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Archive for the ‘Charity’ Category

Silent Warrior Foundation Presents – SGM Phill Hanson Discussing Early Delta Assault Vest

Thursday, July 22nd, 2021

In their latest of a series of videos, the Silent Warrior Foundation takes us through an early Delta Force Custom Made Assault Vest with hosts Dave Hall and Retired Delta Force Veteran Sergeant Major Phill Hanson.

The Silent Warrior Foundation is honoring Operation Eagle Claw during their upcoming Whiskey and War Stories event in August. This will include an auction of artifacts signifigant to the mission.

MG Eldon Bargewell Delta Park Challenge Coin Fundraiser

Thursday, July 22nd, 2021

The MG Eldon Bargewell Delta Park Challenge Coin is a fundraising effort for the MG Eldon Bargewll Foundation (EBF) to assist in the completion of the Delt Park project.

The purpose of the MG Eldon Bargewell Foundation (EBF) is to honor Hoquiam native Major General Eldon Bargewell USA (ret.) by building Delta Park. Our goal is to raise $300,000 to erect a statue of Eldon and three plaques showing his service to our country, his leadership and the honors he earned, including the Distinguished Service Cross (our nation’s second highest award for valor), 6 bronze stars (3 with V for valor and 3 for his service), and 4 purple hearts.

With permission from MG Eldon Bargewll family and the MG Eldon Bargewll Foundation (EBF), Special Operations Group (SOG) – History of MACV-SOG,, has minted the MG Eldon Bargewell Challenge Coin.

The coin is 1.75″ with a diamond twist cut. One Side MG Bargewell picture, the other side MG Bargewell’s units and commands. Years that he served enlisted and years as an Officer with the United States Army. The cost of the coin is $20.00. $15.00 goes to the park project. $5.00 cost and Admin fees. So far $120.00 has been raised for the park.

Donations will also be used to landscape the park and provide a fund to maintain the park in the future.

100% of donations go to the Delta Park Project and are tax deductible.

We will post monthly on this site the amount of funds raised for this project.

You can purchase this coin on:

Silent Warrior Foundation Brings Us More Information On The Operation Eagle Claw Modified Field Jackets And Gear

Sunday, July 18th, 2021

A few weeks ago I participated in an unboxing of a modified M65 field jacket and other gear worn on Operation Eagle Claw, the 1980 raid into Iran to attempt to free American hostages held by Iran.

Since then, several unit veterans have come forward to allow Dave Hall, President of the Silent Warrior Foundation charity to examine their jackets. In this second video, Dave meets with retired Sergeant Major Phil Hanson.

We’re fortunate that they produced not just one video during this visit, but two.

In the first unboxing video there were some surprises like the dog tags and watch cap. This time we get to see the non-issue boots worn by SGM Hanson in Iran along with some other items. You have got to watch these videos, if just to see the rigger modification to the Bianchi holster to make it a drop leg.

The information gleaned from these videos isn’t just of historical significance. The Silent Warrior Foundation is working Bergspitze Customs and Alpha Industries to recreate 10 examples of these jackets for a charity auction as part of their upcoming Whiskey and War Stories honoring Operation Eagle Claw event in August.

The jacket reproductions and many other items will be available for auction on during the event.

ASA x SOC-F Freedom Raffle

Friday, July 9th, 2021

The American Suppressor Association and Special Operations Care Fund have teamed up to present an amazing raffle featuring 10 prize packages valued at over $60,000 combined!

However, in my opinion, one item alone makes the rest of the prizes seem mundane. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a skateboard deck which was signed by every SOF Veteran who attended this year’s SOC-F Sporting Clays event.

Normally, these types of items are auctioned off for thousands of Dollars rather than included as prizes in raffles like this one. This time, you don’t have to be a rich guy with a fat roll of hundies in your pocket to take it home. The only advantage you have to win it (and the other prizes) is to buy more chances at the raffle. And even if you don’t win, you’re donating to two great nonprofit causes: helping America’s warriors and their families in times of need and preserving our civil right to own and use suppressors as part of the second amendment to the constitution.

