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Army Preps for Second Phase of Armored Formation Network On The Move Pilot

Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

FORT RILEY, Kan. — In future operations, speed will equate to survivability, especially for armored formations — the Army’s most mobile and lethal force.

Commanders will need resilient high-capacity on-the-move (OTM) network connectivity, the foundation for mobile command and control (C2), to inform rapid decisions, swift maneuver and dispersed command post (CP) operations.

As part of the Army’s network transformation efforts, the service is preparing for the second phase of its Armored Formation Network (AFN) OTM Pilot, supported by the 1st Infantry Division, to inform the right combination of emerging commercial network technologies that best support these units and their fast-paced missions.

“This new equipment is providing a definite advantage,” said Lt. Col. Marreo Burch, senior division communications officer (G6) for 1st ID. “To give the commanding general and other senior leaders the ability to move around the battlefield and stay connected — especially with the adversary’s ability to detect the command post from just a sheer electromagnetic spectrum standpoint — increases our survivability [and lethality].”

The diverse set of emerging commercial AFN OTM and at-the-quick-halt pilot capabilities includes high-throughput low-latency satellite communications systems that operate in both geosynchronous and low Earth orbits. The kit also includes multi-band high-capacity line-of-sight (LOS) backhaul and mesh networking capabilities, commercial 5G LTE cellular, and secure Wi-Fi. Baseband systems include a Secure But Unclassified-Encrypted enclave to enable integration of Integrated Tactical Network data exchange.

Having the ability to leverage multiple transport options will not only enhance the unit’s operational flexibility but increase network resiliency, ensuring data can be exchanged in denied, degraded, intermittent, and low-bandwidth (DDIL) environments, including enemy jamming attempts.

“To be able to track the fight, not just over lower tactical internet [lower echelon radio-based networks], but now upper tactical internet (TI), on a digital common operational picture, and process all the information that comes in from those brigades, definitely provides the division commander and our senior leaders better visualization of the battlefield in large scale combat operations,” Burch said. “Instead of losing a major understanding of the battle moving from command post to command post, having that [upper TI] on-the-move keeps those commanders, those senior leaders, in the fight and provides [continual] battlefield circulation.”


In preparation for the pilot, the Army’s Project Manager Tactical Network (PM TN) and Project Manager Interoperability and Services (PM I2S), at the Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications, and Network (PEO C3N) — in tandem with other Army organizations including the C2 Cross Functional Team, Army Futures Command — partnered with industry to integrate a wide variety of new commercial OTM network capabilities onto the 1st ID’s Humvees and Joint Light Tactical Vehicles. The intent, however, is for the AFN design to be a modular kit that can be incorporated into other platforms, including Armored Multi-purpose Vehicles and Strykers. Because of this modularity, units will also be able to quickly install, replace, or add components that better serve specific mission sets. The equipment provides a significant size-weight and power reduction compared to current capabilities, which is critical for armored vehicle integration and increased command post mobility.

The AFN OTM equipment set includes advanced software capabilities such as the Army’s automatic primary, alternate, contingency and emergency (auto-PACE) communications capabilities that simplify bandwidth diversity for Soldiers in the fight. During the 1st ID command post exercise (CPX) at Fort Riley, in November, held in preparation for the upcoming pilot, Burch got a first-hand look at the auto-PACE capability as he conducted operations inside one of the integrated vehicles.

“During my 45-minute ride, when one transport was degraded, it would auto-switch to the lower latency mode of transport while we were moving,” he said. “It made sure that the highest, most efficient means of communication transport was selected. It definitely helped with maintaining comms while on the move.”


The Army is leveraging lessons learned and Soldier feedback from the first phase of the AFN OTM pilot, conducted at Fort Stewart, Georgia, in January 2022, to implement phase two. This second phase will be supported by 1st ID Headquarters, Division Artillery Brigade and 1st Brigade Combat Team Headquarters, during the units’ combat training center rotations at the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California, later in fiscal year 2025.

Learning from combat training rotations helps to ensure the Army maintains a competitive advantage over its adversaries, including fighting in DDIL environments, use of the electromagnetic spectrum, protected communications, cyber security, and distributed C2 at echelon.  

