our team culture and commitment enable us to stay ready and yield high-level results wherever, whenever.”

By Capt Christian Little, 93rd Air Ground Operations Wing

WEPTAC AFSPECWAR Industry Show This Week at Nellis AFB

Monday, January 13th, 2025

WEPtAC attendees be sure to visit with these great companies supporting Air Force Special Warfare.

Thanks to PK Gunsmithing for the graphic!

23 STS IDMT: ‘Knowing what to do and being ready can make all the difference’

Sunday, January 5th, 2025


“Is there a doctor on board?”

Sitting in his aisle seat toward the back of a commercial flight, Air Force Staff Sgt. William Flaspoehler saw the flight attendants scrambling for help.

It was May 2023, and Flaspoehler was traveling to a deployed location in Southeast Asia.

He walked to the front of the cabin and found a 64-year-old woman, pale-faced, sweating and clutching her chest in pain.

After observing her symptoms, he checked the woman’s pulse and blood pressure.

“We need to divert and land as soon as possible,” he told the pilots, knowing the woman would soon go into cardiac arrest.

From there, Flaspoehler said he relied on both instinct and experience. He followed chest pain protocols, placed the passenger on oxygen and gave her aspirin and fluids. Next, he examined a bottle of nitroglycerin: a drug that could potentially stabilize the patient, but could also be lethal.

“I knew I had to do it,” he said. “It was stressful, but I knew she didn’t have much time.”

As the aircraft began its descent to the nearest airport, Flaspoehler worked to keep the woman alive.

For Flaspoehler, an independent duty medical technician with the 23rd Special Tactics Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Florida, providing life-saving care is almost second nature.

His journey to that moment began years before he joined the military.

Before enlisting in the Air Force in 2016, Flaspoehler honed his medical skills as a civilian emergency medical technician in Los Angeles. Later, his career led him to a level-one pediatric trauma center at LA Children’s Hospital. There, he treated some of the most critically injured patients imaginable, he said.

“We responded to car accidents, fires, stabbings … pretty much everything imaginable,” he said. “As a whole, those jobs exposed me to a wide range of medical incidents.”

Flaspoehler said that one of those incidents in particular left him wanting something more in life.

One day, the former EMT found himself in the back of an ambulance, speeding through the streets of Los Angeles, treating a man bleeding heavily from a neck wound.

As he packed the wound to stem the bleeding, the same thought continued to flash through his mind: the injury was eerily similar to the one that had killed his friend, fallen Army Sgt. Michael Cable, who died in Afghanistan in 2013.

Flaspoehler said that in the moment, he tried not to think about Cable’s death. But afterward, he began to dwell on it. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he could be serving a greater purpose, he said.

“I wanted to be able to be there to see and treat my friends and brothers and sisters,” Flaspoehler said. “As a civilian, I was usually treating strangers. I wanted to be with a team and have the responsibility of taking care of them.”

That realization drove him to join the Air Force.

As part of the 23rd STS, Flaspoehler’s work is dynamic. His unit is tasked with missions involving austere airfield control, terminal attack control, personnel rescue and recovery, assault zone battlefield trauma care, and more.

In his role as an IDMT, he’s trained to establish medical treatment facilities in remote and hostile environments.

“I can run a 911 call, pick up an active duty patient, treat them as a paramedic, bring them to the emergency room and then treat them and discharge them,” Flaspoehler said. “This kind of position doesn’t really exist in the civilian world.”

He also provides medical support during high-risk activities like airborne jump operations and dives, and trains personnel on Tactical Combat Casualty Care to prepare them for potential life-and-death scenarios.

“One day, it could be their friend that needs help out there,” he said, referring to fallen Army Soldier Cable.

On the flight, the 64-year-old patient’s blood pressure and heart rate returned to healthier levels and the medicine reduced her pain.

Soon after, the flight landed in Kuching, Malaysia, where Flaspoehler helped first responders carry the woman off the plane and to an ambulance.

After arriving at his deployed location in Southeast Asia, Flaspoehler followed up on the patient’s status: the woman had survived after receiving additional care in Kuching.

“I felt relieved that I made the right call,” he said. “While it was something I had handled so many times before, I had never had to do something like this on a plane, in international waters.”

Ultimately, Flaspoehler said he credits the medical experience he gained as a civilian and in the Air Force.

“Knowing what to do and being ready can make all the difference.”

By SSgt Natalie Fiorilla
24th Special Operations Wing

Special Tactics Hosts IFAM at Hurlburt Field

Friday, January 3rd, 2025


The 24th Special Operations Wing and the Special Tactics Training Squadron hosted the second iteration of the Initial Familiarization Course Dec. 9-13, 2024, at Hurlburt Field, Fla. IFAM is a five-day program for select candidates that are considering careers in combat control, special reconnaissance or as a special tactics officer.

