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Archive for the ‘Foreign’ Category

Roggenwolf Warg Update

Monday, February 14th, 2011

Last month we mentioned that the Polish company SpecOps would be incorporating Roggenwolf’s Warg camo patterns into their line. At the time we showed you the forest version. Newly produced, we can now unveil the desert pattern. This pre-production MBS-1 uniform features the 5-color desert variant of Roggenwolf’s Warg. Additional trial uniforms are now being shipped to Polish SF units and to Australia for field trials.

SOD to Offer PenCott Camo

Friday, February 11th, 2011

Italy-based Special Operation Division (SOD) has announced that they will be offering Hyde Definition’s PenCott family of camouflage patterns. PenCott will be added first to the European market and then to SOD USA once it gets under way. Eventually, SOD plans to offer the entire line in the family of patterns. Below you can see SOD’s Spectre Shirt in three different versions of the PenCott pattern; GreenZone, Badlands, and SandStorm respectively.

It is important to note that these are not actual garments in the PenCott patterns but rather photographs of SOD clothing modified to give you an idea of what they will look like once they enter production. You can click on any of the photos to enlarge them. We have included a couple of interesting items to give you an idea of what various gear will look like.

Level Peaks MultiCam Technical Windproof Smock In Stock

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Despite high demand, Level Peaks has finally gotten the Technical Windproof Smock back in stock. They go quick, and demand will be even higher with the MoD just announcing the new Personal Clothing System. Many troops will not receive PCS for some time and will be looking for a high quality alternative. As you may recall, the new Multi Terrain pattern adopted last year by her Majesty’s forces was developed in conjunction with Crye Precision. While MTP is uniquely British, you can see the similarities with MultiCam. Wearing the two patterns together is almost seamless. It’s nothing at all like pairing the old Woodland DPM with the US Woodland. In fact, MultiCam and MTP blend in splendidly. Since, MTP is tightly controlled by the MoD commercial products are nonexistent further complicating matters for those who want to upgrade their kit now rather than waiting for the QM Stores to catch up. On the flip side, the design of the Smock is excellent and is a great product for those outside of the UK who use MultiCam.

A Quick Review of the MultiCam Technical Windproof Smock
-Made from the finest materials
–Nanosphere with built in mosquito repellent.
–Wind, sand, & water resistant. This aids the resistance to stain from blood, oils, and other liquids.
–Anti-bacterial to enhance the anti-odor properties.
–Coldblack – the sun reflector technology reduces the products heat by 40%.
-Lightweight, low bulk & extremely comfortable.
-Not to mention sleeve pockets, chest pockets, Napoleon pockets, and fleece lined ‘Slack Time’ hand pockets.

In addition to MultiCam, the Smock is also offered in DPM 95. Level Peaks will also produce the Smock in MTP, Digi Cam (MARPAT), Black, Foliage Green, and Sand under contract.

Introduction of Personal Clothing System

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

This article was published by the MoD yesterday but for some reason taken down early today. Here is the article in its entirety. More details to follow as they become available.

UK Armed Forces will be issued with the new Personal Clothing System (PCS) to replace Combat Soldier 95 (CS95) uniform it has been announced today, Monday 7 February 2011.

The new Personal Clothing System, pictured, will begin to replace the existing Combat Soldier 95 uniform from early 2011
[Picture: Crown Copyright/MOD 2011]

The new clothing system will start to be issued to units from early 2011 in accordance with Front Line Command (FLC) fielding plans and will start to be issued to new recruits from October 2011. The roll-out will be complete to most personnel by April 2013.

The PCS consists of combat uniform (CU), ancillary items (AI) and waterproof clothing. Combat uniform replaces the camouflage lightweight jacket, trousers and windproof smock while ancillary items and waterproofs replace the t-shirt, Norwegian shirt, fleece and waterproofs of the current CS95 system.

All camouflage items will be in Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP). Other items will be in Khaki.

Since the introduction of CS95 in 1995, combat body armour has now become mandatory wear for personnel both training for and deploying on operations. As a result, while the principles of CS95 still apply, the design of the clothing items needs refreshing to reflect the changes and lessons learnt from operations.

This also allows changes resulting from developments in material technology to be incorporated. All camouflage clothing items will also change to MTP camouflage. Combat footwear is not part of the PCS but a separate competition to replace the combat assault boot is underway, allowing delivery in 2012.

MTP camouflage, introduced for operations in April 2010, incorporates elements of Disruptive Pattern Material (DPM) shapes to create a unique British camouflage that will replace both Woodland and Desert DPM for use in training and on operations. While the Woodland and Desert camouflages are very good in their very specific environments, MTP is the best-performing across the widest range of environments, while only being marginally less effective than Woodland and Desert DPM in those areas.

MTP will be controlled to ensure it is only available for military issue; it will not be released for the manufacture of items for commercial sale.

