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Archive for the ‘Sustainment’ Category

Sleep Systems ADS

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

In conjunction with Bluewater Defense ADS offers three Berry compliant Sleep Systems; the Three-in-One Sleep System, the Three Season Sleep System, and our personal favorite the Combat Mobility Sleep System.

While the video does an excellent job of giving an overview of the bags, we thought we should point out a few things. The options available not only meet differing price points, but are designed for different applications, whether for use in a FOB or on an isolated mountain patrol.

Be sure to attend the ADS Warrior Expo July 15 & 16 at the Virginia Beach Civic Center and check them out or visit www.ADSinc.com/sleepsystems.

Travel in Style

Monday, June 14th, 2010

The new Special Forces Travel Set from Paladin Designs combines 4 S.O. Tech designed products into one modular kit to meet any of your luggage needs. Additional accessories can be combined with the basic set to increase the flexibility of the system. The integrated nature of the SFTS allows you to hit the ground running by building out “plug and play” mission specific modules. This brochure goes into great detail to demonstrate how the SFTS can work for you no matter if you are deploying to a war zone or heading for a weekend at the beach.

Paladin’s Special Forces Travel Set


NEMO Sleeping Pad and Pillow

Friday, April 30th, 2010

It turns out that NEMO is about more than just cool shelters with AirSupported Technology. They are all about the entire sleeping experience. In fact, their Fillo pillow and Cosmo sleeping pad are simply awesome.

The Fillo stuffs smaller than a 1 liter water bottle yet relies on a combination of a 3″ thick inflatable cell with engineered baffles and 1″ of memory foam to provide adjustable height and comfort. What’s more, the Fillo features an elastic cord laced along the back to attach an extra piece of clothing for additional height. The cover is made of a velvety-soft (literally) washable microfiber fabric with an integrated stuff sack. It’s light enough to at least take to the ISB at about 5 oz without the memory foam and just over 10 oz with it inserted.

The Cosmo is a horizontally baffled sleeping pad that is 3″ thick when inflated and 76″ long x 25″ wide. Take a look at the photo and notice that Gray bit at the bottom of the pad? That is a built-in foot pump to make setting up that much easier. The Cosmo can be combined with a Pillowtop to create the combo. The Pillowtop is a memory foam cover with a comfy microfiber outer that makes the whole she-bang 4″ thick!

NEMO Equipment - Pillow and Pad

On both products the microfiber covers feel like chamois and come in earth tones as you can see in the photo. I was able to give them a whirl at OR Winter market and I can say that they are certainly comfy. It’s like laying on a bed. You can see all of NEMO Equipment’s products online or visit the ADS Warrior Expo next week to see them in person.

Cooling Vest from Mustang Survival

Friday, March 12th, 2010

Mustang Survival, manufacturer of survival and dry suits has introduced the ECV-100, a new evaporative cooling vest. Currently under evaluation by US Navy’s NAVAIR for use by maintenance crews, the vest was on display at the NAVEXFOR expo in Virgina Beach held earlier this month. The vest is manufactured from a WL Gore fabric that allows water contained in a continuous tube formed in the fabric to slowly evaporate through the material. It attaches to a standard hydration bladder for a water supply. It really works, as soon as I felt the vest my hand immediately cooled. In a hot dry environment it would feel great. Additionally, it was very lightweight weighing a scant 25 ounces when full.

Mustang Survival Evaporative Cooling Vest

The display sample was a combination of orange and black but the government test article is all black. However, any color(s) can be produced and it can be worn under or over outer clothing so it could very well serve as a safety item or tactical equipment.

Mustang Survival

Aquamira Sports Bottle Filter

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Aquamira FilterMcNett outdoors is offering a new version of their Aquamira Frontier Pro water purification filters that fits popular sports bottles. The Aquamira line consists of numerous products capture 99.9% of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and other pathogens. Since it’s a filter, it keeps you from ingesting foreign objects that standard tablets won’t catch. Additionally, you won’t get that iodine taste so you’ll be inclined to drink more. Each filter is designed to filter 50 gallons of water.

McNett offers an entire line of tactical accessories at www.mcnett-tactical.com.

Field Gourmet – Condiments

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

So you think you’re a real chef with the ingredients of an MRE? Maybe you have a zip-loc bagful of fast food condiments you use to zest up your creations. Well how would you like to take it to the next level? Packit Gourmet carries a veritable grocery list of eats for the trail but their condiments larder is amazing. If you’re interested in individualized packets of A1 sauce, they got it. Balsamic vinegar? check. They’ve got packets of common and not so common name brand condiments and have even put together kits of some of the most popular items. Condiments and more are available online at www.packitgourmet.com.

Haitian Response Equipment ADS Tactical

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

ADS Haiti CatalogI realize the initial surge is over but troops, aid workers, and security professionals continue to pour into earthquake stricken Haiti. ADS has compiled an online catalog of products suited for those responding to that devastated nation. They run the gamut from shelters to generators and medical kits to tools. It is not only a great resource for those deploying to Operation Unified Response but can serve as a tool for anyone planning for humanitarian, rescue, or security operations.

To view the catalog visit www.adsinc.com/haiti.


Monday, February 15th, 2010

Jakpak is a modular 3-season sleeping and shelter system consisting of a jacket, shelter, and sleeping bag. While slightly bulky in this configuration, all three components can be stored inside the jacket and quickly deployed for use.

Jakpak ComponentsJacket
The hooded jacket is a simple affair manufactured from an unspecified 2-layer waterproof breathable fabric and features pit zips as well two exterior and one interior pockets. The integrated hood has a visor and pull tabs to keep foul weather out.

The detachable hooped tent uses two metal rods and covers the head and upper torso. The tent can also be used as a pack cover.

Sleeping Bag
The sleeping bag component is actually of elephant foot design and mates to the jacket via a #5 coil zipper along the rear of the mouth. Additionally, there is an angle two way zipper to facilitate entry and exit. It also allows you to fully expose the feet in order to walk around. While the bags looks to be roomy, there is also elastic at the mouth in order to keep it snug if needed and built in suspenders help support the weight. The bottom of the bag is waterproof and the top is made from an unspecified waterproof breathable fabric.

Jakpak - How it works

Jakpak is currently available in subdued two-tone Green shades, Black and Grey, as well as RealTree and a HiViz option for survival use. The mosquito net is Black but looks a dark Grey due to the mesh letting light through. Additionally, since it is based primarily on a jacket, Jakpak is sized XS (34-36) – XL (46-48).

For more info visit www.jakpak.com.