We take the subject of counterfeit equipment making its way into the supply chain very seriously. When we found out counterfeit Massif FR garments had started popping up, we knew we needed to put the word out.
Like most counterfeits they are pretty good and will fool you at first glance. These garments were manufactured and labeled to appear to be authentic Massif Flame Resistant clothing, but they are not. So far, we haven’t seen any show up on the backs of service members and we want to see it stay that way because these garments are likely NOT FLAME RESISTANT. That could end up being a real tragedy.
We’ve received this alert from Massif.
We are concerned for the safety of our soldiers and want to spread the word.
Any Massif branded jacket or trouser labeled with content “65% Polyester 35% Cotton” is NOT a Massif FREE garment. This is a counterfeit.
Visit www.massif.com/news for photos of the counterfeit label.
In addition, if any Massif garment does NOT include a Garment ID#, please contact Massif so we can investigate accordingly.
Massif takes pride in the protective nature of our garments. We control all flame resistant inventory carefully and can assure you the counterfeit garments did not come from within our Supply Chain.
We warrant and guarantee Massif gear purchased directly or through authorized dealers (www.massif.com/about/authorized-dealers)
If you need FR protection, don’t try to save a buck and cut corners by buying it from an unauthorized source. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.