The design principles of CS95 as a layered system of clothing allowing flexibility for temperature regulation remain extant. This has been retained in the PCS; however, it recognises the increased requirements for protection, both in the integration with body armour and incorporation of extremity protection and fittings for potential combat identification systems.

The PCS consists of three distinct elements that will be delivered separately.

The MTP camouflage outer layers consist of:

• Lightweight Jacket. A shirt that can be worn over a thermal or sweat-wicking layer. It can be worn either tucked into trousers or loose depending on environmental conditions.

In order to allow body armour to be worn over the top (in temperate conditions) buttons have been removed and replaced with Velcro and a zip. Chest bellows pockets have been replaced with map pockets with pen and notebook/compass stowage.

Bicep bellows pockets have been added to arms to allow stowage of ready access items when body armour is worn. In addition, pockets have been added to the outside forearms and elbows to allow for additional fragmentation/bump protection to be fitted if required.

The collar can be secured up when wearing body armour to reduce chafing. The bicep pockets have ‘touch and close’ panels to allow combat ID badges to be fitted if required.

A blanking plate protects the touch and close fastening while also allowing non-tactical badges (eg tactical recognition flashes) to be fitted while being removable in the field.

• Combat trousers. Thigh map pockets have been angled to allow easier access. A secure pocket has been added to waist pockets to allow stowage of small items. The draw cord has been removed. A seat panel has been added to reduce wear in the crotch. Map-pocket buttons have been shrouded to reduce snag hazards.

• Windproof smock. The design of the existing windproof smock has been retained as an outer garment principally for when body armour is not being worn. A mesh drop liner and armpit vents have been added to help with thermal regulation.

Buttons have been shrouded to reduce snag hazards. Behind the waist pockets, fleece-lined handwarmer pockets have been added. The windproof smock incorporates the same bicep pockets as the lightweight jacket.

• Rank slides. No change to the current design. Only low-contrast, all-arms rank slides are to be worn on MTP. Regimental/high contrast rank slides for wear in camp are to be on plain/regimental backgrounds.

• Helmet covers. No change to the existing range of helmet cover design, although an update is in development.

Ancillary items will include insulation and sweat-wicking layers, consisting of:

• T-shirt. Base layer, providing both thermal insulation and sweat-wicking. Based upon the current operational hot-weather t-shirt.

• Underwear. Sweat-wicking, anti-microbial unisex undershorts based upon the existing operational underwear.

• Thermal shirt. A micro-fleece base layer shirt with zippered collar (replacing the CS95 Norwegian shirt).

• Thermal smock. A micro-fleece-lined mid-layer, with windproof and showerproof outer, to provide increased insulation under the windproof smock (replaces the CS95 fleece).

• Under Body Armour Combat Shirt (UBACS). A sweat-wicking torso with lightweight jacket sleeves and a zippered neck for wear under body armour in hot weather environments.

Various different designs of waterproof garments are currently being assessed as part of the ongoing development of the PCS with an expected fielding date of 2012. All items will be in MTP.

A review of the need for specific female designs is underway and results will be trialled accordingly. These will be rolled out separately once designs have been finalised.

Units will change to the new CU over three years from Spring 2011 in accordance with FLC fielding plans. In order to control expenditure, task issues to units will be spread over three financial years before units will be allowed to demand items direct. Issuing to recruits will begin in the second half of 2011. Unit CS95 stocks will be withdrawn and reissued to units later in the fielding plan to minimise waste.

Ancillary items will be available for issue from mid-2011. They will be issued in bulk to recruits along with issues of CU. Personnel previously issued with CS95 will only receive the new ancillary items for operations or to replace CS95 equivalent items that have worn out. Current CS95 ancillary items are fully compatibe with the PCS CU and will remain in use as long as stocks are available.

Hot weather CU and ancillary items will be issued to personnel deploying on Op HERRICK 15 and to other operations or overseas training exercises from mid-2011. Hot weather clothing will be of the same design as the temperate combat uniform but in a lightweight, breathable cloth. The permanent treatment of hot weather clothing with insecticide is being developed.

Brits Adopt Revision Eyepro

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Revision has won the UK MoD’s first competition for protective eyewear since 2005. The Combat Protective Eyewear Tender (number DC4/4055) has an estimated contract value of £3.4 million to provide the UK MoD with Revision’s Sawfly® Military Eyewear System and Bullet Ant® Goggles.

“Revision is extremely proud to receive the UK MoD contract for Protective Combat Eyewear,” said Jonathan Blanshay, CEO of Revision. “The focus behind all Revision eyewear is to meet and exceed the stringent requirements set forth by our military customers. It’s an honor to be supplying UK troops with what we believe to be the best performance-enhancing eye protection products.”

