TYR Tactical

Archive for January, 2011

SKD Announces Special Offer on Mayflower’s Assault Plate Carrier

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

SKD has announced a great deal on the recently released Assault Panel Carrier (APC) from Mayflower Research and Consulting. For the next two weeks, SKD will offer the APC for $195 after which the price will rise to $210. As with all Mayflower products, the APC is designed based on real-world experience.

The upper front of the APC contains an integral admin pouch with internal elastic loops to retain pens, pencils, chemlites or similar items. Additionally, the front lower half of the APC has an integrated pouch sized to hold up to three M4 sized magazines. The shoulder pads are 3D mesh for comfort and feature a Velcro routing channel for cable and drinking tubes.

The APC is supplied with Mayflower’s standard PALS compatible cummerbund designed to accept 6″x 6″ hard armor plates or side soft armor. What makes the APC really interesting is that it is also compatible with Mayflower’s suite of modular cummerbunds. The APC is available in two sizes; S/M and L/XL with three cummerbund options. The S/M is available with either a small or medium cummerbund while the L/XL is available with either a medium or large cummerbund. The plate pockets are sized to accommodate stand alone or in-conjunction BALCs/ESAPI or Swimmer cut plates. The S/M APC will fit small, medium and 10″x12″ sized plates. The L/XL APC will fit large and extra-large plates. So, these options give the wearer a great deal of customization in regard to sizing.

Berry compliant and made from 500D Cordura, the APC is available in Black, Coyote, and MultiCam. To order, visit www.skdtac.com. Be sure to check out Military Morons’ review of the APC.

Mil-Spec Monkey Releases New Designs

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Mil-Spec Monkey has just updated his website with a couple of new patch designs including pinups from Martin Abel and Bawidamann. Naturally, the Monkey has also added a PVC version of the famous Monkey Head.

Check them out at milspecmonkey.com/store.

Ops-Core Releases New Helmet at SHOT Show

Monday, January 10th, 2011

Ops-Core will be releasing a new helmet called the Sentry ACH. Based on the popular FAST ballistic helmet, the shape is a little different and designed to improve hearing attenuation. And, while it provides the same level of protection and coverage as an ACH, it is a full half pound lighter due to its composite construction. Visit them in booth #8111 which is adjacent to Crye Precision to learn more.


Tyr Tactical’s New Video Blog

Monday, January 10th, 2011

Tyr Tactical founder Jason Beck introduces their new lightweight PICO plate carrier. There are three different versions of the PICO based on the type of plate used. It is made from their PV material which helps mitigate weight. Additionally, you can get the PICO with two different face variations including slick or admin meaning you can choose one of six variants by choosing plate and face style. Finally, the PICO is available with a whole mess of accessories. Check it all out at SHOT Show booth #8008.


Marine Corps Bn Infantry Ops Support Kit

Monday, January 10th, 2011

This is kind of a move toward anti-digitization but the guys at THULS are hardly Luddites. Their products provide personnel with rewritable checklists. As you can see, the new Bn Infantry Ops Support (BIOS) Kit was developed specifically for the Marine Corps but it is component based so it can be tailored with a mix of existing products or newly created cards for special requirements. As we previously wrote, these preprinted cards are laminated allowing you to fill in information with a nonpermanent marker and reuse them over and over.

They have fully formalized a Marine Corps BIOS with over 9000 individual items of 12 products going into a full kit for a Battalion. THULS conducted a trial run last week on Camp Pendleton by dropping in, unannounced, and showing a high res binder of the information below. Interest was very high.

They are currently printing the products for a February availability. The official launch will be at Marine West, the week after the SHOT Show.

Thuls Bios Kit


Vertx at SHOT Show

Monday, January 10th, 2011

We have seen several of the new developmental products in the works at Vertx over the course of the year and you will finally get to see them as well at SHOT Show. We can tell you, impressive all. They are definitely not doing what everyone else is. Visit booth #10525 to check out their new OA Duty Uniform featuring a Vertx pant fit and construction paired with a Gunfighter top fit with professional duty wear appearance.

