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Archive for the ‘PEO-Soldier’ Category

Army Camo Update – Sort Of

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

A fragmented tweet posted earlier this evening from PEO-Soldier, indicated that the decision brief on alternate camo pattern for Afghanistan has passed the Star and Vice Chief of Staff level and is on its way to the Chief of Staff.

As you can see below, no word on the contents of the brief, recommended courses of action or feedback from the flags already briefed.

“F1 – working briefing cycle for senior leadership decision WRT OEF alt camo. Completed 3 stars and VCSA – next up CSA. Presenting data a …” about 1 hour ago from txt

Thank Goodness, It’s back!

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Apparently the ice melted enough for PEO-Soldier to get their web back on. Alas, no photoshopped new camo patterns are to be found.


Fear Not

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Hell has frozen over, the National Capitol Region has suffered two major snow storms in as many weeks and the federal government has been shut down for four days. Consequently, when PEO-Soldier’s website went Tango Uniform, there was no one available to fix it. It will be back up and running just as soon as the snow melts enough to get some folks into work.

They finally blacklisted me


The Soldier Plate Carrier System – A Journey

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Usually, we want to focus on the on the destination when we speak of a journey but oftentimes, the story of the road traveled is much more interesting. So for me, it was much important that I find out about how the requirement for a Plate Carrier was developed than focus on the name brand that was eventually selected. Learning the facts of how decisions were made would tell me much more about why the solution was adopted. Ultimately, you may not agree with the system that was adopted, but after reading this article you will begin to understand why it was. On October 8th an $18.6 million contract for 57,000 plate carriers was awarded to KDH Defense Systems. An additional 1,000 Eagle MBAV carriers were also purchased on a REF contract vehicle to support PEO-Soldier Camouflage study in Afghanistan. These MBAVs were produced in MultiCam.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to speak with COL William Cole, Project Manager Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment and LTC Jon Rickey, Product Manager Soldier Protective Equipment about the program as well as how it evolved.

It is best to go back to the beginning of the requirement. While SOF had been using plate carriers since 2002 and the Marine Corps had begun their program in early 2008, the Army had not received any requirements for the fielding of a plate carrier system. However, in December 2008, the 3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division requested 1,500 plate carriers. The time line was very short and the Rapid Equipping Force (REF) set about searching for a suitable item to fulfill the warfighter’s need. The Eagle Industries Modular Body Armor Vest (MBAV) in use with SOF was chosen and fielded to support this immediate need and also later used as a component of a Soldier’s Load Assessment conducted by the Asymmetric Warfare Group with contracting support from the REF.

Based on the requirement for a plate carrier, PEO-Soldier conducted Soldier Protection Demonstration – VII. An SPD is designed to allow the Soldier Survivability community to assess protection technologies offered by Government, industry, and academia to determine what the state of the art consists of and to shape realistic requirements. Sixteen companies met with PEO-Soldier during an industry day and the field was down selected to four commercial offerings. These were the KDH carrier, the TAG Rampage, Eagle Modular Plate Carrier System – Army (MPCS-A), as well as an offering from MSA-Paraclete. Additionally, for SPD-VII, PEO-Soldier included the US Marine Corps’ Scalable Plate Carrier, the Modular Body Armor Vest used by SOF, and an IOTV with no attachments as a baseline for comparison.

One important requirement of the SPD was that the system had to include 1″ of soft armor around the edge of the E-SAPI plate. This is to protect the wearer from spall that may be caused by edge shots on the plate. One of the test candidates did not include this feature and had to receive a waiver to be included in the demonstration. This same issue still plays heavily in post procurement decision debates over the validity of the Army’s selection of the KDH solution.

Soldier Plate Carrier System

Testing was conducted in conjunction with the Army Infantry Center representatives at Yuma Proving Grounds. Twenty-five Soldiers from the 82d Airborne Division and 173d Airborne Brigade participated as test subjects for two weeks of intense activity.

Evaluations included road marches, obstacle courses, close range marksmanship, Individual Movement Technique course negotiation, ingress/egress drills, buddy aid and wound access, don and doff drills, and room-clearing exercises.

Every scenario was evaluated on objective as well as subjective criteria. In addition to established performance-based criteria, Soldiers were asked for their opinion of each carrier for that iteration. For example, during SPD VII Soldiers were asked, “Would you be willing to wear this armor system on a dismounted combat mission in Afghanistan?” This is the question to which 88% of Soldiers in the SPD said yes for the KDH plate carrier as well as the TAG Rampage. These two carriers did in fact come in second to the Eagle MBAV. Interestingly, no system was universally liked or disliked with even the IOTV still garnered a 24% approval rating.

