
Archive for the ‘Army’ Category

Signal Course Aims to ‘Transform the Army One NCO at a Time’

Thursday, August 31st, 2023

FORT GORDON, Ga. — When a Signaleer graduates from initial military training their learning has all but ended; rather, it is only beginning.

As members of a career field that is ever evolving, it is imperative to seek out — and take advantage of — opportunities for professional development.

One such opportunity is the Signal Digital Master Gunner, or S-DMG, Course. Offered exclusively at Fort Gordon, Georgia, it is the only S-DMG course in the Army that is approved by U.S. Army Training Command.

This five-week functional course supports the training of noncommissioned officers to install, operate, and maintain the local area network integration with the tactical server infrastructure and various mission command information systems.

Instruction encompasses the installation and configuration of hardware and software including: routers, switches and networking devices, Warfighter Information Network-Tactical operations, signal flow, troubleshooting, Exchange server, Active Directory, Structured Query Language server, domain controller, tactical messaging solutions, Extensible Messaging Presence Protocol, Cisco Unified Call Manager, Tactical Local Area Network Encryptor, Tactical Operations Center Intercommunication System and virtual machine software. Additionally, students are taught how to integrate data using the Data Dissemination Services, Joint Battle Command Platform and Command Post Computing Environment.

Students are initially trained in a classroom environment then required to conduct performance-based tasks on unit-fielded equipment.

Claudius Blanding, S-DMG course manager, said the course’s primary objective is integration, noting that students do not become experts on any one particular system but instead become well-versed in several.

“We teach them as integrators, so they know what questions to ask so that they know where to go to get the information,” Blanding said.

Each learning position in the classroom represents a brigade’s worth of servers, and each student, from beginning to end, builds those assets.

“They are utilizing that same network from day one in order for them to move on to the next block,” Blanding said.

The course is designed primarily for information technology specialists and signal support systems specialists, military occupational specialties 25B and 25U respectively, in the rank of sergeant or above. However, all other enlisted signal military occupational specialties — specialist and below — are eligible to attend with a waiver signed by their battalion commander. The training students receive is intended to complement the training that signal warrant officers and chief information officers receive at the battalion and brigade level.

Blanding said that there are many benefits to Signaleers taking the S-DMG Course.

“What this does is … when you have your warrant [officers] and S6 up at either brigade or division, they can call down at the battalion level and talk to somebody like one of these trained NCOs, and they understand the lingo,” Blanding explained. “It really benefits the battalion and below having a S-DMG graduate, because it helps out the signal warrant officers on that side.”

Ultimately, the intent is to develop signal noncommissioned officers as signal-digital master gunners and the commander’s subject matter expert providing critical and near real-time situational awareness in the unit’s integrated common operational picture.

Furthermore, Soldiers who complete the course are offered a resource of lifetime tech support.

“We encourage them to reach back to us if they have any questions … and we constantly get emails and phone calls from [graduates] giving us new updates on stuff or things that are changing out in the force, so we learn from them as well and pass that information along,” Blanding said.

Soldiers who are interested in enrolling must pass a pre-entrance exam. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis by registering in the Army Training Requirements and Resources System.

There is no pre-entrance exam study material available, as Soldiers are expected to have networking fundamentals experience and knowledge of the various Mission Command Information Systems.

Classes fill up quickly, so Soldiers should begin the process to enroll as soon as they know they want to attend.

For more information about the course, click here.

By Laura Levering

US Army Precision Grenadier System Update

Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

The US Army’s Precision Grenadier System effort we told you about last September is underway to handle counter defilade and counter UAS at the squad level.

The PGS shall be a Soldier portable, flat trajectory, semi-automatic, magazine fed, integrated armament system that enables precision engagements to destroy personnel targets in defilade and in the open with increased lethality and precision compared to legacy grenade launchers. The PGS is anticipated to be deployed as a Soldier’s primary weapon system and provide organic close-quarters combat and counter-defilade capabilities through a family of ammunition, providing overmatch to comparable threat grenade launchers in near-peer formations in future operating environments to include urban, woodland, subterranean, and desert, in day, night, or obscured conditions.

The Army is seeking a multi-shot grande launcher which integrates a sophisticated Fire Control System capable of programming rounds along with a family of programmable ammunition.

