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Archive for the ‘Air Force’ Category

What’s The Latest On RAAF Camo? I’ll Give You A Hint, It’s Blue

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Awhile back we showed you an atrocious Blue variant of the Australian MultiCam Pattern being trialled by the Royal Australian Air Force.


According to a story in the RAAF newspaper, this new uniform, known as the General Purpose Uniform, will begin to replace the current DPCU for RAAF personnel beginning on the Air Force birthday in March, 2014. According to Air Marshall Brown, Chief of the RAAF, this uniform is for noncombat use, “to be worn within the workplace and on non-warlike operational duties such as deployments on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.” Those deploying to operational areas will receive appropriate uniforms for the environment. This design was chosen over three other candidate patterns.

Thanks JD for the heads up!

Happy Birthday US Air Force

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013


“Caption This” Contest

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013


Caption this US Air Force photo of CSAF Gen Mark Welsh III during a recent visit to PACAF. I saw it and figured there’s some pure comedy gold out there. The winner will receive a Keep Calm – Return Fire Patch and have my admiration.

To enter:

1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD share your caption. Only entries here are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 0001 Zulu on 30 August 2013.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.

4. 1 winner will be selected from the comments we receive. It will be the best caption, in our opinion.

5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

Forces Focus – USAF Safeside

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

This one is an interesting history lesson. Designated by the code name “OPERATION SAFESIDE”, the 1041st USAF Security Police Squadron (Test) was formed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii from a cadre of USAF graduates of the Army Ranger school. From that original unit, the Air Force eventually stood up the 82nd Combat Security Police Wing and subordinate units the 821st, 822nd and 823rd Combat Security Police Squadrons.

This is a short two-part USAF film on this force.

Part I

Part II

Today, the lineage of these units lives on in the 820th Base Defense Group and its subordinate squadrons.

USAF No Melt No Drip Next-to-Skin Approved Products List

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Here is the latest edition of the US Air Force’s No Melt No Drip Next-to-Skin Approved Products List, AFD-130726-053, published by the Air Force Uniform Office. There are a variety of companies and their poducts on the list.




Download AFD-130726-053 here.

USAF Approves New Balance Merino Clothing

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013


New Balance announced that on July 19, 2013 the Air Force Uniform Office approved several New Balance items for use with FR uniforms. The items on the list are intended to be worn next to skin only.

It includes a wide range of No Melt No Drip products that are appropriate for a wide range of climates. NB’s synthetic blends and proprietary Merino wool blends will offer Airmen a next to skin layering system appropriate for their unique mission.

AFR701 Flame Resistant T-Shirt
AFR105 Flame Resistant Boxer
AFR105w Flame Resistant FR Women’s Boy Short
AFR801 Flame Resistant Mid Weight Top
AFR201 Flame Resistant Mid Weight Drawers
MIL865 Flame Resistant Mid Weight Light Weight Top
MIL245 Flame Resistant Mid Weight Light Weight Drawers
MIL126 Flame Resistant FR Women’s Boy Short
MIL708 Light Weight Merino Wool T-Shirt
MIL810 Light Weight Merino Wool Crew
MIL811 Mid Weight Merino Wool ¼ Zip
MIL102 Light Weight Merino Wool Boxers
MIL211 Light Weight Merino Wool Drawers
MIL212 Mid Weight Merino Wool Drawers

More information is available at under Military. Additionally, unit and agency ordered can be handled by

Forces Focus – RCAF SAR Tech

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Last Friday, 6 new Search and Rescue Technicians graduated from an intensive 11 month program at the Canadian Forces School of Search and Rescue, based at 19 Wing Comox in British Columbia. They join the ranks of about 160 SAR Techs who are trained in advanced trauma life-support, land and sea survival, and specialized rescue techniques, including Arctic rescue, parachuting, diving, mountain-climbing and rappelling. Although assigned to the Royal Canadian Air Force they can tryout from any of the country’s service components.


Unlike the US Air Force’s Guardian Angel Weapon System consisting of Pararescuemen (PJ), Combat Rescue Officers (CRO) and SERE Instructors, the SAR Tech’s primary focus is not Combat Search and Rescue. Their SAR area of responsibility includes over 15 million square kilometres of land and sea and encompasses the world’s longest coastline and SAR Techs as well as the skilled aircrews they work with respond to more than 8,000 incidents annually that average over 1,200 lives saved and assistance to over 20,000 persons.


Congratulations to the graduates! According to the DND only about 1 in 3 candidates is accepted into training.

Master Corporal Jérôme Bourget, from Lévis, Quebec.
Master Corporal Anthony Bullen, from Boxey, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Master Corporal Jeff Elliott, from Victoria, British Columbia.
Master Corporal Chris Martin, from Pictou, Nova Scotia.
Master Corporal Brent Nolasco, from Peterborough, Ontario.
Master Corporal Oliver Willich, from Kincardine, Ontario.

All Photos – DND

A Little Saturday Evening Motivation For You

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Think of it as an overview video for the GWOT. There are is a lot of AFSOC rotary wing in this video.