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Archive for the ‘Mobility’ Category

QuietKat Selected by Guadalajara Police for Patrol eBikes

Saturday, October 12th, 2024

Irvine, CA – QuietKat, a leader in all-terrain electric bikes, is proud to announce that its Patrol 10 eBikes have been selected by the Guadalajara Police Department for their patrol operations. The department has received the first batch of Patrol 10 eBikes, which are specially equipped with law enforcement (LE) lights, a siren, and a public address (PA) system to enhance the safety and efficiency of their patrol units.

This milestone was achieved through the dedicated efforts of QuietKat’s distributor in Mexico, YATLA. Their hard work and persistence were key to securing this important contract with the Guadalajara Police. YATLA’s team is also in the process of establishing a comprehensive service center to provide ongoing maintenance and support for QuietKat eBikes across Mexico. This facility will play a crucial role in expanding the use of QuietKat’s products throughout the country.

Additionally, special thanks go to QuietKat’s Latin America representative, Mauricio Piña, whose strategic guidance has been instrumental in advancing the brand’s presence and securing key partnerships in the region.

QuietKat looks forward to supporting law enforcement agencies across Mexico as they embrace eBikes as an eco-friendly, reliable solution for modern policing.

For Military, Law Enforcement, and OGA Sales please contact Ross Botha at Ross@Quietkat.com

Team O’Neil’s Tactical Driving Tuesday – Pre-Mission Vehicle Check

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

One of the most important functions in mission planning is preparing your equipment. Team O’Neil’s Wyatt reminds of what we need to look for as we prepare our vehicle for a mission.

In just a few weeks I’ll be putting these driving tips to good use at the Team O’Neil Tactical Driving Course at their facility in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This five-day course includes driving under NODS and is available to military and other government agencies as well as civilians.

NP Aerospace Receives Contract from BeMOD to Deliver Remaining Light Tactical Transport Vehicles

Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

NP Aerospace, the global vehicle integrator and armour manufacturer, has today announced the award of a contract by the Belgium MOD (BeMOD) to deliver the remaining 87 Light Tactical Transport Vehicles (LTTV). The original LTTV programme was to deliver 199 of the Mercedes-Benz UNIMOG based vehicles to the BeMOD. The contract to deliver the remaining vehicles has been novated following NP Aerospace’s acquisition of the assets of Jankel Armouring Limited, announced on 10 June 2024.

As well as the production of new LTTV vehicles, this contract also includes lifetime in-service support to the LTTV vehicle fleet for which NP Aerospace will use its proven Vehicle Systems, Services and Spares business unit to deliver. In addition to the LTTV contract, NP Aerospace has also signed an in-service support contract with BeMoD for their Rapid Reaction Vehicles (RRV) fleet, a product for which NP Aerospace also now owns the intellectual property.

NP Aerospace will commence the ramp up of the production plan adopting a fresh approach, with operations being established in their Coventry facilities. As already agreed with the customer, a particular emphasis will be placed upon working to the required quality standards and timescales.

NP Aerospace has a fully established vehicle related, UK-based supply chain in place and will be employing proven best practices to deliver a production programme that meets and where possible, exceeds customer expectations, bringing delivery back on track.

The LTTV vehicle is designed to provide a modular and configurable tactical support vehicle that benefits from unique, removable mission modules that enable the vehicle to be re-roled rapidly for operational platform versatility. With a payload of over 3 tonnes, dependent on the final vehicle specification, the LTTV has 3 core variants for Special Operations support, including an ambulance variant. Alongside a user-configurable, fully integrated suite of military sub-systems that includes a removable ballistic protection kit, a Roll-Over-Protection-System (ROPS), weapon mounts and communications fit.

Lieutenant Colonel Jean-François Gennotte from BeMoD said: “We are very pleased with the acquisition of the assets of Jankel Armouring Limited by NP Aerospace, which allowed us to novateour existing contracts and to keep our fleet supported. The long record of experience in this sector of NP Aerospace looks very promising and we are looking forward to a long lasting and hopefully fruitful cooperation.”

James Kempston, NP Aerospace CEO, commented: “following on from our recent announcement regarding the acquisition of Jankel Armouring Limited’s assets, we’re very pleased indeed to announce the award of this major contract, having been novated to us by the BeMoD customer.” He added: “We’re now putting everything in place to get the LTTV programme up and running and delivering to the customer’s expectations. This is great news for NP Aerospace, for our UK supply chain and for Coventry as we continue to create and/or sustain high skilled jobs in the region and across our supplier partnerships.”

Team O’Neil’s Tactical Driving Tuesday – Off Roading

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

Last week we gave you a little taste of what Team O’Neil brings to the table in tactical driving training for military and LE as well as civilian drivers. This week we continue the series of videos with instructor Wyatt discussing Off Roading.

