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Posts Tagged ‘ESS’

ESS Offices Threatened By Wildfires

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Wildfires are threatening several counties in Idaho including the home of ESS. In spite of an evacuation notice, ESS will continue to support their customers as much as possible. If you try to contact the company’s main phone number you may get this message. However, employees may reach out via email or cell phones as possible.

Thank you for calling ESS. Our office is currently closed due to local Idaho wildfires burning near Sun Valley. Evacuation notices have affected our location, and we will re-open the office once those notices allow for our employees’ safe return to work. Thank you for your patience, and please check our web site www.esseyepro.com for status updates about our office closure.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the ESS family and all of the residents of Idaho affected by these fires. Additionally, we hope that no firemen or other responders are injured while dealing with this crisis.

Defensor Fortis Modular Helmet System

Monday, May 6th, 2013

Air Force Security Forces…

Want an NVG Mount that actually stays put?

Want a RAIL System for helmet mounted lights, or helmet mounted cameras to document training or actual operations from Airman “Point of View” for AARs?

Want a better, adjustable, more comfortable helmet retention?

Want your goggles to stay put on your helmet?

Here’s your solution! It will completely modernize your existing ACH-style helmets.

Defensor Fortis Modular Helmet System from ADS

You now have the ability to add these items/capability to your currently fielded MICH/ACH helmets. No need to buy new helmets. This system adapts to what you’ve already invested in. It includes an integrated helmet cover with rails and VAS shroud from Gentex/Ops-Core along with a Charge Pro MPLS light from Princeton Tec and a set of ESS Pivot Profile Goggles which are designed to work in concert with the Ops-Core ARC Rail. The whole kit and caboodle is topped off with the Team Wendy Cam-Fit Retention System with Boa Fit Constrictor for custom fit.

The Defensor Fortis Modular Helmet System is available through ADS Inc.

ESS Laser Protective Lens

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

ESS has introduced Laser Protective Lenses which not only provide protection from laser threats but also the same ballistic and UV protections found in all ESS glasses.


LPLs are created by impregnating dyes into ESS’ high-grade polycarbonate during the injection molding process. Each dye absorbs a specific light frequency, producing a colored lens capable of blocking the concentrated light emitted from laser devices at the specified nanometer wavelength(s) and optical density (OD).

To learn more, visit www.adsinc.com/blog/products/reduce-laser-related-injuries-with-ess-laser-protective-lenses-lpl.

Win ESS Crossbow Suppressor Sunglasses from Amron

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Yesterday Amron launched their 4th of July week giveaway, exclusively for Soldier Systems readers. Thank you to everyone who entered. We have four great prizes that need to find homes starting with Tuesday’s prize, ESS Crossbow Suppressor Sunglasses.

Visit www.amronintl.com/celebrate_the_fourth to register. Remember you must register each day for a chance to win that day’s prize.

Amron Brand of the Month – ESS

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

During June, Amron is teaming with ESS to offer 26% off all ESS products on purchases made through the Amron website.

Amron has a full line of ESS eyewear, goggles, lenses and accessories that you can choose from to suit your needs. To check out what is available, visit Amron’s ESS brand page at www.amronintl.com/ess

Palin Wears ESS ADS Tactical

Friday, November 12th, 2010

ESS shared a couple of promotional photos with us of Sarah Palin’s upcoming show ‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska’. She is wearing the ESS ICE NARO. Expect to see these photos EVERYWHERE this weekend including USA Today as well as numerous foreign publications.

Photographs: Gilles Mingasson/Getty Images

You can follow ESS on Facebook at www.facebook.com/esseyepro. If your agency is interested in ESS check out ADS.