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Archive for the ‘SERE’ Category

S.O.Tech Releases Expanding SERE Pack Redux

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

I remember when the original Expanding SERE Pack was added to the S.O.Tech line way back in in 2001. S.O.Tech has updated the ESB a few times over the years and now they’ve changed the material for a new version available for pre-order.


The PALS-compatible Expanding SERE pack was designed by a SERE instructor to provide a simple pouch for survival kit and medical kit that can expand to a day pack size during evasion to carry foraged items (edible plants, road kill, firewood, etc). But, with the advent of Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) raids, this pouch gained an additional mission. The pocket is great for SSE kit items like rubber gloves and marking tags while the pack provides a comfortable way to transport evidence back to base camp. And, troops on R&R found a third use as a travel pouch which can slide over a belt to hold a camera, phone and passport but can expand to transport souvenirs and food bought in the local market.

Product Specs:
Weight – 12oz
Water Resistant
Material – 200D Theta (MultiCam)
Warranty – Lifetime


SO Tech to Revise Expanding SERE Pack

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

SO Tech’s original ESP (expanding SERE pack) was originally released back around 2001. Things have changed though, notice the slots for the ALICE clips!


They’ve been messing around with some designs and different fabrics and tell us they almost have it locked in.


Train With ‘Dual Survival’s’ Joe Teti at Legion OTG

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

Legion Operator Training Group has announced that Joe Teti, co-host of the Discovery Channel hit TV series “Dual Survival”, will be a guest instructor at the Legion Weekend Warrior Survival Course in May.

Weekend Warrior Course


Darley GRF Expo – Rite Rescue

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

Rite Rescue was founded by three New City Firefighters and offers the coolest litter system I’ve seen in years. In fact, calling it a litter system would be under describing what it does. This modular system integrates two systems in one. The harness can be swapped between a hard plastic sled-type stretcher (Tactical) or a soft stretcher (Assault).


Additionally, the RAP (Remove and Protect) can instantly be hoisted thanks to the harness system as integrates an inflation system that immobilizes the patent’s head, neck and spine. These stretchers are currently the only ones on the market that are UL tested to the NFPA 1983 standards.


FastFire SUMA Pro Survival Kit

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

You may have run across the name SOLKOA, a company which specializes in SERE training and products. The thing about SOLKOA is that they concentrate on Government clients. But a few years ago they launched FastFire to transition their kit to the commercial customer. I’m a huge fan of everything they do, but the SUMA container is top notch. In this case, the contents of the kit are packed in the SUMA container.


The FastFire SUMA Pro Survival Kit is a professional grade survival kit previously only available to government clients through SOLKOA but now offered through the commercial side, FastFire. The kit comes in an outer box containing a packed SUMA Container, Emergency Blanket, and two individually packaged FastFire cubes.

The packed SUMA Container includes the following:
– (1) Compact multitool wrapped in a section of inner-tube to suppress noise from rattling
– (1) 3.5″ Carbon steel hack saw blade
– (1) LED Coin type light with lanyard
– (1) P-38 Can opener
– (1) Ferro rod
– (1) Signalling whistle
– (1) Signalling mirror with reflective tape
– (1) Magnifying lens
– (1) Compass, oil filled coin type
– (1) Baggie, zip type
– (1) Pill bottle, amber
– (1) Wire, 24″ length
– (10) Matches, NATO type with striker (individually wrapped)
– (4) Tinder, Cotton wool type (individually wrapped)
– (2) Safety pins, Small
– (2) Safety pins, Medium
– (6) Water purification tablets
– (1) Roll of high strength braided line
– (1) fishing kit, assorted weights, hooks, and float
– (1) Tape, Duct type 2″x24″ tan
– (1) Needle, sewing type with cover
– (1) Pad, clean medical type appr. 2″x2″ (individually packaged)
– (1) Triple antibiotic ointment, 0.5g packet
– (1) Pencil with attached eraser
– (5) Weather resistant paper


Key Word Survival

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013


S – Size Up the Situation
U – Use All Your Senses, Undue Haste Makes Waste
R – Remember Where You Are
V – Vanquish Fear and Panic
I – Improvise
V – Value Living
A – Act Like the Natives
L – Live by Your Wits, But for Now, Learn Basic Skills

US Army Field Manual 21-76, “Survival”

Forces Focus – USAF Special Tactics

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

Survival Tips from Mountain Shepherd Wilderness Survival School

Sunday, February 17th, 2013


Founded by a couple of retired USAF SERE Instructors, Mountain Shepherd Wilderness Survival School regularly offers these really cool survival tips on their Facebook page. ‘Like’ them and collect them all.