Soldier Plate Carrier System

There was no “winner” of SPD-VII. rather, information collected during the demonstration was used to refine the requirement. For instance, while a cutaway feature was mandatory for commercial items in SPD-VII, don and doff times and intended operational use revealed that a true cutaway was no required for the actual fielding of the system. Instead a rapid don and doff capability fit the bill.

There seemed to be a lull over the summer as the Infantry Center and Army Staff worked out the exact number of carriers to purchase. Ultimately, the decision was made to procure the plate carrier via GSA. GSA is a Government controlled procurement system that allows vendors to place products on offer to the Government at special rates. GSA was chosen in order to even further speed up the process of buying the carriers.

For this procurement, Technical (Protection and Weight) was the most important factor in determining which system the Army should procure. This was followed by Schedule as they were needed quickly on the battlefield. The final factor was cost. In the realm of Soldier Protection in particular, procurement cannot go to the lowest bidder based solely on cost.

COL Cole was emphatic that cost was not the driving factor in the selection of the KDH solution although it was in fact, at a good price. The technical and schedule elements of the proposals were evaluated at PEO-Soldier but the cost element was left to officials at the contracting office. Technical evaluators never saw the cost figures during the evaluation. In the GSA solicitation criteria, the Government reserved the right to award multiple vendors to fulfill the requirement. This is an indication of how urgent the need was and how important schedule was to the overall scheme.

Even I raised the question of whether KDH would be capable of meeting a very aggressive delivery schedule based on their bevy of recent armor contract wins. LTC Rickey related that they had similar concerns and discussed the issue with KDH. KDH walked PEO-Soldier through their plan to execute the contract at their new Eden, North Carolina plant and disclosed that they were planning on opening a dedicated line and hiring an additional 45 sewers to get the job done on time. This plan seems to have worked as PEO-Soldier informed me that they will begin fielding the SPCS in January. It will not only be fielded in theater but also here in CONUS prior to deployment to units identified as part of the surge.

Soldier Plate Carrier System

Operationally, the SPCS will not be a replacement for the IOTV but rather issued in addition to. It will be up to the commander, based on METT-T whether or not to use it. Some education will be required so that a commander can weigh the risks of decreased soft armor against threats found in the AO. Specifically, the SPCS offers exactly the same amount of hard plate coverage as the IOTV. However, it offers significantly less soft armor which protects against frag. While there is less coverage, there is also less weight and bulk and this will prove to be a boon to those operating in mountainous areas. In fact, when initially adopted, the SPCS without armor plates weighed in at 6.47 lbs vice an IOTV 9.86 lbs without accessories. OEO-Soldier has already prompted a change to the design of the SPCS to make it lighterweight. The original design presented to the Government featured 1″ of soft armor around the edge of the side plates. The new design already implemented deletes this extra armor and lowers the weight to 5.77 lbs. Now a fully loaded SPCS weighs 21.8 lbs and an IOTV is 31.09 lbs.

Soldier Plate Carrier System

The new SPCS is intended to be compatible with MOLLE equipment and will also accept the newly issued Tactical Assault Platform (TAP). Interestingly, the TAP is currently intended to replace the Fighting Load Carrier in the MOLLE system. Additionally, systems integration has already taken place to fit Land Warrior’s Ground Soldier Ensemble on to the carrier.

So is this story over? I think not. You must remember that the current system fulfills an Operational Needs Statement from theater rather than a larger, more encompassing requirements document. The President’s surge in Afghanistan means that there will be an even larger need for a plate carrier by the Army. Additionally, the Army may decide it wants the capability for other theaters as well. If this becomes the case, COL Cole related that the Army would most likely issue a solicitation based on requirements from the field and insist that the winning design become government owned to facilitate long-term sustainment.

Will the Army learn more about the use of a plate carrier once it is fielded? Absolutely. The Marines are essentially on the third version of their Plate Carrier. They worked with industry to develop a government owned design and tweaked it based on operational feedback. In fact, they just awarded an IDIQ contract partially to KDH to produce additional Plate Carriers in a Government owned design.