They will also have their Gunfighter tops on hand so you can see what you have been missing. As always there will also be a few surprises thrown in for good measure. Additionally, Vertx will feature their clothing displayed with Mayflower and Velocity Systems products.

And oh, did we mention beer? Each day at 4:00 Vertx will tap the first of three Kegs. Last year, their booth was so packed that they emptied two kegs in under 45 minutes.


Meet UFC Champion Randy Couture at the CTC Defense Booth

Monday, January 10th, 2011

If you are heading to SHOT show and happen to be a Mixed Martial Arts fan then make sure you swing by CTC Defense’s booth #16733. They will be hosting MMA legend, actor and shooter Randy Couture at their booth on Wednesday, January 19 beginning at 2:30pm. Dale Suzuki, director of military sales for CTC Defense will be introducing Mr. Couture who will be on hand to sign autographs in support of Camp Patriot, whose mission is to take disable veterans on outdoor adventures. “We’re excited to have Randy help out one of our favorite charities,” said Suzuki. “As a veteran himself, he knows the sacrifices our troops make every day and this is a great way for us to give back to our armed forces. We hope SHOT show attendees will stop by for a beer and chat with one of the World’s greatest martial artists ” Randy Couture is a five-time UFC champion and member of the UFC Hall of Fame, with an extensive film and TV career recently appearing in The Expendables alongside Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham. Camp Patriot is non-profit 501(c) 3 Corporation that exists to take disabled veterans on a wide range of outdoor adventures such as shooting, mountaineering, skiing and water sports.


CES Report

Monday, January 10th, 2011

SSD was lucky enough to have a correspondent on the floor of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas! Here is his report.

The state of the industry – at least as it relates to Electronics – is well, BOOMING –

At the CES, (Consumer Electronics Show) which is managed by the CEA, (Consumer Electronics Association) you would be hard pressed to believe there is any recession or downturn in the economy right now, or at least here in the Las Vegas Convention Center next to the Hilton in Las Vegas where the CES is in Full Swing!

Thursday morning when the doors officially opened the HORDE, and I do mean HORDE, of people flooded the floors of the convention center. For the first day the aisles throughout the whole convention center were literally jammed with people eagerly checking out the Newest, Latest and Greatest, or Upgrades from last years Latest and Greatest in Electronics. Yes, the whole convention center is filled with Electronics – for the Home, Car, Workplace, and most importantly People on the Go! Everything from Stereos, Home Audio, Televisions – Hold the phone there Soldier Systems. Yes, I said Televisions and I mean there are some OMG Televisions on display at this event for sure and for certain! Shape, Size, Definition, Sound, etc…the quality of televisions on display and the sheer numbers are staggering! Yes, absolutely Staggering!

There is one of the most unique sections of displays I have ever seen, which is dedicated to the i – anything and everything i – it is called the iPavillion – Where you find things like the iRadar, iGrill, iGear, iMic, etc…anything whether it’s an accessory for your iproduct, like an iPad power-booster, iPod speakers, iPhone covers/jackets/power-packs/guards/iLinks & LOKSAK can all be found here in the iPavillion.

I understand this has been quite a successful venue in the past, but it has only been open to the Industry. Distributors, Dealers, Buyers, Manufacturers, Vendors, etc…However, this year a select number of Visitor’s were offered the chance to wander the endless halls of Electronics. Let me just say, that this show is AWESOME!

I have had the chance to speak with a few of the really unique vendor’s about their products which I feel the readers of Soldier Systems may benefit from, which I will provide a more in depth review and assessment of later – But for now, CES is calling and I feel the tug of the show beckoning me to get back to Day Three of a Four Day show of everything Electronics. Let me just close with this – If I had all four days dedicated to visit this event, I could not see everything they have on display!