Family of Ammunition:

a. Counter Defilade Round: Round to precisely and quickly defeat personnel targets in defilade positions.

b. Training Round: Non-pyrotechnic round ballistically similar to the counter defilade round to train the PGS capability.

c. Close Quarters Battle Round: Round to precisely and quickly defeat personnel targets at ranges less than 35 meters.

d. Expanded Capabilities: Ability to expand capabilities is desired with different types of ammo such as:

i. Counter Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Round

ii. Armor-Piercing Round

Naturally, this will also require a power supply.

Additionally, PGS must be lethal from distances of 35m to 500M or longer against unprotected soldiers in both the open and in cover and with a time of flight no greater than 3 seconds out to 500 meters.

It is important to note that the Army has not specified caliber, but rather effect, and has left it open to the various vendors to create the complete system.

Program Executive Office (PEO) Soldier partnered with the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology) (ASA(ALT)), to use the xTechSoldier Lethality competition as a platform to interact with industry.

The xTechSoldier Lethality competition consists of three-rounds:

1 Call for concept white papers;

2 Technology Pitch; and

3 Final Proof-of-Concept Demonstration

So far, we’ve seen round 1 which selected five companies based upon their white paper submissions. Each of these small businesses will receive a cash prize of $15,000 and an invitation to advance to Part 2: Technology Pitches where the teams will showcase their innovative concepts for a Precision Grenadier System (PGS):

American Rheinmetall Munitions, “Squad Support Weapon Achieving Precision Grenadier System Objectives”

FN America, LLC, “PGS-001”

Knight Technical Solutions, LLC, “Multipurpose Intelligent Grenade System ‘MIGS’”

MARS, Inc., “MARS, Inc. 30mm Support Rifle System (SRS)”

Plumb Precision Products, LLC, “P3 M110 Precision Grenade Launcher”

Up to three companies will be selected from the virtual technology pitch round (round 2) and receive an additional $300,000 each in cash prizes and the opportunity to come back in 6 to 18 months to conduct a final proof-of-concept demonstration (round 3).

Those technology pitches are set to begin today, Aug 29, 2023 and last until Sep 1st.

One final winner may be selected and awarded up to $2M in a follow-on contract or agreement. The target for this phase is Mar 1, 2024 – Mar 31, 2025.

SSD readers may be familiar with the Rheinmetall and Plumb Precision Products system which we have covered in the past.

USASOC Study Outlines Measures to Optimize Female Soldiers

Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

WASHINGTON — To better address obstacles facing female Soldiers serving in special operations units and to retain its top talent, Army Special Operations Command outlined 42 recommendations in a study released Monday.

The research’s findings will guide USASOC in optimizing female warfighters while noting their physical and anatomical differences.

“It is not about providing accommodations for women,” said USASOC Command Sgt. Maj. JoAnn Naumann. “It’s providing tools that allow women to maximize their performance and continue to serve at all levels and across time.”

During the yearlong study, researchers found that 44% of the female Soldiers surveyed said they experienced equipment-fitting challenges relating to body armor, helmets and ruck systems. The problem can impact women’s abilities to perform basic Soldier maneuvers and skills.

Female Soldiers also reported that the time they spent planning pregnancies negatively impacted their careers, leading to Soldiers scheduling childbearing around career milestones or avoiding pregnancy entirely, according to the 106-page report, titled, “Breaking Barriers: Women in Army Special Operations Forces.”

Researchers held more than 40 focus groups and interviews with women and men from across the force. The study focused on the areas of equipment fitting, childcare, gender bias, social support, sexual harassment, pregnancy and postpartum, and morale and wellbeing. Retired Lt. Gen. Francis Beaudette, former USASOC commander, initiated the 2021 study, which had more than 5,000 respondents. Additionally, the survey addressed other concerns including challenges of small-statured Soldiers and access to healthcare.

The study also explored attitudes towards females serving in combat and special operations units. The survey results showed Soldiers had a favorable view of women serving in special operations units with no reported decline in morale. About 72% of women and 64% of men surveyed said they would support their daughter joining Army special operations units.

According to findings, 80% of men reported that gender-related concerns had no impact on their decision to remain in special operations forces. Researchers found most gender-biased comments and attitudes during the study came from senior NCOs, indicating a difference in generational views, Naumann said.