So is this a great leap forward for the American Soldier? Yes, if for no other reason than it is better than what he had previously; which was nothing. It will be interesting to see how the Army’s use of the SPCS evolves. Hopefully, this article will serve to dispel some of the misunderstandings associated with this procurement. I know for example, that after learning of the importance placed on weight and ballistic performance and seeing the weight of the KDH, I now understand why it was selected. If you take anything away from this article, remember that the Soldier Protection Demonstration and the GSA procurement were two separate events. The SPD defined and validated the requirement and the procurement satisfied it. Additionally, consider that this acquisition fulfills a new requirement and that over time the Army will learn more about how to further enhance this capability for the Soldier.

Individual Gunfire Detection

Friday, December 11th, 2009

“Popular Science” named the Army’s Individual Gunfire Detection program one of the “Best of What’s New 2009.” Interestingly, despite limited field evaluations, it remains a science project while acquisition officials continue to refine the requirement.

Boomerang Warrior from BBN Technologies

One of the two current systems vying for the program is the Boomerang Warrior by BBN Technologies. Cambridge, Massachusetts based BBN Technologies is a 60 year old company instrumental in the development of the first internet routers and has been at the forefront of acoustic analysis for decades. They were recently purchased by Raytheon. Last year BBN acquired Digital Force Technologies. DFT enjoys an excellent reputation in the Tagging, Tracking, and Locating arena and developed the Satellite Imagery Enhanced GPS (SIMEG) Receiver.

In the case of Boomerang Warrior, three pieces of information are provided to the wearer both on a wrist mounted display and via audio cues from a headset; direction of shot (clock method), elevation, and range. BBN claims that Boomerang Warrior experiences less than one percent false alarms and actually detects more than 95% of all super-sonic projectiles. Accuracy is characterized as Range +/- 20%, Bearing < 7.5 Degrees, and Elevation < 7.5 Degrees. By using the “Clock Method” of reporting information to the Soldier, the information becomes much more subjective and does not need to be nearly as accurate as it is primarily for force protection. Since each hour on the clock covers a 30 degree arc, the system is more than accurate enough for its intended use at 7.5 degrees. An internal electronic compass ensure the cues are relative to the Soldier's current heading. The data may also be shared with battlefield reporting systems such as FBCB2. The shoulder pads are self contained and essentially redundant. They can each work independently of one another. They give a full 360 degree look at the environment relying on a series of embedded microphones. If both Sensor Pads detect an event the system analyzes both sets of data and presents a solution. Also of note, the sensor pads are not ballistic in nature but rather are compatible with the Army’s issue Deltoid Axillary Protection System (DAPS). Only a single Boomerang Warrior has been deployed into theater according to BBN. US Army Natick has funded a portion of the development of the Boomerang Warrior system and one year remains on this contract.

Oddly enough, despite funding the development of Boomerang Warrior, the Army seems to be much keener on the QinetiQ North America’s Soldier Wearable Acoustic Targeting System (SWATS). In fact, photos of the IGD system on PEO-Soldier’s website feature a Soldier wearing SWATS. Army G3 directed PEO-Soldier to execute a field evaluation of an Individual Gunfire Detection system and the system chosen was the SWATS. The Capabilities Production Document (CPD) is still in draft and any use at this point should be considered an operational demonstration to ascertain the validity of the technology and to consider Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures development. Based on candidate technical maturity, Product Manager Soldier Sensors and Lasers deployed 12 Soldier SWATS to theater in 2007 for the first user evaluation. This evaluation prompted several changes to the design and functionality. In 2008, 1100 improved SWATS were sent to theater for a second user evaluation. The information gathered during these evaluations is being used in the development of the IGD CPD.

Note that QinetiQ who builds the Army’s preferred solution was formed from the British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, along the lines of the US DARPA. This is significant because the US essentially abandoned acoustic range and bearing technology as a means to determine characteristics of an incoming projectile in the mid 1980s. At that point, the Army dismantled its acoustic ranging infrastructure, mothballed the equipment, and retrained the Soldiers who specialized in the technique. This was done in favor of the use of RADAR systems such as the AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder. During this period, the British military continued its reliance on acoustic ranging systems and this may account for some of their technical edge.

Current operations renewed US interest in the development of acoustic systems (UTAMS) for the detection initially of mortar and rocket fire due to lower production and operating costs as well as the passive nature of these systems. Along a parallel path, work began on the detection of small arms fire as a means to counter enemy sniper operations. In fact, development of the successful vehicle mounted Boomerang system also built by BBN was funded by DARPA as a lower cost alternative to the French PILAR system. PILAR saw limited use by SOCOM early in the war.