“IFAM is packed with invaluable experience and information that any serious candidates interested in joining special tactics should apply for,” said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Ricky Patterson, 720th Special Tactics Group recruiting assessments and selections section chief.

This year, a total of 26 enlisted Airmen and officers participated in the course, which included mission briefings, interviews with leadership, exercises testing physical and mental readiness, equipment demonstrations and field training events. The participants, all active-duty members from various career fields, are exploring the opportunity to transition to special tactics.

While IFAM has no bearing on the application process or selection boards, it will help identify future candidates for special tactics career fields, explained Maj. Chris Walsh, 24th Special Tactics Training Squadron commander.

“IFAM is an important new initiative for the special tactics community,” Maj. Walsh said. “Our goal is to educate and inspire members that are interested in special tactics career fields, combat control, special reconnaissance and special tactics officer positions. We recognize that many Airmen may not know what to expect or where to start, so it is important that we dispel any myths or unknowns. We also want to prepare future operators with the skills, habits and the training focus they need to be successful.”

In addition to the participants, 14 special warfare recruiters from the 330th Recruiting Squadron in San Antonio, Texas, attended IFAM to gain career field-specific recruiting insight. Recruiters were able to observe and ask the special tactics cadre questions about types of candidates they should try to recruit, said Tech Sgt. Austin Jessup, a senior recruiter with the 330th Recruiting Squadron serving Florida’s Panhandle region.

“Each recruiter will be able to take this knowledge and pass it along to their current and future candidates in their areas of operation,” Jessup said.

Looking ahead, Maj. Walsh said the goal is to host IFAM twice a year to continue to prepare and inform interested candidates.

“We have struggled to attract the talent that exists in our Air Force, and we need to bring more people into our community,” Walsh said. “I’m confident that IFAM is a way to give that talent a place to interact with our operators. To me, this is where the magic happens, I believe they will see how great the people and the mission are in Air Force Special Operations Command and U.S. Special Operations Command.”

For candidates interested in attending IFAM, more information can be found at or by emailing

By Capt Savannah Stephens, 24th Special Operations Wing

USAF Selects SEI for AFSPECWAR Airborne Operations Personnel Services Contract

Friday, December 27th, 2024

Starting FY25 right

EXCITING news for Green Feet Enterprises dba S.E.I., on the announcement of the PRIME contract award AFSPECWAR Airborne Operations Personnel Services, in support of the 68th RQS, Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona. The 68th is Air Combat Command’s Formal Training Unit charged with upgrading the most elite rescue specialist.

S.E.I., since 1996 has leveraged the most respected special operations warfighters and Subject Matter Experts to help today’s units prepare for future threats in non-permissive environments…helping ensure mission success and the return home of personnel.

S.E.I. Is excited yet again to be given the nod of confidence and the opportunity to provide the commensurate level of professionalism due our military, and to those who make it what it is.

S.E.I. is an SDVOSB 8(a) Small Business specializing in coordinating and managing custom-crafted training for government/civilian agencies…working with today’s warfighter for tomorrow’s battlespace.

US, NATO Forces Showcase Tactics, Integration During Astral Knight 2024

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

GDYNIA, Poland (AFNS) —  

NATO’s exercise Astral Knight 2024 concluded May 18 in Gdynia, demonstrating joint force interoperability and strategic readiness between U.S. forces and NATO allies. The exercise allowed the incorporation of the Special Warfare Teaming Concept, involving the 2nd Air Support Operations Squadron from Vilseck, Germany; the 57th Rescue Squadron from Aviano, Italy; and members of Polish special forces.

The exercise emphasized United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa’s commitment to agile combat employment strategies, integrating advanced sensor technology and refining multinational tactical operations designed to enhance movement, maneuverability and security across NATO territories.

Throughout the training in Gdynia, the special warfare teams, comprising of tactical air control party members and pararescuemen, demonstrated the effectiveness of their combined operations. These operations are aimed at ensuring aircrews and Airmen are well prepared to deliver lethal combat power and conduct precise recovery operations in contested environments.

“Our presence here at Astral Knight 24 aimed to refine and test the Special Warfare Teaming strategy,” said U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Phonchai Hansen, 2 ASOS flight chief of Alpha Flight. “By combining our TACP capabilities with the expert medical and recovery skills of the PJs, we’ve created a dynamic force capable of addressing multifaceted threat scenarios effectively.”

The exercise featured simulated, dynamic targeting missions and personnel recovery drills, during which TACPs and PJs executed coordinated responses to simulated threats. One of the scenarios included a pilot emergency ejection from an F-16 Fighting Falcon and required immediate extraction from a hostile environment, testing the cohesion and interoperability of the newly formed teams.