“Although disappointed by some of the findings and comments in the study, we are committed to addressing these issues with candor and transparency,” Lt. Gen. Jonathan Braga, USASOC commander wrote in the report’s introduction.

“To change culture takes time,” Braga added. “We have to be better — we must be better.”

The Women in ARSOF Initiative outlined three lines of effort to address the hurdles: mentorship and sponsorship, health and readiness, and modernization.

For mentorship and sponsorship, units can create a “culture of excellence” through education and accountability, said Lt. Col. Rachel Cepis, the director of the Women in ARSOF Initiative. For example, the Army can host more educational forums where Soldiers can learn how to schedule duties around breastfeeding or deal with postpartum related issues, as well as women’s health and nutrition.

Survey participants that have had children listed the top five postpartum challenges: (1) depression, stress, and anxiety, (2) inability to perform to the same level as the unit, (3) lactation, (4) maternity leave, and (5) diastasis recti abdominus.

Focus group participants said they experienced hardship finding adequate care during and after pregnancy. Soldiers also voiced concerns about pregnancy hindering career progression and having adequate breastfeeding locations, as well as convalescent leave following miscarriages.

The 10th Special Forces Group at Fort Carson, Colorado began a female mentorship program, while the 3rd Special Forces Group and 528th Sustainment Brigade at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, plan to establish a similar initiative at each battalion headquarters. The 528th Sustainment Brigade also hosts monthly engagements with female Soldiers.

“We’re looking at it holistically. I’m excited to see the growth of women in our formation in all positions,” Cepis said. “And I’m thrilled that we’re looking at ways to help them perform at their maximum potential.”

“This is about driving change and making ultimately, ARSOF and the [Defense Department] better,” she added.

In the second line of effort, health and readiness, USASOC partnered with Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine in Natick, Massachusetts to study physiological, metabolic and psychological responses during and after completion of extreme and prolonged training. USASOC has also submitted four topics to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services 2024 research solicitation: (1) women’s physical and physiological characteristics of elite female warfighters, (2) pregnancy and postpartum impacts on readiness, (3) long and short-term impacts of intentional dehydration, and (4) endocrine adaptations of female warfighters.

Cepis said USASOC is working with the Army, SOCOM, and academic partners to study the effects of menstrual cycles on female warfighters and ways to maximize performance. USASOC plans to examine sicknesses and illnesses that females suffer in the field and explore how to avoid musculoskeletal injuries related to female anatomy differences, she added.

Finally in modernization, the study recognizes the anatomical and anthropometric differences between men and women and Army Combat Capabilities Development Command [DEVCOM] at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland will be modernizing dress and duty uniforms as well as body armor that better fits the varying body types and sizes.

USASOC has done limited user assessments with the Army Modular Scalable Body Armor, a lightweight, adjustable bulletproof vest, and the Army Integrated Helmet Protection System, a multi-faceted head gear, which consists of protection and retention systems, a helmet cover and hearing protection.

The Women in ARSOF Director has partnered with DEVCOM to better develop items ranging from pregnant female service uniforms to female urinary devices.

USASOC founded the Women in ARSOF Initiative to specifically study female-modernization challenges while advising Army and SOF senior leaders. ARSOF also began publishing a newsletter series, created an online platform and developed a portal site to keep Soldiers updated on the study findings and ongoing efforts.

“I have never felt so heard and understood in my career until [the newsletter] started being published,” wrote a 25-year-old Soldier who has spent five years in special operations forces.

USASOC, headquartered at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, trains, equips and educates special operations units in support of the joint force.

By Joe Lacdan, Army News Service

Now Available – ATP 3-01.81 Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS)

Monday, August 28th, 2023

The Army has published ATP 3-01.81 Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS), which provides brigades and below actions and considerations for conducting local security and counterreconnaissance to deny enemy unmanned aircraft systems from accomplishing their mission. This includes a description of threat unmanned aircraft systems, how to plan for them at brigade and below, defensive and offensive actions for Soldiers and units to take, resources for additional training, and example counter-unmanned aircraft system equipment a unit may be issued or can request.

Chapter 1 provides an overview of threat unmanned aviation systems.

Chapter 2 provides C-UAS planning considerations for brigades and below.

Chapter 3 provides defensive measures for units to take.

Chapter 4 provides offensive measures for units to take.