During the AFN OTM Pilot phase two, Soldiers will evaluate solutions that are interoperable with the existing network, while providing a path to the future. Soldier feedback will inform decisions on enduring AFN OTM capability baseline and requirements using technologies that will also help shape other Army modernization efforts, such as command post modernization; C2Fix efforts that deliver simple, intuitive, mobile and lower signature solutions to current close-combat forces; and Next Generation C2 for future warfare.

Supporting the Army’s efforts to pull technical complexity up to division and above, the AFN OTM Pilot will evaluate the best distribution of networking capabilities within armored formations that provides value without over-burdening Soldiers at lower echelons.


To prepare for future large scale combat operations, the Army has ceased developing large, static command posts, opting instead for more mobile command posts with faster setup and teardown, and better ability to conduct distributed operations. The AFN OTM equipment set includes expeditionary at-the-quick-halt satellite systems that deliver high-throughput low-latency command post network connectivity in minutes, providing units with faster command post displacement and maneuver, greater operational flexibility, and increased survivability compared to legacy equipment. Additionally, an aerial layer leverages variable height antennas to extend high-capacity LOS range, overcome LOS terrain challenges such a tree canopies, or enable units to hide from detection.

“The speed at which the enemy can [identify] us once we turn on all of our equipment and systems is really our biggest challenge,” said Maj. Adam Black, deputy G6, 1st ID, from inside one of the integrated vehicles during the CPX.

The commercial AFN OTM baseline kit enables the unit to better conduct dispersed communications, or the ability to spread out the command post operations, “so we can fight a command post separated over a country’s distance rather than just in one spot,” Black said. “Inevitably, we are going to be under contact, and that is what we have to prepare for. If [we operate dispersed and] we lose a specific section of our CP, we won’t lose the entire CP.”

As the Army continues to move network complexity to division echelons and relevant emerging network technologies require more bandwidth, armored formations will need reliable upper TI OTM communication solutions to execute decentralized C2, which will enable commanders to make timely and informed decisions on the battlefield and outmaneuver the enemy.

“As an armored unit, our biggest issue historically has been being able to communicate on upper TI across the battlefield,” said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Justin Carrier, network technician, 1st ID. “Because of the amount and types of transport [in this kit], I have faith that we can retain some form of [upper TI] network transport in any type of disruptive environment.”

By Amy Walker, Project Manager Tactical Network, PEO C3N, public affairs

Persistent Systems Unveils Personal Transport 5 (PT5) Device Delivering 5G Cellular and Wi-Fi 6e Connectivity to Dismounted Warfighter

Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

PT5 keeps warfighters globally connected by securely traversing 5G cellular infrastructure

Persistent Systems, LLC (“Persistent”), a leader in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) technology, announced the launch of the Personal Transport 5 (PT5) accessory for the handheld MPU5 MANET networking device, delivering the next evolution of Persistent connectivity.

The PT5 is a dual-function device that directly connects to the MPU5, simultaneously delivering 5G Cellular and Wi-Fi connectivity. The lightweight PT5 securely connects soldiers to host-nation 5G cellular networks, enabling teams of warfighters to remain connected around the world. Designed to facilitate Persistent’s over-the-horizon Cloud Relay™ networking technology, soldiers become part of a global communication fabric ensuring continuous connectivity as they operate.

“Soldiers are operating in a contested and congested spectrum due to electronic warfare attacks employed by near-peer adversaries. They require multiple diverse communication paths such as MANET, Cellular, and Satellite based communication to ensure continuous connectivity,” said Tom Hanlon, Vice President of International Sales. “The PT5 not only provides an additional communication pathway but delivers it in a small form factor to minimize size, weight, and power burden on the warfighter.”

Two independent layers of accredited encryption enable data to traverse foreign host-nation cellular networks securely. Cloud Relay™ automates the establishment of Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) VPNs and protects data end-to-end with Media Access Control Security (MACsec). Warfighters can communicate confidently in contested operational environments.

The PT5 also provides two Wi-Fi 6e access points creating a personal-area network on the soldier, simplifying connectivity of third-party Wi-Fi devices such as computers, sensors, and cameras. The Wi-Fi access points run on two frequency bands simultaneously providing compatibility with legacy 2.4 GHz devices while delivering maximum performance to modern 5 GHz and 6 GHz Wi-Fi 6e devices.

“The continual introduction of new devices for the warfighter has increased the number of cables and USB hubs required to connect them. The PT5 leverages Wi-Fi 6e to eliminate the cabling clutter and reduce snag hazards while ensuring maximum performance,” Hanlon added.

