Behold the glory of The Punch Hammer!

I spoke with designer Martin Lambert, himself a former paratrooper and founder of Chameleon Solutions.
I originally designed this tool for some of my sniper customers. They were having trouble with noise security while setting up hide sites in high threat areas. Building those things is essentially construction work, sometimes including using a hammer and nails. The high pitched metal on metal sound carries a very long way. In addition, they often have to modify existing structures and using a normal crowbar can also be really noisy. I needed a hammer and crowbar that would be extremely lightweight and relatively small made of something that would reduce noise in normal use. Brass knuckles have a great grip and while you don’t get the long lever effect of full-sized hammers or pry bars the open construction of that style also would help to reduce weight. We added the spade and modifed the top so you can grip it in a way to do some digging for things like cat holes or buying sensors/demo rather than fighting positions that would require a full sized shovel.

With the Punch Hammer, you can hammer, dig, and pry. Granted, it’s not going to replace every piece of equipment for some applications. However, it’s inexpensive and lightweight, meaning it can be issued to more personnel. Plus, it’s more quiet than other tools.

One of the ways CDS was able to shed weight in their DZSO kit was by replacing the 5 lbs sledge hammer with the 5 oz Punch Hammer. Expect it to be the most pilfered item in the kit.
Chameleon Solutions products are available for unit and agency orders through Darley Defense.