Appendix A provides C-UAS training resources that can be used while at home station. Appendix B describes current counter unmanned aircraft systems equipment.

Iowa Guard Tests Innovative Technology during Northern Strike

Monday, August 28th, 2023

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.– The 294th Medical Company Area Support from the Iowa National Guard tested a groundbreaking technology by integrating drones in a training environment on August 7. Medical squads were able to experience a cutting-edge drone system that can detect casualties from the sky and assess their vital signs, making it a game-changer in disaster response scenarios. The drones utilize VISTA (Vision and Intelligence Systems for Medical Teaming Applications), which has been in the works for four years, with two dedicated years of intense development for unmanned aerial systems for casualty protection.

“At Northern Strike, we had the perfect place to test the technology. Working with medical personnel is what we want to take to the next level,” said Jay Rouse, the director of business development for Aerete, who played a crucial role in integrating the remote triage capability into the VISTA system’s medical ability.

Northern Strike was the ideal training location for the technology to be tested, emphasizing training to advance the technology. The 294th Medical Company Area Support (MCAS) includes the Medical Treatment Squad, which operates on the field, performing lifesaving measures for those wounded in combat. Utilizing medical drones in the field comes from Aerete’s pioneering use of photoplethysmography to monitor heart and respiration rates through the skin, enabling early detection of casualties from a distance. The system has been successfully tested with body armor, demonstrating its capability to scan from 10 to 50 meters, enhancing casualty detection.

SGT Brady Overstreet from the 294th MCAS out of Iowa, who is among the medics utilizing the medical drones, expressed his optimism, stating, “I have high hopes for the potential usage of this. This is the first time our squad is using this technology. I think this training is great; there are so many moving parts to being a medic,” Overstreet said. “This will be better for our patients, units, and Army.”

The Iowa Medical Company’s collaboration with the Army Medical Research and Development Command’s Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) has been instrumental in advancing Project VISTA. This joint effort aims to enhance human detection signals from casualties, with future expansion plans to include wound classification and broader medic capabilities.

The Northern Strike exercise provided the ideal platform for demonstrating the medical capability, showcasing the potential for broader use in disaster response scenarios. Ethan Quest, the Deputy Chief of the Medical Robotics and Automatic Systems Division at TATRC, highlighted the importance of Northern Strike as a platform for demonstrating their solution.

“We are here to support Project VISTA for casualty detection and standoff assessment of casualty through a US solution,” Quest said. “This was a very good opportunity for us to demonstrate our capabilities of showing our solution. The specific goal is to get feedback from the Medics. We are looking to improve the system for their capabilities. We were happy to be here at Northern Strike and work with the medics to see the capability to keep our Soldiers and medics safe.”

The collaboration between the Iowa Medical Company and TATRC leads to advancements in medical training and real-world application. The innovative medical drone represents a significant step forward in improving medical practices.

As the eyes and ears of first responders in mass casualty and emergency events, the medical drone is a valuable asset for ensuring prompt and efficient medical assistance. As the medical field looks to the future, exploring the potential for broader adoption of innovative medical technologies like VISTA will undoubtedly shape a brighter future for medical care in challenging environments.

“With the medical drones, we can find casualties and wounded quicker and further away. We can identify the triage before we even get to the site and monitor the patients as they get evacuated to the next level of care,” said Jay Rouse, business director at Aerete, emphasizing the system’s capability to revolutionize medical response.

The drone project VISTA at Northern Strike showcases the power of collaboration and innovation in advancing medical capabilities. The medical field continues to evolve and improve through the dedication and passion of individuals like Jay Rouse, SGT Brady Overstreet, and Ethan Quest, promising a future where advanced tools enhance patient care and save lives in the most challenging situations.

By 2LT Paige Bodine

New Antiterrorism Strategic Plan Coming This Fiscal Year

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

WASHINGTON — The Department of the Army is working on a new Antiterrorism Strategic Plan that is scheduled to roll out this fiscal year.

The plan, which is being coordinated with the Department of Defense, will update policy, training, exercises and how the Army analyzes and shares information about terrorism.

“The threats we faced 20 years ago aren’t the threats we face today, nor are they the threats we will face in the future,” said Maj. Gen. Duane R. Miller, Army provost marshal general. “Our adversaries are constantly evolving with the use of technology to identify vulnerabilities. It’s through this strategic plan that we hope to address any vulnerabilities and any threats we may face in the future.”

