GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for May, 2011

Panteao Productions to Sponsor Miami Vice Themed Side Match at the Carolina Cup

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Join the Panteao Gun Team June 16-18 in Oxford, NC at the IDPA Carolina Cup as they pay homage to a television show enjoyed by many shooters…Miami Vice. Panteao Productions, along with Colt and Winchester, are hosting a side match called Calderone’s Return – The Hit List. In this scenario, you are the Argentinean hit man from the fourth episode of season one of Miami Vice called “Calderone’s Return”. In this famous scene, the hit man (played by Jim Zubiena) takes out a drug dealer inside of a limo with a shotgun; then faces a bodyguard he didn’t count on. From the surrender position, he quickly dispatched the drug dealer’s bodyguard with a Mozambique drill, then calmly drops the magazine out of his 1911, empties the chamber, and places the gun on top of the bodyguard as he walks away. Classic scene!

Think you’ve got what it takes to take your shot at being the Hit Man? You’ll be facing a target 10 yards away and you’ll have to drill it with two rounds to the body and one to the head using a Colt 1911.

While at the Carolina Cup if you happen to spot a match participant that looks a lot like Detective Stan Switek from Miami Vice, it’s because it is Switek. Actor and IDPA and NRA member Michael Talbott will be shooting the match with the Panteao Gun Team on Friday and Saturday.

The Panteao Productions filming crew will be filming portions of the clinic for the upcoming documentary on the Carolina Cup. More information about the Carolina Cup can be found here: www.the-carolinacup.com

Don’t Forget to Enter to Win a “Join or Die” T-Shirt

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Be the first to wear one of the new American Heritage T-shirts, a cooperative project between Tactical Distributors and Soldier Systems Daily. You can win your own by participating in TD’s giveaway.

To enter, like this post on Facebook. TD will be giving away two shirts on Monday.


Camo Truck

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

This is PA-KO’s brand new MAN prime mover. PA-KO is SPECOPS.pl’s distributor as well as a licensed weapons dealer. As you can see it’s covered in the WARG 5PL camo pattern developed especially for this vehicle by an Australian company, ROGGENWOLF.

The pattern is individually developed for each vehicle and takes into account the vehicle size and the distance at which the camo effect is to be achieved. In this way you can “program” the pattern to suit specific needs.

The paintwork on the truck was applied with a glossy finish for practical reasons, as this is a commercial vehicle and will be traveling all across Europe. However, in the development are military vehicles, including tanks, and they will have a matte finish and will undergo field trials. Consider, this MAN truck a technology demonstrator.


Magpul iPhone 4 Cases Now Fit Verizon & AT&T

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

iPhone 4 Executive Cases are now compatible with Verizon Wireless as well as AT&T Wireless iPhone 4 models. Magpul also widened the area around the flash to ensure better photographs. Gotta love it when a great product just gets better.


Disney Trademarks “SEAL Team 6”

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

No kidding, it sounds like an internet hoax but on 3 May, 2011 The Walt Disney Company filed three separate trademark applications (see below) for the term “Seal Team 6” covering clothing, footwear, headwear, toys, games and entertainment and education services. There are a few other baubles thrown in such as “gymnastic and sporting articles (except clothing); hand-held units for playing electronic games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; Christmas stockings; Christmas tree ornaments and decorations; snow globes”.

In 2004, Novalogic had applied for a trademark for the term for use with games and action figures but abandoned the effort in 2006. Who knows, maybe they were visited in the middle of the night by black helicopters.

I can’t for the life of me figure out how you trademark a historical term that is decades old. While I am completely dismayed at the intellectual simplicity of the financial and entertainment industries (money, money, money), I find it hard to believe that they didn’t conduct a simple search of eBay which offers literally pages and pages of geedunk slathered with the term “SEAL Team 6”.

Overall, this feels like a really crappy move from a company that supported America’s war effort during WW II producing logos and insignia for a wide variety of units. Although I have to admit, Disney might be on to something with the snow globes.

S.O.TECH Mourns the Loss of Inspirational Marine Corps Vet and Re-usable Bag Designer

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

Marine Corps veteran William Hansen, first started with S.O.TECH as a sewing machine operator for the Green Vets LA program. Bill not only motivated his teammates but eventually stood in front of CEO’s and program coordinators in a sharp suit handing printouts of his marketing plan that he had recently created. He offered a great proposal, but everyone in the room felt excited for a bigger reason – Bill’s leadership.

The Green Vets project started out with six patients and a desire to help those who served and sacrificed for their community. Bill having been both inspired by the program, and having motivated his teammates, set his sights on spreading the word in the community by marketing the green initiative. Stricken with pancreatic cancer, Bill withdrew from the initiative so he could focus his strength on defeating his illness. Guided by his vision, the crew of veterans proceeded and is now making thousands of reusable bags. Like any military squad, the Green Vets team has supported Bill in the hospital.

Bill received the news from his hospital bed about the success Heal the Bay had been having in getting local municipalities to ban plastic bags. He heard about the bags he had envisioned now being offered by Heal the Bay to its most important donors. A conversation Bill and I had in his hospital room during his cancer treatments speaks volumes about his ongoing courage and strength. At a moment when most people would lament their fate and complain about their struggles
with pain, Bill set forth his plan to beat the illness. He would get back to Green Vets LA, and re-start his marketing plan with the Santa Monica Bag Ban and Heal the Bay’s campaign.

Bill is survived by his wife Carla, his son Cody, and his step children Jamal, Yasmin, and Ayja.

-Jim Cragg

Adcor Defense to Offer BEAR as Improved Carbine Contender

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

Adcor Defense has announced that they plan to offer their piston driven Brown Enhanced Automatic Rifle (BEAR) as a candidate for the upcoming US Army Improved Carbine solicitation anticipated to be released late this month. Unlike other Stoner-style piston rifles, the BEAR’s piston is permanently attached to the bolt carrier.

“The Adcor Defense BEAR combines a new piston system with an exclusive ejection port dust wiper with cover, an ambidextrous forward-placed charging handle/forward-placed assist, and a new key-locked, highly rigid rail system,” said Jimmy Stavrakis, president of Adcor Defense Inc. “More importantly, this innovative design will increase reliability and eliminate the soldier’s most common cause of weapon failure — jamming due to operation in harsh, dirty environments.”

The fixed piston isn’t the only innovation found on the BEAR’s bolt carrier. In order to mitigate stoppages caused by dust and other debris entering the chamber, Adcor has developed a patented spring-loaded dust cover mounted on the bolt carrier. Each time the weapon fires and the weapon goes into battery, the dust cover moves into the ejection port opening, flush with the outside geometry of the carbine.

Interestingly, the BEAR also integrates an ambidextrous (user configurable) forward charging handle into the rail system. And imagine this, it’s non-reciprocating. Additionally, the barrel is free floated.


Win a “Join or Die” T-Shirt from Tactical Distributors

Friday, May 13th, 2011

Yesterday, we released the first of the new American Heritage T-shirts, a cooperative project between Tactical Distributors and Soldier Systems Daily. You can win your own by participating in TD’s giveaway.

To enter, like this post on Facebook. TD will be giving away two shirts on Monday.