Persistent trialed pre-production PT5 devices with elements from U.S. Army Special Operations and the Department of Energy.

“Feedback from dismounted users has been extremely positive. They appreciate the global transport of the 5G modem as well as the elimination of clutter on their kit from the Wi-Fi access points,” said Hanlon.

The PT5 is immediately available for purchase. Visit our team at booth #44155 at Shot Show 2025 January 21st to 25th in Las Vegas, NV to see a demonstration of the 5G and Wi-Fi capabilities of the PT5. Reach out to your Persistent Systems representative for more information.

To learn more about the PT5 visit:

Freedom Atlantic Updates Legba Comms App

Thursday, December 19th, 2024

Stay connected, no matter where you are. The Legba App bridges the gap between devices, integrating seamlessly with existing ROIP systems like Motorola Wave, Cisco Interconnect, Trellisware, and more.

New Features:

Communicate using any Android platform

Bluetooth headset for discreet ops

ATAK soft PTT & integrated widget

Real-time location sharing

Saved voice comms for easy playback

BLOS communications via secure server

Innovative solutions for mission-critical moments. To learn more about this product visit:

INVISIO and U.S. Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Advancing Wireless Tactical Communications Through Customer Collaboration

Monday, December 16th, 2024

Initial test orders of 3.5 MUSD received.

A cooperation between INVISIO and the U.S. Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) has showcased the benefits of co-development when it comes to developing tactical communications solutions for military operators at speed, resulting in the INVISIO Link™ solution.

INVISIO worked with DIU, which in turn collaborated with a customer within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, on a Wireless Crew project to provide integrated wireless communication capabilities using INVISIO’s market-leading technology. 

The combination of DIU’s ‘customer collaboration’ concept and INVISIO’s values of innovation and customer first approach ensured an agile initial scoping process as well as iterative prototyping.

The project resulted in the delivery of a wireless communications solution to the customer, enabling multiple crewmen to utilize multiple vehicle mounted radios in varying environments (maritime, land, and air), without traditional hardwire connections and the limitations often associated with wired comms solutions.

Initial scoping not only covered the specific project but outlined requirements for the entire solution. From this INVISIO developed a wireless intercom solution, INVISIO Link™, that combined with the existing body-worn communication system, delivered a solution. This was achieved through two years of iterative and incremental feedback from multiple operational uses and challenges. 

Jacob Tranegaard, Director Intercom Product Management at INVISIO, said: “This project is groundbreaking for so many reasons and allowed us to speed up the process, taking this project from conceptual phase to publicly announced product in less than 24 months.

“The collaboration with the end customer facilitated through DIU meant we could work through the design and scoping phase in an open environment, producing the first-ever INVISIO project that involved government stakeholders in the scoping phase of a development project.”

Working with DIU allowed INVISIO to undertake evaluation events and prototypes, speeding up the testing and contracting process, as well as using DIU’s input to expand and understand the product market fit beyond the initial US Government user request. DIU also assisted INVISIO in developing its first-ever project with US Government-usable encryption levels.

The result is the creation of a modular wireless intercom solution for a variety of use cases across the US DoD, Law Enforcement and other NATO forces.

Jacob added: “With the help of DIU, we have been able to launch and market the product earlier than usual, as well as widen our target market for the product beyond the initial project.

“This project not only showcases the benefits of collaboration and our relationship with DIU, but also demonstrates the focus by INVISIO’s R&D department on innovation, teamwork and a customer-first approach.”

Pre-released to the public earlier this year, INVISIO Link™ is currently pre-selling throughout the world and for many use cases, including but not limited to small boat crews, firefighting LTVs, helicopter rescue swimmers, flight line maintenance crews, and rapid response security teams.

Following the success of collaborating with DIU, INVISIO welcomes future innovation partnerships with end users and government entities on additional INVISIO Link™ solutions, as well as future research and development on the next generation of tactical communication solutions. 

Sneak Peek – The Chem Cracker

Thursday, December 12th, 2024

The Chem Cracker from Ferro Concepts does exactly what the name says.

Operated with one hand, it dispenses 1.5” mini chemlights with the squeeze of a tab and “cracks” them for use at the same time.

The chemlights are loaded one at a time via the top of the device and it holds a total of 13.

The Chem Cracker can be attached to belts or PALS webbing.

Additionally, there is a belt adapter to lower it below armor when worn on the belt.