“The integration of TACPs and PJs into a cohesive unit allows us to leverage our respective strengths,” said U.S. Air Force Capt. John Miller, 2 ASOS flight commander of Alpha Flight. “This exercise effectively assessed the current state of Air Force Special Warfare Teaming, allowing us to inform the development of the special warfare enterprise.”

This year’s Astral Knight also focused on testing and improving joint operational tactics, involving not only U.S. forces but also enhancing cooperation with Polish military units and other NATO partners. The seamless collaboration forged stronger alliances and demonstrated NATO’s capability to defend its members against any threat.

The Special Warfare Teaming Concept not only showcased tactical abilities but also strategic foresight in preparing NATO forces for future challenges.

“The gives us the ability to operate with our NATO allies in some pretty complex scenarios,” said a PJ participant. “This greatly improves our collective security and ensures we are always ready to respond to threats swiftly and efficiently.”

The lessons learned and relationships built in Gdynia will help future NATO exercises and operations. Furthering the success of the Special Warfare Teaming Concept — marking a pivotal advancement in military operations, enhanced cooperative capabilities and strategic deployment readiness across NATO.

By Capt Jacob Murray, 86th Airlift Wing

Special Warfare Training Wing Airman wins Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024


U.S. Air Force Capt. Marc Esposito, 350th Special Warfare Training Squadron flight commander, was presented with the Lance P. Sijan Award at the Pentagon, Apr. 8, 2024.

The Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award recognizes Airmen who demonstrate the highest qualities of leadership in the performance of their duties and conduct of their lives. The award is one of the U.S. Air Force’s most prestigious awards and is named after U.S. Air Force Capt. Lance P. Sijan, a Vietnam War pilot who received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his courage while evading capture and during his captivity as a prisoner of war.

“It is a tremendous honor to be personally recognized as a 2023 USAF Sijan recipient,” said Esposito. “This award to me reflects teamwork: investments from my leaders, my team’s grit, and our collective dedication to the mission. I am thankful for the constant challenge while accomplishing our mission, and thankful to be in the presence of greatness everyday.”

As a flight commander at the 350th SWTS, Esposito is responsible for AETC’s most operationally diverse flight, leading 54 active duty, civilian and contract instructors, managing a budget of $3.6M, resulting in the assessment of over 900 Airmen for entry into Air Force Special Warfare career fields.

“Captain Esposito has been instrumental in the success of the mission here at the 350th Special Warfare Training Squadron,” said Lt. Col. Robert Effler, 350th SWTS commander. “His tireless work ethic, remarkable character and experience have been key to the leadership and mentorship of his flight and the countless students that he has developed.”

Esposito entered the USAF in 2004, immediately assessing for and entering the combat control career field. Right away, the unique character and mission set of CCT spoke to Esposito.

“I was drawn to the journey being a part of high functioning teams, the adventure, the inherent dangers, and the autonomy to tackle our nation’s most complex problems that impact the course of history. It’s the kind of job I always dreamed of as a kid.”

In 2009, Esposito was caught in a firefight, simultaneously controlling close air support, and firing a machine gun while in the back of a Humvee when the vehicle hit a roadside bomb in eastern Afghanistan, catapulting him through the air before slamming him to the ground. Esposito was unconscious for several days before waking up at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, where he was treated for extensive injuries that included severe burns, broken bones in his legs, feet and back, as well as a traumatic brain injury.

“After being blown up, my life, the teams I worked with and everything I worked for was ripped from my hands”, said Esposito. “I lost control of who I was in that instant. Going to war, I knew death was a possibility, and always something I could accept, but living with disabilities was never part of the plan. My attitude and motivation were still intact, so I refused to accept the new reality; we learn on day one in AFSPECWAR that quitting is not an option.”

After a long road to recovery spanning almost 18 months of rehabilitation and having to re-learn how to walk, Esposito was eventually declared fit for duty. It didn’t take long before the itch to do more hit once again and Esposito decided to assess for the special tactics officer career field.

“Special tactics officer selection and the combat rescue officer selection [both often referred to as Phase Two] is no joke; a snapshot of the 18-24 month pipeline the candidates will go through if selected,” said Esposito. “From the moment I was notified I’d be going, I started training deliberately for extended periods of physical stress. Already an established Combat Controller and instructor, it was actually nice to be the ‘nail’ once again and it served as a humbling reminder that regardless of who you are or what you’ve been through in AFSPECWAR, you must push yourself every day.”

After becoming a STO, Esposito remained in AETC where he became the executive to the commander of the then-new Battlefield Airmen Training Group that would set the groundwork for the future Special Warfare Training Wing. Following that assignment, he was assigned to the 22nd Special Tactics Squadron at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, where he deployed to Korea and Germany, serving as a flight commander and operations deputy.

In 2021, Esposito transitioned to his current role as a flight commander at the 350th SWTS, where he credits his teammates with the success that they have experienced.