Go check out the website for the rules and a look at all 10 prize packs.

Get your tickets here. The more you buy, the less expensive each ticket is.

Operation Eagle Claw Field Jacket Unboxing

Monday, July 5th, 2021

If you were like me, you learned about the April 24, 1980 US raid into Iran to rescue American hostages on the news the next morning. Commentators spoke of a secretive US military force and an aircraft accident. While the raid itself was unsuccessful, the units involved only became better and more determined.

My introduction to what was worn by the rescuers on this mysterious raid was from a plate in an Osprey Elite book on Special Forces.

The Black Field Jacket with taped US Flag and Watch Cap became an image burnt into my head. Turns out, like most things, it wasn’t quite that simple. A series of photographs released years later, which were taken at the intermediate staging base in Oman prior to infil, depict a wide variety of clothing and jacket mods being worn.

Dave Hall, President of the Silent Warrior Foundation charity had recently contacted me about a fundraiser in conjunction with their upcoming Whiskey and War Stories event honoring Operation Eagle Claw which will focus on the participants and the hostages they were intent to rescue.

One of the Unit members had offered to allow Dave and team access to his modified M65 and Alpha Industries had donated some Field Jackets to be modified in a similar fashion so that they could be auctioned off to benefit the charity. Knowing how much I love kit and SOF history, he asked if I was interested in helping. I jumped at the chance and put him in touch with Kory Brown of Berspitze Customs to discuss doing the actual modification.

Last Friday, I was lucky to be asked to participate in an unboxing video at S&S Precision for the project, along with Dave and Kory. The box contained quite a few surprises including some sand from Desert One.

The jacket reproductions and many other items will be available for auction on during the event.

FirstSpear Friday Focus: FS Proudly Supports the Tim Tebow Foundation’s Operator for a Day

Friday, June 25th, 2021

FirstSpear is proud to support the Tim Tebow Foundation in their “Operator For a Day” event that was hosted on June 19, 2021, in Perryville, Florida.

The Tim Tebow Foundation is committed to advancing the fight for the precious lives of those who have been trafficked or who are at risk of becoming victims to human trafficking. Directly and in partnership with other organizations in the US and abroad, the Foundation is actively fighting against human trafficking in three ways. First, they are proactive. They focus on the implementation of programs designed to preserve and strengthen families to reduce the risk of vulnerability. Secondly, they are reactive. The Foundation works in conjunction with rescue capable teams on the front lines where direct rescue of those who are enslaved occurs. Thirdly, they are committed to supporting survivors’ in recovery by providing them with the comprehensive care resources needed for healing to overcome the vicious trauma and abuse of human trafficking. 

In 2010, FirstSpear emerged from a bloodline of industry innovation. FirstSpear employs a methodology that integrates evolutionary design with advanced material components. An ambitious mandate demands branding that harnesses the company’s ethos, and “FirstSpear” is the translated namesake of the Primus Pilus, the Senior Centurion of a Roman Legion. FirstSpear dedicates our efforts to present-day Centurions, those willing to sacrifice to preserve our heritage and secure our future.

To learn how to get involved, check out

For more information about FirstSpear, check out:

6th Annual Rosendin Golf Tournament Raises Over $200,000 for Navy SEAL Foundation

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

Fundraiser benefits Naval Special Warfare community

Anaheim, CA (June 22, 2021) – Over 140 construction workers from a dozen companies came together in Southern California to recognize the sacrifices of military members and support their families. Rosendin’s 6th Annual Golf Tournament raised more than $200,000 for the nonprofit Navy SEAL Foundation (NSF) to provide immediate and ongoing support for the Naval Special Warfare community.

Since 2016, Rosendin’s annual industry golf outing has collected more than $1.2 million to support families of Navy SEALS and Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC’s). The employee-owned electrical contracting company held this year’s fundraiser on May 27th at Monarch Beach Golf Links in Dana Point.