The program will help put Army civilians, contractors, Soldiers and their families on common ground with the service’s antiterrorism goals and objectives moving forward, he added.

The Army’s Antiterrorism Division worked with multiple federal organizations, including the Department of Homeland Security, as they developed the antiterrorism program. This allowed them to share information on best practices and emerging technologies that could pose a threat.

Training, education and awareness remain the key elements in the service’s efforts to prevent terrorism at home and overseas, Miller said.

“The more aware our community members are, the more likely we are to obtain advanced warning to defend against terrorist attacks,” he said. “Constant vigilance, timely threat reporting, knowledge of antiterrorism prevention measures and Army leadership advocacy are vital to sustained prevention.”

August is dedicated as Antiterrorism Awareness Month to educate members of the Army on the threat and provide information on how to prevent acts of terrorism.

“Soldiers who are aware of the risks and who report concerning behavior can help prevent threats from impacting the local community,” he said. “Don’t be a bystander. Do your part as a member of the team.”

According to Miller, the fight against terrorism has shifted in recent years from terrorist groups overseas to individual domestic terrorists fueled by extremist ideologies.

To combat the evolving threat, the Army has updated the antiterrorism program and continues to look for ways to improve protection efforts. The service is continuing to field and expand the capability of the Joint Analytic Real-time Virtual Information Sharing System.

JARVISS is a desktop and mobile application that pulls information from more than 80,000 sources to give commanders real-time data on potential threats, so they can make informed decisions.

Along with advances in technology, the Army and the National Guard continue to conduct annual exercises to stay ready. The Ohio National Guard held their emergency response exercise in April with support from local emergency services.

The exercise evaluated how the responding agencies can affect control and containment of the situation as well as the effectiveness of the facilities’ response capabilities.

National Guard units from 12 states along with multiple federal and local agencies completed an emergency response exercise at the Anchorage Fire Department Fire Training Center in June. The training is designed to maintain readiness, validate response procedures and collaborate with partners.

These efforts, along with others throughout the service, allow the Army and local partners to stay vigilant in the fight against terrorism.

“We must understand the threat and be prepared to prevent any impact on Army readiness,” Miller said. “We’re confident the outcomes from implementing the strategy will align policy, training, doctrine, partnerships and information sharing to meet the challenges of terrorism over the horizon.”

Army personnel can report suspicious behavior to their chain of command or submit a report online through INSCOM’s iSALUTE form.

By Christopher Hurd, Army News Service

Photos by Jenn DeHaan, Mike Strasser, SSG Aven Santiago, and SPC Cecilia Soriano

Alaska National Guard photos by Robert DeBerry

Challenge Fuels Transition for Army’s Newest Infantry Soldiers

Sunday, August 20th, 2023

FORT BARFOOT, Va. — A few times each year, the Virginia National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 183rd Regiment, Regional Training Institute, conducts an 11B Infantry Transition Course.

Some of the Soldiers who attend the course, all junior Soldiers and noncommissioned officers, want to test themselves. Others are fulfilling childhood dreams or chasing promotion opportunities. Whatever their reason, their goal is singular: to earn the 11B military occupational specialty and leave Fort Barfoot with a blue infantry shoulder cord.

“It is not an easy MOS, but it is a very rewarding one at the same time,” said Sgt. 1st Class Brian Cook, a long-time cadre member at the 183rd RTI.

During the course, Cook and the rest of the cadre put Soldiers, who arrive as engineers, medics, intelligence analysts and mechanics, through three rigorous weeks of infantry training. Soldiers gain proficiency on weapons, improve their land navigation skills, learn how to communicate and move effectively across a battlefield. The days are long and often made more challenging by sweltering heat and humidity.

The challenge of becoming an infantryman motivated many of the students as they worked their way through the course.

“The reason I wanted to become an 11B is because I like to put myself to the test,” said Staff Sgt. Patrick Powers, a 91B wheeled vehicle mechanic in the Virginia National Guard. He said the course would also help prepare him for his next challenge, U.S. Army Ranger School.

Sgt. Allison Stanton, assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division as a 35F intelligence analyst, was also there to challenge herself.

