SOF Week Registration Is Open

Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

S&S Precision’s ‘Name That Picture’ Contest on Facebook

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

“NAME that Picture” is now open! Show us your “Skills” for a chance to WIN flare and apparel from S&S Precision.

S-and-S Contest

Visit and follow the directions.

ADS Inc Hit 6000 Likes on Facebook – Celebrate and Win a Camelbak in US4CES Camo

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

ADS Inc has just surpassed 6000 Likes on Facebook. To celebrate, we asked ADS to let us giveaway a Camelbak Urban Assault Pack in US4CES OCIE pattern. You can be one of the first to own a pack in this sought after pattern.

Since we’re celebrating Facebook ‘Likes’ we’re going to run the contest on Facebook. To win, you’ll need to start by giving both ADS Inc and SSD a ‘Like’. Then, you’ll need to comment on explaining that SSD sent you and which US4CES pattern you like and why. For example, “SSD sent me here, I like US4CES OCIE Pattern because I like how it blends with all of the other patterns (btw, if we see that statement cut and pasted word for word, you won’t win). The comment should focus on which US4CES pattern is your favorite and why.

On Sunday 25 November at 2359Z we’ll randomly select a winner from the entries on the ADS Inc Facebook wall. The winning entry must meet all of the requirements. The winner will be contacted via private message and has 24 hours to follow up with shipping address. Failure to follow up within 24 hours will result in forfeiture of prize. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

Show Silynx Your Kit and Win!

Friday, October 26th, 2012

Enter the Silynx gear photo contest…the image with the most “likes” on their FACEBOOK page wins!

How to Play: Email them your photo of your Silynx gear to from Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2012. Photos will be posted in an album on the Silynx Facebook page on Nov. 5, 2012. Users will vote by “LIKING” images Nov. 5-9, 2012.

Rules of Engagement: KEEP OPSEC IN MIND—ANY IMAGES WITH PERCEIVED VIOLATIONS WILL NOT BE POSTED. By participating in this contest, you agree not to submit any images that are unlawful, defamatory, or invasive of another person’s right of privacy or right of publicity. Silynx shall not be liable in any way for such images. Silynx will also insure that all images are properly distorted to prevent identification of units, operators, or location. Any image that Silynx considers inappropriate or unsuitable for publication will be deemed ineligible for participation. By participating in this contest, you hereby grant Silynx the right to edit, publish, use, adapt, and/or modify any image you submit and retain rights to images.

Additional information regarding “Unlimited Personal Release Agreement” can be found here:

Winners will be announced Monday, Nov. 12, 2012.

USTS 4th of July FB Picture & Video Contest

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

Post your Picture on US Tactical Supply’s Facebook page OR E-Mail them a picture of your personal favorite 2nd Amendment Firearm or Just Setting off your Fireworks celebrating our Declaration of Independence in 1776!! – Last Year’s pictures or older are acceptable!

Picture (keep it clean please) with the Most “Likes” Wins!! So the sooner you get your picture posted the better!!
(prior winning pictures are excluded)

Contest open to U.S. Residents and Shipping to U.S. addresses only. Contest Ends 7-9-2012

Winner gets a $150 gift certificate

Stars, Stripes and Blue Towels Contest from Outgo

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

July 4th is coming up and to help celebrate 236 years of Independence, we’ve launched a photo contest with Outgo. Show your Patriotism and submit an original patriotic photo now through July 22 for a chance to win one of ten Outgo Field Kits. The kits include a Soldier Systems logoed Microfiber Towel, Z-Mask & more. All-in-all, over $500 in prizes. Enter today at or Winners will be announced on July 12.

RMJ Tactical Is Now on Facebook

Monday, June 18th, 2012

RMJ Tactical is now on Facebook. They manufacture a variety of tomahawks like the 37 Kestrel seen above. ‘Like’ them at

Follow Breach Bang Clear on Facebook

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Our friends, the Mad Duo now have a Facebook Page. Follow them at and

McMillan Takes BoA to the Woodshed

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

I’d venture to say that anyone who ever got stuck using a government travel card issued by Bank of America has a few choice words for them. But now, firearm manufacturer McMillan Group International has an even better reason for you to consider any relationship you might have with Bank of America. The following was posted on their Facebook wall on Friday and went viral over the weekend.

McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years. Today Mr. Ray Fox, Senior Vice President, Market Manager, Business Banking, Global Commercial Banking came to my office. He scheduled the meeting as an “account analysis” meeting in order to evaluate the two lines of credit we have with them. He spent 5 minutes talking about how McMillan has changed in the last 5 years and have become more of a firearms manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.
At this point I interrupted him and asked “Can I possible save you some time so that you don’t waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer what my business.”
“That is correct” he says.
I replied “That is okay, we will move our accounts as soon as possible. We can find a 2nd Amendment friendly bank that will be glad to have our business. You won’t mind if I tell the NRA, SCI and everyone one I know that BofA is not firearms industry friendly?”
“You have to do what you must” he said.
“So you are telling me this is a politically motivated decision, is that right?”
Mr Fox confirmed that it was. At which point I told him that the meeting was over and there was nothing let for him to say.

I think it is import for all Americans who believe in and support our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms should know when a business does not support these rights. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. When I don’t agree with a business’ political position I can not in good conscience support them. We will soon no longer be accepting Bank of America credit cards as payment for our products.

Kelly D McMillan
Director of Operations
McMillan Group International, LLC

SSD would like to echo the sentiments above. If you value the second amendment, strongly consider what companies you do business with, especially banks.