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Archive for the ‘Camo’ Category

US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort Update – The Announcement

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

I’ve heard it from enough sources now that I’m prepared to share a new target date for the official announcement of selection for the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. While already a year behind schedule, a lot as happened. They began by pitting 20 candidates against one another before whittling the field down to four.

During the Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting, October 21-23, we anticipate the Secretary of the Army, the Honorable John McHugh, to announce the winner from among the four finalist patterns. They are from top left, clockwise: Crye Precision, Kryptek, ADS Inc partnered with Guy Cramer, and Brookwood.


In addition to the new pattern we also expect an announcement for a new boot color although we understand that the actual color has not yet been determined. Don’t be surprised if we see a new accessory color as well for T-shirts, socks, gloves, etc.

First off, it’s nice to hear confirmation after confirmation (although not officially) that the announcement is coming. But, we’ve been here before and still no announcement. I’m still a bit skeptical, so I’ll believe it when I see it. Second, both Houses of Congress have passed versions of the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act that require DoD to move toward a common combat uniform and associated camouflage. Those bills will take effect 1 October. While not a mathematician, I can look at a calendar and when I do, I see an issue.

To say that I am less than impressed would be an understatement. In military terms, this strategy is the equivalent of the Army knowing that an attack was coming on 1 October but planning to respond on the 21st of October. Of course, the Army could head all of this pesky legislation off at the pass and come out on top in the DoD Camo Wars. They did it already with the Individual Carbine program when members of Congress passed an amendment to the NDAA requiring them to complete testing. They didn’t wait around for that good idea to become law. but they seem to be waiting for this. if they would only act, they would not only be the dominate land force but also look like it and simultaneously, dominate the camouflage debate and do it with empirical evidence.

Even so, the impending legislation remains contentious with services openly challenging the notion of returning to a common combat uniform. Last week, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, GEN Amos let his Marines know that he wasn’t going to give up the service’s distinctive MARPAT camouflage.

“We are on it like a hobo on a ham sandwich,” Amos was quoted in a DoD press release, “I love the hell out of this uniform and I don’t have any intention of changing it.”

It will be very interesting to watch this all play out.

Dutch Camo Update

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

Last week in the village of Steenwijk, the Dutch joint Soldier Systems Knowledge Centre (joint kenniscentrum militair & uitrusting) presented a display of some of the latest camouflage work.

On display was an entirely new pattern which is intended for all personal equipment, regardless of the uniform being worn (NFP-woodland or NFP-tan) like the OCIE pattern of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. The pattern is still awaiting final approval from the Commander of the Dutch Forces with fielding commencing around 2014/2015. This should also include a new set of equipment with a plate carrier as a base, instead of the cureent issue ops vest.

Dutch 1

Of particular interest was a trial uniform in Dutch DPM being worn by one of the Centre’s officers. It offers a different cut and pocket layout.

Dutch 2

Guy Cramer’s Investigation of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort – Part 6

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

U.S. Army Phase IV Baseline Patterns, will the Army have to settle with these?
by Guy Cramer, President/CEO of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp.

Guy Cramer continues his investigation into the US Army’s Camouflage Improvement Effort in Part 6 of his series. He brings up some very compelling points. Now that the Army has indefinitely delayed the announcement of their camo findings, they rush headlong into impending legislation requiring them to adopt a common pattern and uniform with the other services. The time to assume leadership in clothing US servicemembers for combat is now.

This isn’t a performance issue like the Individual Carbine. They’ve done the research. They have the solution. All the Army has to do, is act. Otherwise, everyone may be stuck with second best; the baseline patterns that the Army’s effort was meant to replace.

Read Cramer’s report here.

Vans OTW Meets Hyperstealth Camouflage

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013


The Vans OTW line is partnering with Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp for a line of camouflage shoes, packs, and apparel that use several of Hyperstealth’s camo patterns. The line will be available this month at all participating Vans OTW retailers.

Sneaker News – Vans OTW x Hyperstealth

ODG Helmet Covers Now Available For Order

Thursday, July 4th, 2013


The Orion Design Group covers for the Ops-Core FAST Helmet are now available. A manufactured in the USA for ODG by LBT, these covers feature the MultiCam pattern.

Camo Form Sponsors the Only Tactical Hunting Show

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Camo Form which is a reusable camouflage self-adhesive wrap by McNett Tactical, recently sponsored the only tactical hunting television show, “Survive the Hunt,” in an episode titled “Operation Camo Form.”


Look for Camo Form on “Survive the Hunt,” which airs on the Pursuit Channel.

Hunting mule deer is one thing; hunting mule deer using a bow with howling winds in the Sandhills of Nebraska is something entirely different. Luckily for active duty Navy SEAL, Master Chief Ron Bellan and the rest of the Reaper Outdoors team they had Camo Form® to help them accomplish their mission.

Reaper Outdoors is the team behind the hit television series, “Survive The Hunt,” the first tactical/ hunting show. Recently Camo Form by McNett® Tactical sponsored a mule deer hunt with the Reaper Team on an episode titled, “Operation Camo Form.” Despite cold, harsh and windy conditions, they managed to land a mule deer with the help of Camo Form.

“We’re wrapping anything and everything we can think of,” said Bellan. “We’re using it and have been using it for a long time. We believe in this product. It’s Reaper tested, Reaper approved.”

Camo Form is the only reusable camouflage wrap that will not leave a sticky residue when removed. Unlike camouflage tapes, Camo Form adheres to itself as it is wrapped around the object. Camo Form helps conceal weapons, blinds and outdoor gear, adds grip, quiets clanking objects and helps with noise dampening. In addition, the heavy-duty fabric can be washed and re-used many times over. With 14 traditional and digital camo patterns, Camo Form offers on-the-fly concealment no matter what the environment.

Blue Force Gear – Hive Satchel Poll

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Hive Line Up

Blue Force Gear is looking for input on future color options for the Hive Satchel in addition to any feedback regarding the concept as a whole. The above image links to the poll, so make your voice heard.

And The Blue MultiCam Variants Keep Coming

Monday, July 1st, 2013

As if the RAAF Blue AMP variant wasn’t enough, now we can see the operational use of a Blue Maritime MultiCam knockoff from Montenegro. I’d like to point out that Crye had no hand in either of these travesties.


Thanks to Strike Hold for the tip.