“We want to thank California’s construction industry for joining us in raising awareness and funds to support the important work of the Navy SEAL Foundation,” said David Lincoln, Senior Vice President of Rosendin’s Renewable Energy Group and NSF Committee Member. “Rosendin recognizes the incredible value Veterans bring to our community and our industry and we will continue to support them through fundraisers, volunteer efforts, and career development.”

Established in 2000, the Navy SEAL Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit benevolent organization that provides over 30 essential programs for SEALS, SWCC’s, Veterans, and their families. The organization is headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA and helps members transition to successful careers in the civilian sector.

Veterans from every branch of the military have found successful career paths at Rosendin. The company was founded in 1919 by WWI Navy Veteran Moses Rosendin, a proud U.S. citizen who grew the company by helping the country’s wartime efforts in WWII.

As the largest employee-owned electrical contractor in the United States, Rosendin’s services include design-build engineering, BIM services, special systems, and renewable energy. They work closely with the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) to offer productive career paths across all skill levels, including opportunities for those who are new to the craft. For career opportunities visit

OpticsPlanet, Inc. Donates PPE to Numerous Organizations That Serve Their Communities

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

OpticsPlanet, Inc. continues their established efforts to help those who serve their communities by donating personal protective equipment to over twenty non-profit organizations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Northbrook, IL. June 15, 2021 – OpticsPlanet Inc., an Ecentria company, continues to serve vulnerable communities in need by donating face masks, hand sanitizer, coveralls, and other essential PPE to various organizations that play a vital role in helping their communities. The OpticsPlanet Cares program has already donated over $500,000 to non-profit organizations committed to their communities, and this donation of PPE is another example of the company’s unyielding dedication to aid those who serve others.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, PPE became increasingly difficult to acquire, which left many organizations in dire need of protective gear. Recognizing this issue, the company utilized their established network of suppliers and extensive experience in the industry to acquire essential products for schools, medical clinics, police departments, and other groups focused on serving the public. The company donated these items to ensure these organizations can safely continue their efforts to aid those in need.

OpticsPlanet, Inc. chose these specific groups because of the service they provide for others, whether it be education, veteran support, or after-school care for children. Among these groups is Hope for the Warriors, a non-profit organization that provides aid to military families through programs focused on health and wellness, transitioning to civilian life, and sports and recreation.

“Events at Hope For The Warriors are life-transforming opportunities to not only raise support for our mission, but also to build a renewed sense of community in the veterans and transitioning service members we serve,” said Leslie Hunt, Director of Donor Partnerships at Hope For The Warriors. “OpticsPlanet’s donation of large-scale PPE for our New York and North Carolina events ensures that we can once again gather safely and carry out our mission of providing HOPE to the post-9/11 warrior community.”

OpticsPlanet, Inc. also donated PPE items to the Children First Fund, the Chicago Public Schools Foundation. CFF promotes the growth and success of Chicago Public Schools through philanthropy and partnerships.

“We are grateful for the generosity of Ecentria and all of our partners across Chicago who help us ensure a safe, supportive and equitable school year for all,” said Mica Matsoff, Interim Executive Director at Children First Fund. “This contribution of PPE to Harold Washington Elementary supports Chicago Public Schools’ extensive work to provide the safest possible learning environments for students and staff.”

The shortage of PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the operations of several organizations that aid their communities. These groups that help others became in need themselves, and OpticsPlanet, Inc. demonstrated the value of their vast supply chain by sourcing and donating protective gear in an unprecedented time.

See below for a complete list of the non-profit organizations that received a donation:

-Navy Special Warfare Foundation for their Kids Summer Camp Program

-UDT-Seal Association

-Deerfield Police Department

-Feed My Starving Children.

-Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry

-Harold Washington Elementary

-Children First Fund

-Little Sisters Of The Poor

-Chicago Teachers Union

-Bulldog Booster Club

-North Maine Fire Department

-Willow Bend Elementary School- CCSD 15

-Ageless Eyecare

-Hope Church Pilsen

-MiMedico Clinic

-Ranger Road

-Ogden Elementary School

-United 4 Children

-Springfield Workshop Institute

-Hope For The Warriors

-Camp Manitowa

-MAAC Foundation