Finally, it is important to note that BBN’s Boomerang vehicle mounted system has been very successful with over 5000 systems fielded so far in theater through Program Manager-Robotics and Unmanned (PM-RUS). The $73.8 million contract calls for a total of 8,131 Boomerang systems including spare parts.

Let’s Camouflage Those Weapons

Friday, December 4th, 2009

DefenseTech published an article today on a subject we have been looking at for some time. This is our take on the issue.

U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Smith

Amid all of the ballyhoo surrounding the Congressionally directed adoption of a area-specific camouflage pattern for Afghanistan a major weak link remains. PEO-Soldier has worked diligently to camouflage virtually piece of a Soldier’s kit save one; his rifle. Probably the most important item issued to a Soldier, the Army has yet to fully come to grips with the “Black Rifle”. And it’s not just rifles. Grenade launchers, Squad Automatic Weapons, and crew served implements of destruction all come in basic black.

So, awhile back I queried PEO-Soldier about this and they provided me with this reply:
“Soldiers in the field do in fact camouflage their weapons based upon the situation and environment. For example, snipers may tie certain cloth materials to break up the outline/profile of their weapon. Moving forward, PM Soldier Weapons in conjunction with TACOM Rock Island will be writing up a procedure guide that details how soldiers could employ temporary paints to camouflage their weapons for field environments.”

I have some additional information about the first part of the reply. The Ghillie Suit Accessory Kit recently received a face lift including the replacement of burlap with a Fire Resistant yarn. Burlap catches fire easily so this is a much needed change. Available in Light Coyote, Light Green, and Madeira (Brown), hopefully, this material will be available for wider spread use soon.


There has been some light in this tunnel and there have been some changes to this long standing policy. SOCOM, in particular has adopted Flat Dark Earth (FDE) as a color for some of its Special Operations Peculiar Modification (SOPMOD) carbine accessories. Additionally, the SOF Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR) comes in a battlefield friendly FDE base color. Furthermore, industry is rife with both weapons and accessories in a variety of finishes. Additionally, S.O. Tech has developed a fabric suppressor cover designed to camouflage its shape and yet still resist melting.

Unfortunately, the other services can be even worse about the issue than the Army. The Air Force for example, has published specific guidance forbidding the painting of weapons or the use of non-issue accessories. Once again, it seems as though someone doesn’t realize there is a war on.

Hopefully, the new weapon camo guide from Rock Island will hit the field soon. Also, based on the same requirements facilitating the study of enhanced personal camouflage, we hope to see a requirement for a weapon color that does not contrast with the Soldier’s other equipment or battlefield environment.

Army Camouflage Photosimulation Study Update

Friday, November 13th, 2009

As part of the Army’s plan to investigate options for a Afghanistan theater-specific camouflage pattern, PEO-Soldier is undertaking a photosimulation study of uniform colors and patterns, along with associated Operational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) such as body armor, helmets, and rucksacks, against a variety of backgrounds common to Afghanistan including foliage, high desert, and mountains. Specific emphasis was placed on ensuring accurate RGB values during data collection which occurred earlier this month. The information obtained during this trip has been transformed into a usable test format which will kick off soon, possibly as early as the week after next at Forts Drum, Bragg, and Campbell. Participants will have had recent combat experience in Afghanistan.

Desert All Over Brush Reenlistment

The photo, taken in Afghanistan, depicts LTC Mike Sloane, Product Manager Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment, presiding over the reenlistment of a Soldier who took part in the camo study. COL Cole of PEO-Soldier commented that this is probably the first reenlistment in history of a Soldier in the All-Over Desert Brush pattern. Desert All Over Brush was one of the patterns used in the data collection effort and will be evaluated as part of this project.

Camo Test Units Revealed

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Our friends over at Defense Tech spoke with COL Cole, Program manager for Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment at PEO-Soldier and he revealed the units who will be involved in testing of Crye’s MultiCam and the Army developed UCP-Delta as possible supplemental camouflage patterns.

The unit sporting UCP-Delta is the 3d Squadron of the 61st Cavalry of the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and they have already received their test equipment. The 2d Battalion, 12th Infantry of the 2d Brigade Combat Team, 2d Infantry Division will soon be receiving their complement of MultiCam. Both bat­tal­ions currently oper­ate in Afghanistan’s east­ern Kunar province. Each Soldier involved in testing will receive four uniforms and associated individual equipment in the respective test pattern in addition to a standard RFI issue.