As a reminder, I’ll be attending their five-day tactical driving course later this month, at their facility in New Hampshire. These videos are as much for your benefit as for mine. I got a taste of what they teach last fall during an event with SureFire so I’m leveraging my memory as I go over the basic skills I’ll need to succeed during the upcoming course.

Army Announces Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport Inc. II Contract Awards

Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Detroit Arsenal, Mich. (Sept. 24, 2024) — The Army announced the award of two Other Transaction Authority Engineering and Manufacturing Design contracts today to American Rheinmetall Vehicles, LLC, and HDT Expeditionary Systems, Inc., totaling a combined $22 million to provide eight prototypes each of the Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport Increment II.

American Rheinmetall Vehicles’ S-MET Inc. II offering

HDT’s S-MET Inc. II offering

The S-MET was originally developed as a Directed Requirement meant to identify opportunities for the Army to quickly field existing platforms to improve the fighting force’s capability. The S-MET Increment I is a single radio-controlled, eight-wheeled platform designed to carry payload, generate power for organic electronic systems, and conduct unconstrained movement. In its first increment, the S-MET is capable of carrying 1,000 lbs. of equipment and provides enhanced capability primarily in Infantry Brigade Combat Teams, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, and Security Force Assistance Brigades.

The second increment seeks to double that payload capacity while adding several improvements identified by Solders during evaluation and operation. Those improvements include:

  • Higher exportable power to enable modern mission payloads like Unmanned Air Systems and communications equipment
  • Improved audio signature reduction
  • A dismounted wireless mesh communication network
  • Increased reliability
  • Worldwide grid charging
  • Modular and open architecture allowing for easier and more cost-effective upgrades

“S-MET Increment II addresses capability gaps associated with excessive physical burdens, recharging batteries during continuous operations, and reducing sustainment burden for semi-independent operations. The S-MET reduces Soldier load and enhances small unit combat effectiveness by reducing fatigue and injury caused by excessive physical loads, shifting the burden to the robotic platform,” said Kyle Bruner, the Army’s project manager for Force Projection, Program Executive Office Combat Support & Combat Service Support, headquartered here.

“S-MET supports the Army’s mission to implement robotic and autonomous system capabilities with urgency to lessen risk to Soldiers in multi-domain operations,” he added.

Successful S-MET Increment II developmental testing will lead to a production contract slated for late Fiscal Year 2027 for an Army Acquisition Objective of up to 2,195 systems.

By Sam Tricomo, Program Executive Office Combat Support & Combat Service Support

Team O’Neil’s Tactical Driving Tuesday – High Speed Driving

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

Team O’Neil is world renowned for their instruction in rally driving. Several decades ago the Special Operations community discovered this unique training and began to attend Team O’Neil courses to improve their driving skills under varied, arduous conditions. Starting this week we are going to share some of that knowledge via a series of videos produced by Team O’Neil. In this first video, instructor Wyatt offers an overview of high speed driving.

In late October, I’ll be attending their five-day tactical driving course at their facility in New Hampshire. These videos are as much for your benefit as for mine. I got a taste of what they teach last fall during an event with SureFire so I’m leveraging my memory as I go over the basic skills I’ll need to succeed during the upcoming course.

Eric Graves

NP Aerospace Wins £71 million UK MoD Wheeled Vehicle Support Contract – CVSSP

Friday, September 20th, 2024

NP Aerospace, the global vehicle integrator and armour manufacturer, has today announced the award of a £71 million wheeled vehicle support contract called the Conventional Vehicle Systems Spares and Post Design Services (CVSSP) contract. The contract, let by the UK MoD Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), was competitively tendered with bids submitted by major players across the UK defence industry. The contract duration is four years with two options to extend beyond that, of a further one year each.

Collage of the vehicles and equipment covered in the CCVSSP contract.

This is a joint announcement together with UK MoD that coincides with the DVD exhibition taking place at Millbrook, 18-19 September 2024. At DVD NP Aerospace are exhibiting on stand OR13 at the offroad area.

The UK MoD CVSSP contract will see NP Aerospace deliver Post Design Services (PDS), Design Authority (DA) and Spares Procurement Services to a fleet of over 15,000 UK MoD core vehicles including: the entire Land Rover fleet; Pinzgauer fleet; protected Land Rover; RWMIK and the Lightweight Trailer fleet. The CVSSP contract consolidates and amalgamates former individual MoD PDS contracts providing a new single point of contact. Obsolescence management is a key challenge with some of the MoD’s ageing fleets and the CVSSP contract will ensure that vehicle fleet availability is maintained at the required levels to meet the operational and training needs.