The Chem Cracker will be available for unit and agency orders in early 2025. Contact

The CAGE MPU5 Pouch from End Strategies

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

The CAGE from End Strategies was designed in consultation with Wave Relay specifically for use with the Persistent Systems MPU5.

The skeletonized upper front panel of the chassis allows for increased airflow for thermal regulation while the bottom portion facilitates battery changes without having to remove the entire radio.

The CAGE will be available on special order only, and details on how to order will be available on soon.

Forsway Secures 2.3 MEUR Funding from the European Space Agency to Build Xtend 5G, an Independent Satellite Connectivity System

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

Stockholm, November 13, 2024: Forsway, provider of cost-efficient hybrid satellite terrestrial solutions and equipment for broadband connectivity, secures a major development funding contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) with support from the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA). In the new project, Xtend 5G, Forsway will build a next generation 5G NTN two-way/hybrid satellite connectivity system enabling the combined use of satellite and ground infrastructure to provide seamless connectivity anywhere, regardless of network. Xtend 5G will provide European government, defence, emergency services and critical infrastructure sectors with seamless connectivity anywhere, anytime, in an open or closed network and with full system control.

The Xtend 5G development will be co-funded by ESA’s ARTES 4.0 Space for 5G/6G & Sustainable Connectivity programme line. The Xtend 5G system will be an independent connectivity solution to satellite platforms with the aim of providing a main connectivity source or essential backup for a critical system. The white label solution will enable any security solution being ported on top.

-Tobias Forsell, CEO at Forsway, “We are thrilled to launch this exciting partnership with ESA & SNSA. The new communication system will be a highly beneficial tool for security, government organizations, the energy sector and others demanding secure, robust, and fast communication where full control over the connectivity ecosystem is crucial. Xtend 5G can be employed in an open or closed network format.”


“To meet strict requirements of government and public agencies, we will offer a highly customizable and fully secure solution to address their needs. Additionally, Xtend 5G will provide a robust backup connection for critical infrastructure installations that may be vulnerable due to geographical location.”

Antonio Franchi, ESA Head of the 5G/6G NTN Programme Office, “We believe hybrid communication technologies that integrate satellite, 5G NTN and mobile networks will play an important role in future connectivity ecosystems. ESA is interested in supporting private sector companies that can enhance ground segments for future satellite systems in Europe and boost regional capacity with comprehensive, dual-use technology and highly dependable connectivity. We are pleased to support Forsway in this unique project with funding, guidance, and expertise.”

Black Hills Designs – Individual Signal Kit

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

The Individual Signal Kit from Black Hills Designs is an all-in-one kit of signaling tools.


Signal Mirror: This essential tool allows for precise visual signaling, helping you communicate your location effectively.

ISK 17 Signal Panel: Featuring a special cut for easy integration with chem lights, the blaze orange and pink panel enhances visibility and can be easily fastened to a wide range of items, making it a versatile signaling solution.

Mini Red Light: This compact light is perfect for low-light situations, providing essential visibility without compromising your position.

Chem Lights: An assortment of red, green, and blue chem lights can be used to signal actions, stages, or warnings, offering multiple options for effective communication.

Glow-in-the-Dark Paint Marker: Perfect for marking last known directions, verbiage, or signs that indicate whether a structure or room has been cleared, ensuring vital information is visible even in darkness.

Fastening Tools: Includes 4 durable rubber bands and 36 inches of paracord, ideal for fastening or creating different signaling tools as needed.

Adhesive Toe Warmers: Fashion these toe warmers to various signaling equipment to communicate effectively in the thermal spectrum, increasing your visibility to thermal imaging devices.

Signal Streamers: Our vibrant thermal pink and orange streamers, along with a dedicated thermal streamer, serve as throwable signals, providing multiple options to grab attention quickly while effectively communicating in the thermal spectrum.

Thermal/Visible Blackout Bag: Maintain stealth and protect your gear with this specially designed blackout bag. Ideal for storing cracked chemlights when the signal is no longer needed.

Positive Identification Armband: This armband features glow-in-the-dark and reflective inserts in red and white, ensuring easy identification in low-light conditions.

WW2 Airborne Cricket Clicker: More than just a historical novelty, this clicker serves as a legitimate form of identification for friendly or foe. It can effectively communicate the presence of individuals to deconflict in close quarters, enhancing operational safety.

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