Back in June we mentioned the imminent opening of the Blackwater Pro Shop in Fayetteville, NC. Finally, there was a place where we could replace those worn out Blackwater T-shirts, but alas, no more. Cut down in its infancy, the Fayetteville Blackwater Pro Shop is closed. This week, while we were in town for SOFEX, we decided to drive by the Pro Shop and follow up on a tip we had received that the shop had closed its doors. Sure enough; out of business. Well, it was a good run, that is if you consider three months good. We always thought we’d stop by on our next visit. Hopefully someone local will buy the place which features an indoor range.
In early October, employees cleaned the place out. They even took down the sign. It looks like the Grinch came through the place. Poor Cindy Lou Who.
Thanks to Grey Group for the photos.