In 2019 NP Aerospace won a similar vehicle support contract known as Protected Mobility Engineering & Technical Support (PMETS) that has since been successfully supporting the MoD’s fleet of over 2000 Protected Mobility Vehicles. The vehicles covered under the PMETS contract include Mastiff, Wolfhound, Ridgback, Buffalo, Choker, RODET, Foxhound, Jackal, Coyote and Husky. Having been successfully delivering PMETS for five years, NP Aerospace is now perfectly placed to align the newly awarded CVSSP contract alongside PMETS using tried and tested procedures that have already gained the confidence of the UK MoD.

This contract award will create and sustain jobs at NP Aerospace’s Coventry facility. The company’s facilities will also be expanded in due course to enable, integrate and deliver this new contract.

The UK Minister for Defence Procurement and Industry, Rt Hon Maria Eagle MP, said: “We will deliver a state-of-the-art combat vehicle fleet, ensuring our soldiers are equipped with cutting-edge firepower, protection, and mobility”. She added: “This new contract will help to secure the future of these crucial capabilities, streamlining the processes involved in repairs and upgrades, while boosting UK economic growth at the same time.”

Brigadier Matt Wilkinson from the Vehicle Support Team at Defence, Equipment and Support, said: “We have a long-standing relationship with NP Aerospace and I’m delighted that we are able to continue this partnership. Not only does it provide the best possible service to the Armed Forces, but it also aligns with the MOD’s future Land Industrial Strategy initiatives, including an evolution to Land Integrated Operating Services.”

James Kempston, CEO at NP Aerospace, commented: “This announcement is huge news for the team at NP Aerospace and we’re all delighted to have won this major contract against strong competition. It shows the high regard in which our services are held by the UK MoD, and that we deliver best value for our customer. He added:

“The CVSSP contract aligns well with NP Aerospace’s abilities to support the MOD’s future LIOS initiative and the Land Mobility, and Land Industrial Strategy. The CVSSP award together with our current PMETS contract provides NP Aerospace with the post design support contracts covering the vast majority of the UK MoD’s lightweight wheeled utility, and protected mobility vehicle fleets.”

NP Aerospace Receives Multiple UK MoD Related Contracts Following Jankel Acquisition

Friday, September 13th, 2024

NP Aerospace, the global vehicle integrator and armour manufacturer, has today announced the award of multiple UK MoD related contracts following the acquisition of the assets of Jankel Armouring Limited. The specifics of the contracts cannot be disclosed however, there are seven individual contracts in total and together, they involve the provision of products and services in the areas of tactical vehicles, civilian armoured vehicles (CAVs), armour protection systems, military seating and through-life support services. Contracting routes vary and range from direct to UK MoD (DE&S) and supply contracts to UK MoD through established tier one prime contractors. This announcement coincides with the DVD event taking place at Millbrook, 18-19 September 2024, where NP Aerospace are exhibiting on stand OR13 in the Off-Road Area.

NP Aerospace is already fully established as a trusted supplier to UK MoD with major contracts in place in the areas of vehicle supply, systems integration, through-life support, and armour protection systems. Integrating the former Jankel contracts into the existing operational model is an excellent fit as NP Aerospace already has the required facilities, skills, knowhow, supply chain and processes in place to deliver exactly what the customers require, with a proven and resilient track record fully established.

Since the announcement of the acquisition of the assets of Jankel Armouring Limited on 10 June 2024, NP Aerospace has been successful in securing talent from the original Jankel Armouring Limited staff including pivotal engineers and critical executives with the required knowledge of the acquired assets and legacy contracts, such as these. In addition, it is expected that these contracts, together with others, will help to create and/or sustain around 60-70 skilled jobs. This places NP Aerospace in the ideal position to successfully deliver on these UK MoD related contracts, plus several other former Jankel overseas contracts that are likely to be announced in the coming months.

James Kempston, NP Aerospace CEO, commented: “Following on from our recent announcement regarding the acquisition of Jankel Armouring Limited’s assets, we’re very pleased indeed to announce the award of these UK MoD related contracts, having been novated to us by the MoD and the MoD’s tier one suppliers.” He added: “we’re already in a strong position as a trusted and resilient supplier to UK MoD and we’re operating in very similar capability areas to the seven contracts we’ve now received. This is a very good fit and will suit all parties concerned but in particular, our customers, who previously relied on Jankel Armouring Limited for some key and critical specialist capabilities. Thank you to UK MoD and to the relevant prime contractors for placing their trust in us, once again, and we look forward to extending our already successful working relationships, effectively integrating these contracts into the NP Aerospace operating model.”