“What is most fulfilling is to see my team succeed in our mission and be recognized at such high levels. I am fortunate to have the some of the top distinguished leaders in AFSPECWAR embedded in my flight, where we maintain a high-trust environment. It’s a good place to be when you’re in the business of developing humans into the most effective rescue and weapons systems in the world.”

As a flight commander, Esposito has mentored and molded future Air Force Special Warfare operators while also finding time to serve the community and leading high-visibility projects. He led specialized training for military and civilian teams by establishing networks with San Antonio’s local Special Weapons and Tactics teams and the NASA buoyancy lab while also serving as the lead for a three-year, $2.3M USAF RAND study that identified actionable items for AFSPECWAR’s first-ever Assessment and Selection course for prospective candidates.

“Marc represents the best of us and it’s only fitting that he is recognized as one of the best in the Air Force,” said Col. Nathan Colunga, SWTW commander. “We are incredibly proud of all of his accomplishments that have led up to the Sijan Award and look forward to everything else he will achieve in life.”

When asked what it was like receiving the Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award, Esposito stated that it was a full-circle moment for him and his family.

“After being injured in 2009, I was pushed into the Pentagon in my wheelchair to be honored. Almost 15 years later, it was surreal to be walking in with my whole family, proudly wearing my uniform. What means a lot to me is that I can give my family this experience. In the footsteps of Lance P. Sijan, this honor carries with it a solemn pledge to continue pushing boundaries, overcoming challenges, and serving with honor and distinction. Receiving this honor is a humbling experience, knowing that it symbolizes the trust and respect of peers and superiors alike. It serves as a reminder of the responsibility to continue striving for excellence and to serve as an inspiration to others.”

If you are interested in pursuing a career in AFSPECWAR, please visit

By Special Warfare Training Wing Public Affairs

Special Warfare Training Wing

Special Warfare Training Wing Unveils Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024


The Special Warfare Training Wing hosts the grand opening of the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center at Joint Base San Antonio, Lackland-Chapman Training Annex, Apr. 2, 2024.

“This is a historic day for the Special Warfare Training Wing and the Air Force Special Warfare community as we come together to honor Master Sergeant Mike Maltz”, said U.S. Air Force Col. Nathan Colunga, SWTW commander. “Our ceremony today represents the culmination of years of work from countless individuals who turned the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center from an idea into reality.”

The aquatic training center is named after U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Michael Maltz, a fallen pararescueman who made the ultimate sacrifice on Mar. 23, 2003 alongside five other crewmembers of an HH-60G helicopter when it struck a mountain during an aerial refueling attempt on the way to rescue two injured children near Ghazni, Afghanistan, living up to the pararescue motto, “That Others May Live”.

Maltz enlisted in the Air Force in 1978, serving as an apprentice cable splicer before successfully cross-training into the pararescue career field. Maltz earned his maroon beret in December 1985 and was recognized as the class Honor Graduate for his superb leadership qualities and academic excellence.

“Mike was a legend in the pararescue career field, he was admired and respected by all”, said U.S. Air Force Col. Edward “Tre’” Irick, a combat rescue officer and current SWTW deputy commander. “He was the face of pararescue recruiting and became one of the most revered Indoctrination Course instructors of my generation. He forged many of the Special Warfare Airmen who prosecuted the Global War on Terror and I can personally attest to his commitment to develop Airmen because he taught me water confidence skills when I was a young lieutenant. We honor him today by continuing to share stories about his commitment to excellence as we forge the next generation of Special Warfare Airmen.”

First initiated in 2010 and championed by the 21st Chief of Staff of the Air Force, U.S. Air Force Gen. David Goldfein (ret.), construction on the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center began in mid-2021, finishing in early 2024. The construction was a collaborative effort between the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the 802nd Civil Engineer Squadron, the Special Warfare Training Support Squadron and various contractors.

“We would like to thank all the stakeholders who came together to build the Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center,” said Colunga. “Your professionalism, speed, and tenacity in helping us build this facility is deeply appreciated. This facility will be used by countless Special Warfare trainees on their journeys to become Air Force Special Warfare operators.

The Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Training Center is 76,000 square feet, consisting of two enclosed, climate-controlled indoor swimming pools of varying depths geared to meet the training needs for the Air Force’s global combat operations. The aquatic training center will also feature classrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, showers, various medical spaces for treatment and rehabilitation, and a human performance center.

“Today’s ceremony marks a major milestone towards realizing Chapman Training Annex as the home of Air Force Special Warfare training,” said Colunga. “The Maltz Special Warfare Aquatic Center will undoubtedly be a force multiplier in our mission set, and it is only fitting that all of our trainees who will come through this facility must aim to live up to the character of Mike Maltz.”  

By Special Warfare Training Wing Public Affairs

Special Warfare Training Wing