“I wanted to become at 11B because it’s really the only MOS that I felt was out of my comfort zone,” she said. “I felt like the whole job would be very challenging for me, so that’s why I chose it.”

Spc. Alexander Wyatt started his military career as an infantryman in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was discharged due to an injury but rehabilitated himself and worked on an ambulance while out of the military. When he joined the Army, he returned as a 68W combat medic but felt pulled toward the infantry.

“I wanted to become an infantryman because it’s always been a dream of mine. I just always had the itch to still be an infantryman, and I finally scratched that itch,” Wyatt said. He’s now assigned to the 75th Field Artillery Brigade at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

Spc. Steven Schmidt drove across the country to attend the infantry transition course. He started his military career as a medic.

“During my time in the military, I’ve met all sorts of people with different MOSs, but the 11Bs stood out to me in their brotherhood,” Schmidt said. “I’ve always believed that going through difficult times is what brings people together, and I think 11Bs go through that more than any other MOS. I just wanted to be a part of that.”

As the most recent course came to a close, after the Soldiers hauled themselves, their gear and their weapons through the forests, roads and fields of Fort Barfoot, after they tested their endurance with a timed 5-mile run and sent thousands of rounds down range from a variety of weapons systems, they gathered near a small pond. The cadre, decorated with an assortment of badges, tabs and scrolls, formed a corridor through the water. Tired and dirty from days spent in the field, the students were called forward into the water, guided through the protected passage formed by the cadre. Then, dripping pond water and steaming in the midday sun, they worked their way to the top of a hill.

The immersion and ascent served to mark the transition from what they were before to what they had become.

On top of a Fort Barfoot hill on July 26, 2023, 22 Soldiers received their blue infantry cords and officially became the newest infantry Soldiers in the U.S. Army.

By SFC Terra C. Gatti, Virginia National Guard Public Affairs Office

Army Kicks Off Network Field Experiments

Friday, August 18th, 2023

JOINT BASE McGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. — Army scientists and engineers are kicking off the annual Network Modernization Experiment, or NetModX, as they move their capabilities from the lab to a field environment across the New Jersey installation.

The Army’s Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center conducts NetModX at JB-MDL and Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, over eight weeks as a capstone experimentation event. It creates an operationally relevant, threat-informed environment to prove out disruptive and transformative C5ISR technologies. The C5ISR Center is an element of the Combat Capabilities Development Command.

The center’s field experimentation builds upon its modeling and simulation work and lab research, according to Noah Weston, the C5ISR Center’s chief of strategic experimentation. The NetModX team partners with subject-matter experts from across the Army to design experiments that best address the Army’s needs and gaps.

“The Army needs data to make the right decisions at the right time to mature science and technology products to be deployable,” Weston said. “Experimentation allows us to obtain early data on system performance that can inform future Army requirements.”

The C5ISR Center conducts NetModX, which is composed of about 80 technologies for 2023, with the Army’s programs of record, cross-functional teams, other DEVCOM organizations and industry partners for an approach that ranges from science and technology to acquisition.

“NetModX expands our knowledge of emerging networking technologies in relevant field conditions and fosters critical early collaboration between government and industry partners,” said Stephen Blair, senior science and technology advisor for the Network Cross-Functional Team, part of Army Futures Command. “It informs our collective efforts to reduce network complexity at lower echelons; increase speed and survivability through mobile command posts; manage electronic signature; and improve interoperability.”

NetModX intends to deliver key insights to help transition capabilities from the “art of the possible” to the “achievable,” said Joe Saldiveri, NetModX project lead and C5ISR Center engineer.

“These experimentation opportunities enable the Army stakeholders to come together to spark collaboration and inform critical decisions,” Saldiveri said.

The C5ISR Center partners with the Army’s Program Executive Office Command, Control and Communications-Tactical during NetModX to provide technical and operational data on emerging technology.

“Experimentation events such as NetModX support our network design efforts for the Army of 2030 or to inform conditions as we look forward to how our programs will support Army of 2040 network modernization,” said Assistant Program Executive Officer Ward Roberts. “NetModX data supports our developers with integration and technical maturity insight on targeted capability that has transition potential into programs of record and informs formulation of design goals as we work with Cross-Functional Team community.”

By Dan Lafontaine, DEVCOM C5ISR Center Public Affairs