Colonel Peter Rafferty, Team Leader for Defence, Equipment and Support’s Personal Combat Equipment Team added, “All troops currently in Afghanistan are issued with protective eyewear as standard and these new additions are an enhancement over what is already out there. In addition to the ballistic protection these items offer, IED’s are a significant threat to our troops in theatre and the debris and dirt thrown up from a blast can be just as harmful to troops as the initial blast or fragmentation itself. This protective eyewear is the best chance they have of minimizing injuries to the eyes while still maintaining situational awareness and thus the ability to do their jobs.”

The Bullet Ant Goggle System provides ballistic protection against medium-energy fragmentation while protecting against the environment: sand, wind and dust. The goggle system features interchangeable OcuMax® coated lenses for high-performance anti-fog and anti-scratch capabilities and provides flawless optics for unprecedented visual clarity. It also accepts prescriptions.

More on HyperStealth’s SMARTCAMO

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Not long ago we mentioned HyperStealth’s SMARTCAMO unveiled at the international camo symposium in Brussels, Belgium last fall. In our article we referenced a mysterious video that the US military had asked creator HyperStealth to restrict from general viewing. During SHOT Show we were allowed to see the video which demonstrates HyperStealth’s technology. While we are not going to get into the ins and outs of exactly what we saw or its strengths and weaknesses, we will say that HyperStealth successfully demonstrated a fabric technology that had been made into a uniform component and could adjust coloration and intensity based on ambient conditions. While the video did not demonstrate the capability, inventor Guy Cramer stated that the technology would also work in the IR spectrum.

SMARTCAMO is not truly adaptive in that it does not mimic the scene around it ala the camo seen in the “Predator” films. However, it is definitely a step in the right direction although it still needs some further refinement. At this point one of the biggest hurdles is cost. According to Cramer, a uniform with this technology is going to run about $1,000 each. Not good for general purpose forces but right in there for certain specialized applications. Another issue is that it is powered technology so they still need to pair it with a robust battery system that will last an entire mission. And lastly, the system needs a sensor system to detect the background in order to alter the fabric’s shade. While Cramer assured me that they have already worked on these issues, SMARTCAMO does lend itself perfectly to vehicular use due to their onboard power and ability to integrate sensor systems.

One final note. When asked if uniforms manufactured with SMARTCAMO could be laundered without damage, Guy Cramer informed us that not only could they be laundered but that they could also be used for maritime operations.

HyperStealth has informed us that the US Army, US Navy, USSOCOM, the UK MoD and the Canadian DND have asked to participate in a Multinational Effort to develop the SMARTCAMO technology. Additionally, ADS Inc. is partnering with HyperStealth to eventually offer the finalized SMARTCAMO technology to authorized military, governmental, and law enforcement organizations.

Canadian Air Force Adopts Revision Eyewear

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Revision, has been awarded a $2.7 million contract with the Canadian DND to supply Air Force members with Ballistic Eyewear (BEW), also known as the Sawfly Spectacle System. The initial contract is to supply 33,000 kits and 40,000 additional lenses in 2011 with a 5 year option period. Revision first won the BEW contract for Canadian land forces in 2003.

“Revision is proud to provide the Canadian Air Force with their protective eyewear needs,” said Jonathan Blanshay, CEO of Revision. “Today’s battlefield requires protection from a growing list of threats, from IED shrapnel and flying debris to harmful laser wavelengths. Revision’s Sawfly Ballistic Eyewear is a single system that provides powerful ballistic protection and, at the customer’s request, the ability to protect against laser threats with high-performance, specialty lenses.”

The Clothe The Soldier (CTS) did some great stuff, ten years ago it seems. Lately, Canadians have been referring to the program as Clown The Soldier which has concentrated on such epic improvements as camouflage boots. We have heard through the proverbial grapevine that almost all funding for Army upgrades via CTS have been pulled and that the Air Force and Navy are getting their turn. Since the Army fielded Sawflys several years ago, we think that this is a minor indicator that this may actually be the case.

At any rate, Sawflys rock. They are well made, meeting or exceeding ANSI Z87.1-2010 and U.S. military ballistic impact requirements (MIL-PRF-31013, clause and MIL-DTL-43511D, clause 3.5.10). Additionally, Revision just released their small sizes. Not to be confused with Asian sizing,

Stay tuned, we have been chasing a new product from Revision for some time and finally have a sample to unveil.

Seul Military Consulting

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

We met the folks from Seul military Consulting at last year’s SHOT Show and were immediately impressed with what they had going on. They are responsible for the introduction of Crye Precision combat clothing in German Flecktarn for use by German forces (and MultiCam as well). Not only do they rep the top tier US brands in their home country of Germany but they manufacture some of their own home grown designs as well.

Their own brand is called ATLAS and they produce unique stuff like multi-pocket field jackets, boonie hats, Baseball caps with Velcro and more.

Look for Seul Military Consulting wandering the halls of SHOT Show. They will be there looking for new products to introduce to the German market.